Vai alla Scheda Paese »There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.
— John Fitzgerald Kennedy
There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.
— John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Move comes as Washington and Beijing try to get trade negotiations back on track
The Kenyan drug lord rose in court and apologised for violating the US law.
05RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Environment Minister Ricardo Salles is negotiating a US$500 million (R$2 billion) loan with the New Development Bank (NDB) to be transferred to the country's municipal governments for sanitation, waste treatment, and renewable energy. The investment should happen early next year. "The task now is to ...
Depois de ter dado trégua ontem (15), a moeda norte-americana voltou a subir e a superar a barreira dos R$ 4. O dólar comercial encerrou esta sexta-feira (16) vendido a R$ 4,004, com leve valorização de 0,34%. A divisa encerrou a semana com alta de 1,57%. No mercado de ações, o ...
Justice department claims oil shipment is part of sales scheme to finance Tehran’s military
Trade tensions between the United States and China and a weakening yuan are boosting demand for cryptocurrencies among Chinese investors, market players from Asia to ...
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - "The government does not fear the US Dollar above R$4 because Brazil has good fundamentals," said Brazil's Minister of Economy, Paulo Guedes, on Thursday, 15, emphasizing that the devaluation of the Real may contribute to the reindustrialization of some sectors, such as textiles, footwear, and ...
Il Giappone supera la Cina e diventa il maggiore creditore estero degli Stati Uniti. Un sorpasso che potrebbe segnalare l'intensificarsi della guerra commerciale fra Washington e Pechino. E che...
Leaders of JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup and Bank of America briefed president on economy
Os bancos poderão oferecer crédito imobiliário corrigido pela inflação. O Conselho Monetário Nacional (CMN) aprovou resolução que permite que novos financiamentos do Sistema Financeiro da Habitação (SFH) tenham o saldo devedor atualizado por índices de preços. A resolução foi aprovada na reunião extraordinária do CMN na manhã de quarta-feira (14), mas ...
Stock futures were up, suggesting that a rocky week could end on an upbeat note despite persistent worries about the American economy and the trade war between Washington and Beijing.
(Teleborsa) - Continua la questione riguardante i dazi fra Cina e USA. Dopo l'annuncio di Donald Trump riguardante un aumento dei dazi sulle importazioni cinesi già dal primo Settembre, Pechino ha...
US president expects phone call with Xi Jinping ‘soon’
S&P Ratings says it is on ‘high alert’ over US economy as recession odds increase
Businesses count the cost of falling visitor numbers as trade war bites
The US-Asean Business Council, an advocacy group that aims to foster economic growth and trade ties between the two regions, is calling for the Thai government to join the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) and speed up its talks on joining the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP).
Potrebbe essere battezzato l'asse della paura. Corre dagli Stati Uniti alla Cina, dalla Gran Bretagna all'Argentina, dalla Germania fino all'Italia. Un asse globale che stringe d'assedio l'economia globalizzata. E che ruota attorno al simbolo stesso di questa globalizzazione e adesso della nuova paura: il commercio
O ministro da Economia, Paulo Guedes, disse na noite desta quinta-feira (15) que, caso a oposição vença as eleições presidenciais na Argentina e apresente resistência à abertura econômica do Mercosul, o Brasil deixará o bloco. As primárias realizadas no último fim de semana pelo país vizinho, que servem como uma ...
The U.S. will not be able to stall Ankara on the establishment of a safe zone in northern Syria, Turkey's foreign minister said on Aug. 15.
Working-level officials from Japan and the United States wrapped up their two-day trade talks in Washington on Wednesday, agreeing to meet again on the sidelines ...
SÃO PAULO, BRAZIL – Brazil’s federal government has decided to sell off more than 750,000 properties and assets, to gain cash flow. The ambitious plan expects the sales will raise over R$1 trillion (US$ 250 billion), say government officials. “The Brazilian federal government is perhaps the largest real estate owner ...