Vai alla Scheda Paese »There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.
— John Fitzgerald Kennedy
There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.
— John Fitzgerald Kennedy
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Aiming to affect China economically, US President Donald Trump decided on Monday, February 10th, something that affects Brazil's economic interests. Although he is seen by Bolsonaro's government as a great ally, this is not the first time that the US has made decisions that affect ...
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The company last week raised R$15 million (US$3.48 million) to finance solar power projects. A small amount of the proceeds, R$100,000, will be used to finance a course aimed at teaching emotional intelligence to 600 students in the city of Pirapora, in the Brazilian state ...
Em mais um dia marcado por volatilidade no mercado financeiro, a bolsa de valores teve forte queda e fechou no menor nível em quase dois meses. O índice Ibovespa, da B3 (antiga Bolsa de Valores de São Paulo), encerrou esta segunda-feira (10) aos 112.570 pontos, com recuo de 1,05%. Essa foi a ...
Coronavirus is a risk to growth in two ways as it pushes up the value of the currency
Car-booking group sought to block AB5, which aims to give drivers more rights
WASHINGTON: President Donald Trump said Monday the time has come to pursue trade negotiations with the European Union which he said imposes "incredible" barriers to US goods.
Uber and Postmates were denied an injunction while they fight, in court, new rules that treat their contractors as full employees.
(Teleborsa) - "L'Europa ci ha trattato molto male". Ne è convinto il presidente degli Stati Uniti Donald Trump che ha parlato dei rapporti con il Vecchio Continente durante un intervento alla Casa...
As instituições financeiras consultadas pelo Banco Central (BC) reduziram a estimativa para a inflação este ano, pela sexta vez seguida. Desta vez, a projeção para o Índice Nacional de Preços ao Consumidor Amplo (IPCA – a inflação oficial do país – caiu de 3,40% para 3,25%. A informação consta do ...
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Cuba's government has announced new measures to expand the sale of products in demand in foreign currency. In the future, private cars will only be available in US dollars, euros, and other hard currencies. Simultaneously, the range of products in new stores is to be ...
The National Chairman of deregisted Alliance National Party (ANP), Asiwaju Mashood Shittu, has called on president Muhammadu Buhari, to restructure the foreign affairs diplomatic architecture. Shittu made the call following the new US visa restriction that affected Nigerians. Speaking during a press conference in his office, Shittu said the call ...
Addressing the burden on individuals is the next US president’s most important task
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The savings generated from special anti-fraud operations more than doubled in 2019. According to a financial report recently disclosed by the Ministry of Economy, the operations resulted in savings of R$961 (US$225) million last year, 107.1 percent more than the R$464 million recorded in 2018. ...
Hon kallades ”den röda dottern” av redarpappan Sten A Olsson och tog sina barn till Vietnam för att visa på USA:s krigsbrott där.
Foreign Affairs PS says the government has no plans to evacuate them
An analysis of the trade regime between Kenya and America reveals wide inequalities.
British nationals at French ski resort diagnosed after contact with recent visitor to Singapore
WASHINGTON: The US economy saw an explosion of new hiring in January, possibly helped by mild weather but nonetheless getting the year off to an impressive start, according to key government data released Friday.
The Justice Department has told four carmakers that they violated no laws when they negotiated a fuel economy standard with California that is more stringent than Washington’s.
Em mais um dia marcado por forte volatilidade no mercado financeiro, o dólar subiu e voltou a fechar no maior valor nominal desde a criação do real. O dólar comercial encerrou esta sexta-feira (7) vendido a R$ 4,321, com alta de R$ 0,035 (0,82%). A divisa operou em alta durante toda a ...
O ministro da Economia, Paulo Guedes, disse hoje (7) que o clima no Congresso Nacional está extraordinariamente favorável às reformas propostas pelo governo. O Parlamento “abraçou as reformas mesmo”, afirmou Guedes, ao participar de um seminário sobre pacto federativo. Ele lembrou que, no início do atual governo, houve reação às ...