Vai alla Scheda Paese »There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.
— John Fitzgerald Kennedy
There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.
— John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Världens största kryptobörs, Binance, och dess ägare Changpeng Zhao har stämts av en amerikansk tillsynsmyndighet i en domstol i Chicago.
By Juan Pablo Álvarez* Over the last decade, Latin America has greatly diminished its relative weight in the world economy. A good way to understand the extent to which it has regressed is to observe how the importance of its two major economies (Mexico and Brazil) in emerging markets has ...
While the terms of the deal are limited, the agreement appears to provide a model for resolving recent trade spats between the United States and some of its closest allies.
The ministers "reiterated that approval of the Mobility Agreement between Member States of the CPLP by the XIII Conference of Heads of State and Government and its ratification by all Member States means a huge step for the CPLP to become a true Community of peoples, opening the way, in ...
A previsão do mercado financeiro para o Índice Nacional de Preços ao Consumidor Amplo (IPCA), considerada a inflação oficial do país, caiu de 5,95% para 5,93% este ano. A estimativa ...
O município de São Paulo lidera a lista das cidades que apresentam melhores condições para o empreendedorismo, segundo o ranking geral do Índice de Cidades Empreendedoras (ICE) referente ao período ...
Anfang letzten Jahres wurde ein Neuralink-Antrag für klinische Studien in den USA noch abgelehnt. Nun versucht das Unternehmen es erneut
Dexon Technology, a Thai pipeline inspection company, is planning to expand its business to the US and Europe by using proceeds from its listing on the stock market later this month.
China remains committed to a "healthy, stable and constructive" relationship with the US amid still "chilly" bilateral ties, Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang told visiting American business leaders on Saturday.
Tea authority says prolonged drought has led to suppressed harvest of tea this year. Says shortage of US dollars to be blamed for poor export to major markets like Pakistan.
The trade balance between the two countries has a history of surplus, especially in the last 7 years. The record was set in 2021 when Brazilian exports exceeded imports from China by US$ 43.4 billion - considering inflation-adjusted values. That year, sales to the Asian giant reached US$94.9 billion, the ...
Geopolitics forced an entrepreneur, Taylor Shupe, to bring jobs back from China. It’s helping sell his meme-inspired socks too.
A ex-presidente da República Dilma Rousseff foi eleita nesta sexta-feira (24) presidente do Novo Banco de Desenvolvimento (NDB na sigla em inglês), também conhecido como Banco do Brics. Ela substitui ...
Mexico's economic activity beat all estimates in January 2023, expanding at the fastest annual pace in five months amid a recovery in the country that continues faster than expected. Activity in Latin America's second-largest economy grew 4.4% from a year earlier, Mexico's National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI) reported ...
A survey by AG Immigration - a Washington-based immigration law firm - shows that Brazilians ranked third among those who got the most US visas in 2022. There were 815,842 issuances of 80 different types of permits, up 618.8% from the previous year (113,505). Compared to 2018 (640,998), at levels ...
Investment plans for U.S. battery production have increased since President Biden signed a law that offers generous incentives for electric cars and green energy.
Domestic car and motorcycle sales may bear the brunt if Thai financial institutions are affected by the risk of failed banks in the US and Europe, says the Federation of Thai Industries (FTI).
The region of Latin America and the Caribbean is the most dependent on tourism globally. However, this dependence is heterogeneous and varies enormously depending on the sub-region. When observing how much the Gross Domestic Product of Latin American countries is tied to what happens with tourism, it can be seen ...
The Chilean economy closed 2022 with a current account deficit accumulated in the year of US$27.1 billion, which represents 9% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The negative balance of the indicator, which measures income and payments abroad for the exchange of goods and services, is above that recorded throughout ...
Domestic car and motorcycle sales may bear the brunt if Thai financial institutions are affected by the risk of failed banks in the US and Europe, says the Federation of Thai Industries (FTI).
Hyundai Motor Group said Thursday it has signed a memorandum of understanding with the US-based Advent Technologies to develop hydrogen fuel cells, with the goal of ramping up its hydrogen car business. Under the partnership, the carmaker plans to ac