Vai alla Scheda Paese »There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.
— John Fitzgerald Kennedy
There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.
— John Fitzgerald Kennedy
CAUSEWAY BAY is back in business. Even as the world shuts down, the retail heart of Hong Kong, which enforced an early lockdown, is beating again. Yet normality is not complete. The local branch of ICBC, a symbol of Beijing’s sway, remains barricaded. Its managers fear that pro-democracy protesters, free ...
BETWEEN 2004 AND 2012 BNP Paribas helped funnel $30bn into Sudan, Cuba and Iran, all then under American sanctions. It hid its tracks using a network of “satellite” banks and by stripping payment messages of incriminating references. Whistleblowers tipped off American prosecutors. The bank pleaded guilty, expecting to pay €1.1bn ...
Em mais um dia de nervosismo no mercado financeiro, o dólar comercial superou a barreira de R$ 5,70 e bateu recorde. A moeda encerrou esta quarta-feira (6) vendida a R$ 5,704, com alta de R$ 0,113 (+2,08%). Esse é o maior valor nominal (sem considerar a inflação) desde a criação ...
In collaborazione con Go-on Group, Promos Italia organizza un webinar per fornire alle imprese una panoramica delle opportunità per il settore Oil&Gas in USA, Arabia Saudita e Corea e per sensibilizzare le imprese sull'importanza della presenza diretta nei diversi mercati per identificare i progetti migliori in ottica commerciale. Il webinar si ...
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Itaú Unibanco doubled its reserves to R$10.4 billion (US$2 billion) to cover potential default in the first quarter this year. This increase in reserves - which reached 147.2 percent in the annual comparison - was also behind the pressure on the bank's profit, which dropped ...
The launch of an offshoot of God TV has angered many right-wing Israelis, who had long seen the Christian Zionists as a partner in their ‘Biblical Heartland’ project. ‘It sets us back 10 years’ says one
Magnus Hirschfeld se narodil roku 1868 a pocházel z dlouhé linie židovských lékařů. Studium medicíny tak pro něj bylo přirozenou volbou. Po absolvování si založil soukromou praxi a dařilo se mu dobře. Trápil ho však fakt, že mnoho jeho homosexuálních pacientů páchalo sebevraždy. Dopis na rozloučenou jednoho z nich ...
Detroit automaker says demand stayed high in parts of country less hard-hit by virus
Em mais um dia de nervosismo no mercado financeiro, o dólar comercial voltou a se aproximar de R$ 5,60. A moeda encerrou esta terça-feira (5) vendida a R$ 5,59, com alta de R$ 0,068 (+1,23%). A bolsa, no entanto, recuperou-se de duas quedas seguidas, influenciada pelos mercados internacionais. Durante a manhã, ...
Federal Trade Commission votes 3-2 to approve tie-up between makers of Botox and Humira
Move is the most aggressive yet under new state legislation about employee classification
The ride-hailing companies are accused of defying a new state law that says gig workers should be treated as employees.
The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) index opened the week on a bearish note as confidence was dented by the US president's comments and fears of a renewed trade war with China over the origins of Covid-19.
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Brazilian trade balance recorded a positive balance of US$6.702 billion in April, the best result for the month since 2017, despite reductions in both exports and imports. The data was released on Monday, May 4th, by the Foreign Trade Secretariat of the Ministry of ...
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo on Monday outlined a phased reopening of business activity in the state hardest hit by the COVID-19 pandemic
Britain begins post-Brexit trade talks with the United States on Tuesday, with 100 negotiators on each side joining via videoconference.Many in Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s ...
Em um dia de nervosismo no mercado financeiro, o dólar comercial ultrapassou a barreira de R$ 5,50. A moeda encerrou esta segunda-feira (4) vendida a R$ 5,522, com alta de R$ 0,084 (+1,55%). A bolsa caiu pela segunda sessão seguida e voltou a fechar abaixo dos 80 mil pontos. O ...
Sempre più persone stanno ordinando generi alimentari online a causa del Covid-19, portando a un cambiamento permanente degli acquisti da parte dei consumatori e ad un conseguente aumento delle entrate. Gli ordini di pasta online sono aumentati di quasi il 700% in un anno. Amazon si appresta diventare uno dei ...
Já myslím, že právě teď je ideální čas vyložit karty a začít řešit věci, na které v době největší paniky z možné nákazy koronavirem nebyl čas. A jednu z těch nejzásadnějších včera tak naznačil americký ministr zahraničních věcí Mike Pompeo.
The reality of our world is this: Crisis, change and all things disruptive will never stop coming toward us, today or in the future. Whether you’re a business leader driving the success of your organisation or an individual driving your aspirations and career growth, we all care about the same ...
States need vital excise duty to finance the fight against the outbreak