Vai alla Scheda Paese »There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.
— John Fitzgerald Kennedy
There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.
— John Fitzgerald Kennedy
A un anno dalla sigla dell’accordo le due superpotenze polemizzano. Per gli americani obiettivi raggiunti a metà, ma i cinesi esultano per il surplus
O Boletim de Comércio Exterior (Icomex) divulgado, hoje (15), pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Economia da Fundação Getulio Vargas (FVG/Ibre) aponta que o único resultado positivo em 2020 no setor foi o superávit comercial. A análise foi feita diante do cenário de superávit da balança comercial de US$ 50,9 bilhões, dos ...
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Established as Brazil's main trading partner, China accounted for US$33.6 billion of the US$50.9 billion trade balance surplus in 2020, according to data from the Foreign Trade Indicator (ICOMEX), released this Friday, January 15th by the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV). The 17% increase, in volume, ...
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Institute of Applied Economic Research (IPEA) says that the Inflation rate for families with the lowest monthly income - less than R$1,650.50 (US$311) - stood at 1.58% in December 2020. In the bracket representing higher income families (with household income over R$16,509.66), the variation ...
Low taxes and light regulation made the party popular with corporate America for decades. President Trump and his supporters have frayed those bonds.
Comments from Rupert’s son are his strongest rebuke of industry practices since leaving the family business
When Somphote Ahunai returned to Bangkok after completing an MBA degree in the US, he had $200 left in the bank.
By Azu Ishiekwene. United States (US) President Donald Trump may have lost re-election but he would be escorted out of the White House on Tuesday night with a special prize: Africa’s worst friend in modern times. Not that it matters to Trump one way or the other. We can ...
By JOHN PAUL Events recently unfolding in one of the world’s oldest and unarguably, most stable democratic nations drive home the fundamental leadership roles in evolutionary development of any country. It calls for critical evaluation of individual persona with recourse to a given task. For the first time in ...
Confira as expectativas dos especialistas para a atividade brasileira e global, além de conteúdos para investir melhor no ano que começa Na expectativa pelo fim da crise após a vacinação em massa no mundo, especialistas fazem projeções para o Brasil, EUA e China iStock O fim da crise sanitária ...
Movimento ocorre após anúncio de plano de Biden de apoio à economia dos EUA de US$ 1,9 tri, cifra que pode voltar a dar suporte à tese de “reflação” O dólar comercial opera em alta firme na manhã desta sexta-feira, devolvendo parcialmente os ganhos da véspera, em ...
Investidores esperam que mais estímulos governamentais possam equilibrar a economia até que as vacinas contra a covid-19 desencadeiem uma recuperação firme As bolsas asiáticas fecharam sem direção única nesta sexta-feira, depois que uma queda tardia em várias ações das big techs deixou os principais índices em baixa ...
L'accusa è pesante: affiliazione all'esercito della Repubblica Popolare Cinese. Vietato alle aziende americane fare investimenti in quelle società
HONG KONG: Shares in Xiaomi collapsed on Friday after the United States blacklisted the smartphone giant and a host of other Chinese firms as the Trump administration aims to cement its trade war legacy against Beijing.
WASHINGTON: President-elect Joe Biden will unveil a plan Thursday to inject US$1.9 trillion into the US economy as evidence mounts that the recovery from the sharp downturn caused by Covid-19 is flagging.
The Federation of Thai Industries (FTI) expects the US decision to impose anti-dumping duties (AD) on car tyres exported from Thailand to seriously affect Thai industries, including the automotive and agricultural sectors, as Thailand may end up missing export opportunities in the global market, says FTI vice-chairman Kriangkrai Tiannukul.
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - After his first dialogue with Jair Bolsonaro and Joe Biden, Argentine president Alberto Fernandez seeks to define a strategy with the country's main business partners. After a year of pandemic, and glimpsing a still uncertain international scenario, marked by strategic competition between China and the ...
Beneficiado pela entrada de fluxos externos, o dólar teve forte queda, aproximando-se de R$ 5,20 e fechando no menor valor do ano. A bolsa de valores recuperou-se da queda de ontem (13) e fechou em alta de 1,27%. O dólar comercial encerrou esta quinta-feira (14) vendido a R$ 5,201, com recuo ...
Aprovada na última reunião do Programa de Parcerias de Investimentos (PPI), a relicitação da ferrovia Malha Oeste receberá apoio técnico do Banco de Desenvolvimento da América Latina (CAF). A instituição financeira aprovou acordo de cooperação técnica no valor de até US$ 3 milhões. O CAF contratará consultores do setor privado para ...
Plan includes new individual cheques for Americans as well as aid for state and local governments
Der 31-jährige Guard wechselte am Mittwoch von den Houston Rockets nach New York zu den Nets