Vai alla Scheda Paese »There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.
— John Fitzgerald Kennedy
There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.
— John Fitzgerald Kennedy
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Brazil rose four positions in the ranking of a publication that measures the attractiveness for renewable energy investments and is now 11th, the first placed in Latin America, pointed out consulting and auditing company EY. The United States remains in 1st place, followed by China ...
Lithuanian foreign minister calls initiative ‘irresponsible’ as Kremlin hails ‘positive’ proposal
The crisis over the implementation of financial autonomy for the judiciary has shifted to the court with a law suit against Revenue Mobilisation Allocation and Fiscal Commission(RMAFC) and the 36 states of the federation. The Judicial Staff Union of Nigeria (JUSUN) had embarked on a national strike leading to the ...
The current administra￾tion of the United States of America has promised to in￾crease trade and investment ties with Nigeria and other African countries, working with African governments as partners in pursuing shared interests. The United States Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs, Akunna Cook, made the remark at ...
Lendbuzz is modernizing auto finance industry, with a focus on serving consumers that have thin or no credit history in the US.
With the pandemic starting to ease in the United States, many had expected a year of wild investments to slow. It hasn’t. Yet.
Victory for law-and-order moderate would be a blow to left wing of the Democratic party
Pagamento voluntário de US$ 430 milhões vai permitir que o país não entre em inadimplência O ministro da Economia da Argentina, Martín Guzmán, anunciou um pagamento voluntário de US$ 430 milhões ao Clube de Paris, informa o site na internet do canal de Buenos Aires Todo ...
Depois de sete meses de investigação, o Peru desistiu de sobretaxas as importações de confecções têxteis (vestuário e produtos de cama, mesa e banho) do Brasil. A decisão foi anunciada hoje (22) pelos Ministérios da Economia e das Relações Exteriores. Em nota conjunta, as pastas informaram que a salvaguarda teria impacto ...
O Comitê de Política Monetária (Copom) do Banco Central (BC) informou hoje (22) que o aumento de 0,75 ponto percentual na taxa básica de juros, a Selic, levou em consideração a “persistência da pressão inflacionária” maior que a esperada, sobretudo entre os bens industriais. Apesar da persistência, o comitê identifica ...
Foreign Minister Yair Lapid taps Zamir, formerly tourism minister, to the role of consul general
Die USA sollten sich als gleichberechtigter Partner verstehen und nicht als väterliche "Führungsmacht". Die braucht es nämlich nicht
NEW YORK: The US economy remains on a positive trajectory even as it contends with higher inflation, according to congressional testimony released Monday by the head of the Federal Reserve.
Outros pares emergentes também se beneficiaram dessa melhora Em um dia sem indicadores ou noticiário de peso para movimentar os negócios, o arrefecimento da cautela global gerada após a surpresa com o Federal Reserve, na semana passada, foi suficiente para recolocar a moeda americana próxima do patamar ...
O índice Dow Jones da Bolsa de Nova York (Nyse) recuperou mais de 500 pontos do tombo sofrido na semana passada, em um dia de ampla recuperação dos mercados acionários globais, depois que o Federal Reserve (Fed, o BC americano), surpreendeu os investidores ao sinalizar uma retirada de estímulos antecipada. Após ...
New York Federal Reserve president’s comments appear more cautious on pulling back monetary support
Relatório destaca que perspectiva de uma atividade econômica mais forte e uma inflação mais alta trarão um crescimento nominal maior para o lucro das empresas A Safra Corretora revisou o preço-alvo para o Ibovespa para 145 mil pontos para o final de 2021. De acordo com os ...
Asia-Pacific shares fall after more hawkish stance from US Federal Reserve
PARIS: While the United States and Europe waged a 17-year trade battle over subsidies to Boeing and Airbus, China poured money into its own commercial aircraft to take on the Western aviation duopoly.
Lere Baale is a Professor of Organisation Transformation and Chief Executive of Business School Netherlands International, Nigeria, Director of World Institute of Action Learning Coaches in Nigeria and also Regional Partner of HOWES – CMOE Inc. USA in Africa & Middle East Area. He is on the board of ...
Rivlin’s visit to the U.S. on June 28 'will highlight the enduring partnership between the United States and Israel and the deep ties between our governments and our people,' the White House Press Secretary said