Vai alla Scheda Paese »There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.
— John Fitzgerald Kennedy
There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.
— John Fitzgerald Kennedy
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Despite vehicle sales in Latin America sliding 25% in 2020 in wake of the worldwide health pandemic and correlating economic crisis, the commercial fleet market fared much better. Based on data acquired from the most influential markets in the region, here is Global Fleet’s findings ...
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - (AP) The party of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador presented for public comment a proposed set of regulations on Twitter, Facebook and other social media companies. The new proposed law would subject media companies to fines of up to US$4.4 million for violating users’ right ...
By JOSEPH CHIBUEZE, Dr Thaddeaus Thompson the chairman of T&T Web Designing and Marketing Services in this interview with JOSEPH CHIBUEZE, speaks on the opportunities open to Nigerian businesses if they have access to effective information and communication technology infrastructure. Can you tell us why you are interested in Nigerian ...
(Teleborsa) - I future USA sono in rialzo negli scambi pre-apertura di Wall Street e il mercato azionario statunitense è destinato a rimbalzare dopo le modeste perdite di ieri. Gli analisti vedono...
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The strategy now is to avoid riskier debt in countries like Argentina, Ecuador, Lebanon and Zambia, which have either restructured or defaulted last year. As the global economy gradually emerges from the coronavirus pandemic, a high-yield bond investor who has beaten 93% of peers in the ...
Lyft’s business had been improving early in the quarter but slumped in November and December as coronavirus cases climbed in the United States.
US president tries to win corporate support for $1.9tn stimulus package
(Teleborsa) - L'Istat conferma un "graduale" miglioramento delle prospettive economiche internazionali, che si sono riflettute in un aumento dei PIL di Cina e USA nel quarto trimestre....
Estratégia agora é evitar dívida de maior risco em países como Argentina, Equador, Líbano e Zâmbia, que se reestruturaram ou deram calote no ano passado Um investidor de dívida high yield (alto rendimento) que teve performance superior a 93% dos pares nos últimos cinco anos está apostando ...
A instituição cortou a projeção para o Produto Interno Bruto brasileiro do primeiro trimestre de queda de 1% para recuo de 2% O Bank Of America (BofA) cortou a projeção para o Produto Interno Bruto (PIB) brasileiro do primeiro trimestre de queda de 1% para recuo de ...
O índice Stoxx 600 recuou 0,09%, em Frankfurt, o DAX teve queda de 0,34%, já em Londres, o FTSE 100 subiu 0,12% e, em Paris, o CAC 40 fechou em alta de 0,10% Após os ganhos consistentes dos últimos seis pregões, os investidores globais deram uma pausa ...
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - With a new fiscal stimulus package about to be approved by the U.S., the risk of premature withdrawal of monetary stimulus in the United States is growing among financial market operators and analysts, which may also lead Brazil's Central Bank to standardize its interest rate ...
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – The US$140 million loan to BTG Pactual was originated, structured, and negotiated by Emerging Markets Global Advisory Limited (EMGA), the emerging market investment bank, which continues to execute capital raising operations in most emerging countries, despite COVID-19. Commentating on the transaction, Caio Zanette, Associate Partner ...
[Premium Times] The year's foreign investment fell by 59.7 per cent, and only 10 states and Abuja received inflows.
By Karoline Tuckey of RNZ . Somewhere just outside Te Puke, fields of strange alien-like vines are unfurling their tendrils, and growing large egg-like mottled golden fruits, covered in sharp spikes - and US buyers can't get enough.The...
O Dow Jones fechou em alta de 0,76%, a 31,385,76 pontos, o S&P 500 subiu 0,74%, a 3.915,59 pontos, e o Nasdaq avançou 0,95%, a 13.987,64 pontos Os índices acionários de Nova York fecharam em um novo recorde triplo nesta segunda-feira (8), impulsionados pela perspectiva mais forte ...
A moeda encerrou o dia em baixa de 0,23%, cotada aos R$ 5,3706, apresentando comportamento misto contra emergentes O dólar fechou a sessão de segunda-feira em queda, monitorando o avanço da agenda de reformas no Congresso Nacional. A moeda teve baixa de 0,23%, cotada aos R$ 5,3706, ...
Il 68% dei Canadesi ed il 67% degli Americani ritiene che la spedizione gratuita sia fondamentale per una positiva esperienza di shopping online. Lo pensa anche il 60% degli Italiani. Gli effetti della crisi provocata dal Coronavirus hanno trasformato sia il commercio fisico che quello online. Molti negozi fisici hanno dovuto ...
A star society reporter for The Washington Post, she was the scourge of presidents, foreign operatives and philandering politicians.
Richmond president Tom Barkin says US economy still needs support despite fears of jump in prices
20:55 De technologieattachés van Flanders Investment & Trade (FIT) moeten van New York over München tot Singapore Vlaamse innovatie helpen vermarkten en buitenlandse techinvesteringen aantrekken.