Vai alla Scheda Paese »There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.
— John Fitzgerald Kennedy
There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.
— John Fitzgerald Kennedy
The government downgraded its key assessment of Japan's economy on Thursday, saying it was in a "severe situation" as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to wreak ...
Phone call signals potential thaw after countries exchanged insults over pandemic
Coronavirus, il mercato del lavoro americano si ferma. Anzi si inchioda mostrando con tutta la sua forza i primi effetti del coronavirus sull'economia. Più di tre milioni di americani...
Il precedente massimo di 695.000 richieste risale al 1982. E’ il primo dato a mostrare appieno le ripercussioni del virus sull’economia americana
Em meio ao clima de alívio nos mercados globais, o mercado financeiro teve mais um dia de recuperação. A bolsa de valores subiu pela terceira sessão seguida e voltou a aproximar-se dos 80 mil pontos. O dólar fechou abaixo de R$ 5 pela primeira vez em quase duas semanas. O índice ...
Ve spolupráci s profesionálním trenérem Adamem Antmannem jsme pro vás vytvořili souhrn cviků, které se zaměřují na základní trénink pohyblivosti kloubů a stability středu těla v domácích podmínkách. V současné karanténní situaci je řada lidí ve stísněných podmínkách, kde trocha pohybu jenom prospěje. Na zaměstnance i podnikatele pracující v režimu home office je ...
Beijing blocks visits from most foreign nationals as centre of pandemic shifts west
ON THE EDGE of a shallow ravine in the far western corner of Burkina Faso two vehicles bristling with machine guns come to a stop. Several bearded white men lean out, keeping watch for jihadists. Nearby, other Western soldiers are helping their African counterparts stage a mock attack on an ...
SOMETIMES BRIDGING the gap between success and failure, between finishing high school or dropping out, requires a lot of determination and the cost of a cow. Jack Oyugi grew up as the oldest of 14 children to parents tilling an acre of ground in western Kenya. Their crops usually gave ...
Live updates on stock market and business news during the coronavirus outbreak.
The Federal Reserve chair voiced a reassuring, if uncertain, message in a rare televised interview as the coronavirus grinds America’s economy to a halt.
Benefits once kept low to discourage laziness will be raised to encourage people to stay home
Em meio ao anúncio de medidas emergenciais no Brasil e no exterior, o mercado financeiro teve o segundo dia seguido de trégua. A bolsa de valores, que ontem (24) subiu 9,66% , saltou 7,5% hoje (25) e voltou a superar os 70 mil pontos. O dólar, que ontem tinha fechado ...
As contas externas registraram saldo negativo de US$ 3,904 bilhões em fevereiro, informou hoje (25) o Banco Central (BC). Em fevereiro do ano passado, o déficit em transações correntes (contas externas), que são as compras e vendas de mercadorias e serviços e transferências de renda do Brasil com outros países, ...
Svět kryptoměn je pro mnohé z nás stále opředen rouškou tajemství. Přitom se virtuální měny stávají stále běžnější součástí hospodářské reality. "Kryptoměny zachrání krvácející ekonomiky jednotlivých států," říká Daniel Tanner, výkonný ředitel a spolumajitel Platon Finance, fintechové společnosti, která vyvinula a spravuje kryptoměnu platoncoin.
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Nubank digital bank has created a R$20 (US$4) million fund to assist its clients during the coronavirus crisis. The resources will come from the fintech's marketing budget and other efficiency earnings and will fund remote medical and psychological care through video, supermarket and drugstore ...
Liquor Authority confirms a significant hike in alcohol sales.
(Teleborsa) - 2mila miliardi di dollari: questa la cifra "monstre" messa in campo dagli Stati Uniti per contrastare l'epidemia di coronavirus e rilanciare la prima economia mondiale....
WASHINGTON: The Senate and White House have reached agreement on a $2 trillion stimulus package for the US economy and millions of Americans ravaged by the coronavirus crisis, top lawmakers said early Wednesday.
Il Presidente, impaziente coi medici, attacca cure peggiori della malattia. Laffer e Moore, Kudlow e Blankfein premono per normalizzare il business