Vai alla Scheda Paese »There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.
— John Fitzgerald Kennedy
There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.
— John Fitzgerald Kennedy
(Teleborsa) - La crescita economica degli Stati Uniti è rallentata a luglio e agosto. Lo afferma la Federal Reserve nel Beige Book, il rapporto sullo stato dell'economia che farà da base alle...
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Some US$800 billion should be released to Ecuador in the coming weeks and the other US$700 billion by December, pending further IMF review, according to Finance Minister Simón Cueva. Cueva would not provide details on the negotiation, arguing that the agreement still needs to be ...
Citing anti-BDS legislation, Arizona's divestment from its $143 million in Unilever bonds and commercial paper is the most significant move a U.S. state has taken over the ice cream maker's decision to halt sales in Israeli settlements
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - President Luis Lacalle Pou received representatives of the government coalition at the Executive Tower, the seat of government: Partido Nacional (PN-center-right), Partido Colorado (PC-center-right), Cabildo Abierto (CA-right), Partido Independiente (PI-center-left) and Partido de la Gente (PG-right); as well as the rest, Partido Ecologista Radical Intransigente ...
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - From January through August 2021, Piauí accounted for 29.1% of Brazil's honey exports. Piauí's competitor states in the sector, Santa Catarina and Paraná, respectively accounted for 22.8% and 20.3% of exports in the same period, the Ministry of Economy reported. This is the first time ...
In parts of the San Francisco Bay Area, sellers deliberately underprice homes to spur bidding wars, leading to sales prices that can be double the list price.
Turkey is working with Qatar and the United States about operating Kabul airport and is in talks with the Taliban, Foreign Minister Mevlut Çavuşoğlu said on Sept. 7, adding security at the airport was the main issue.
Fulani socio-cultural organisation, Miyetti Allah Kautal Hore, has vowed to challenge in court the anti-open grazing laws passed by some states in the south and middle belt region. The group described the anti-open grazing law as “satanic and an attempt by the populist and corruption-driven agenda by visionless, inept and ...
A Organização Mundial de Saúde Animal (OIE) concluiu nesta segunda-feira (6) que os dois casos de encefalopatia espongiforme bovina (EEB), conhecida como o mal da vaca louca, detectados em frigoríficos de Minas Gerais e de Mato Grosso, não representam risco para a cadeia de produção bovina. Segundo o Ministério da Agricultura, ...
A previsão do mercado financeiro para o Índice Nacional de Preços ao Consumidor Amplo (IPCA), considerada a inflação oficial do país, subiu de 7,27% para 7,58%, neste ano. É a 22ª elevação consecutiva na projeção. A estimativa está no boletim Focus de hoje (6), pesquisa divulgada semanalmente pelo Banco Central ...
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Argentine government will launch a mining plan to triple export revenue to more than US$10 billion. The mining sector's contribution to GDP is barely 0.6%, while it reaches 10% in Peru, 11% in Brazil, and 12% in Chile. The program is called the Strategic ...
Few expected New York to recover so quickly with prices rising for both sales and rentals
Die berühmten Twin Towers des World Trade Center haben in NYC lange Zeit alles überragt bis sie vor 20 Jahren in einem terroristischen Inferno in sich zusammenfielen. Eugen Freund, ehemaliger US-Korrespondent des ORF, erinnert sich.
Der Ex-Wall-Street-Investor wurde 80 Jahre alt. Er war unter anderem Sponsor der Salzburger Festspiele. 2005 wurde er wegen Finanzbetrugs zu jahrelanger Haft verurteilt
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The special secretary of Treasury and Budget of the Ministry of Economy, Bruno Funchal, said on Friday (3) that the reform of the Income Tax (IR) approved by the Chamber of Deputies this week will reduce the federal government's tax collection by R$20 (US$5) billion ...
The Lebanese investment firm M1 Group has pledged to spend US$330 million over the next three years to expand the Myanmar telecom business that it is buying from Telenor of Norway, bucking moves by many international investors to exit the junta-ruled country.
Businesses that expressed opposition to restrictive voting laws are declining to take a similar stand on the abortion measure.
(Teleborsa) - "Nonostante i progressi non siamo dove dovremmo essere nella ripresa economica". È quanto ha affermato il presidente degli Stati Uniti Joe Biden commentando i dati sul lavoro che negli...
To protest Texas’ new abortion law, activists said, they pranked a website set up by the state’s largest anti-abortion group.
Economy adds just 235,000 workers in August after jumping by 1.1m positions in July
Companies that have spoken out about other issues remain silent on polarising law