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  • Exportiamo Incontra

    Tunisia, un Paese a caccia di investimenti e partnership

    Sono trascorsi oltre sei anni dalla rivoluzione che ha spazzato via il regime di Ben Ali ma l'economia della Tunisia deve fare ancora i conti con diverse questioni irrisolte. Ne abbiamo parlato con Elisa Salazar, Direttore di ICE Tunisi, che ha spiegato come per accelerare lo sviluppo del Paese nordafricano ...

  • Human rights violations in DRC up 30 percent in one year

    Source: UN Human Rights Council Country: Democratic Republic of the Congo, Sri LankaThe increase could be explained by two factors: violations related to restricting democratic space and the resurgence of activities of several armed groups, the Human Rights Council heard.Human Rights Council MIDDAY 22 March 2017 The Human Rights Council in its midday meeting ...

  • Minister Carmelo Abela stresses importance of being prepared for Mosul post-ISIS security threat

    With the dislodgement of ISIS from their Iraqi stronghold of western Mosul imminent, the world must be well-prepared to face the upcoming challenges, Home Affairs Minister Carmelo Abela said today."It must also have answers to a number of questions on the impact this development will leave on the terrorist group's ...

  • Le discours officiel aux antipodes de la structure des échanges

    Une délégation de plus d’une centaine d’opérateurs économiques algériens, intervenant dans le secteur du bâtiment, une vingtaine d’opérateurs de la région de Annaba ont pris part au Salon méditerranéen du bâtiment Medibat 2017, qui s’est tenu du 8 au 11 mars à Sfax (Tunisie), selon Mabrouk Zane, responsable du département ...

  • By working together we can tackle global challenges – EU Commissioner at Malta University Debate

    “Terrorism, migration, climate change, protectionism, and a feeling of mistrust between the people and their national governments or EU institutions are the biggest challenges the EU is facing” European Commissioner for Trade Cecilia Malmström told the audience at a student debate which took place in the Arts Lecture Theatre at ...

  • Crime and terrorism know no borders; neither should our fight against them - Minister Abela

    “Crime and terrorism know no borders, so neither should our approach to fighting them,” Minister for Home Affairs and National Security Carmelo Abela, told the First Euromed Police High Level Meeting in Valletta. He also added that closer collaboration between Euro-Mediterranean countries to ensure better governance on the political, strategic ...

  • Paul Sies appointed Air Malta’s New Chief Commercial Officer

    Air Malta has appointed Paul Sies as Chief Commercial Officer. Paul takes his position with immediate effect and will be responsible for leading all commercial activity on a day-to-day basis. Paul joins Air Malta with a strong track record after having worked for over 25 years at senior management level ...

  • After Berlin attack, German CSU wants clampdown on Mediterranean migration

    Germany's arch conservative Christian Social Union (CSU) party, a junior partner in Chancellor Angela Merkel's coalition, wants to close off the Mediterranean Sea route for migrants by sending them back to Africa rather than allowing them to stay in Europe. As a reaction to the December 19 truck attack in Berlin, ...

  • Updated: Man killed in Milan shootout is 'without a shadow of doubt' Berlin market attacker

    The Tunisian man suspected in a deadly attack on a Christmas market in Berlin was killed early Friday in a shootout with police in Milan during a routine patrol, ending a Europe-wide manhunt.Italian police said Anis Amri traveled from Germany through France and into Italy after the attack, at least ...

  • Germany had monitored Berlin truck attack suspect for months

    German officials had deemed the Tunisian man being sought in a manhunt across Europe a threat long before a truck plowed into a Christmas market in Berlin - and even kept him under covert surveillance for six months this year before halting the operation.Now the international manhunt for Anis Amri - considered ...

  • Digital Economy: Boudiaf holds talks in Sousse with Tunisian counterpart

    ALGIERS- Minister for Digital Economy and Modernization of Financial Systems, Mouatassem Boudiaf, met in Sousse (Tunisia) with Tunisian Minister for Communication Technologies and the Digital Economy Anouar Maarouf, said Friday the Ministry of Finance. During the meeting, held in the margins of the Fourth Global Summit of Business Think ...

  • Diplomazia Economica Italiana - 9 novembre: ultime news dal mondo

    Conferenza Internazionale sugli Investimenti "Tunisia 2020" Nei giorni 29-30 Novembre 2016 si terrà a Tunisi la Conferenza Internazionale sugli Investimenti "Tunisia 2020", che mira a mobilizzare gli operatori nazionali e internazionali, pubblici e privati, al fine di associarli alla realizzazione...

  • Cital se tourne vers le marché extérieur

    Fortement déprimée, la conjoncture économique actuelle du pays est appréhendée de manière de plus en plus pessimiste, laissant augurer de lendemains incertains. Toutefois, une petite lueur d’espoir pointe loin de la capitale, à Annaba, à Cital plus exactement. Les Citadis, issues de cette co-entreprise entre Alstom, EMA et Ferrovial, spécialisée ...

  • Motherwell Bridge acquires Morocco-based engineering company Techniplus

    Motherwell Bridge Industries, the engineering division of Hili Ventures, has acquired Techniplus, a multi-disciplined engineering firm in Morocco, from its long-standing partner Konecranes of Finland. Techniplus maintains and services port cargo handling equipment. Its major customers include the operators of Morocco’s largest ports at Casablanca, Tangier, Agadir and Jorf Lasfar, manufacturers, ...

  • Norwegian Cruise Line returns to Malta after eight-year absence

    The world's leading cruise company, Norwegian Cruise Line (NCL) will next year be deploying one of its vessels back in Malta, following an absence of eight years. Embellishing the historic Valletta harbour, NCL's newly refurbished Norwegian Spirit shall be starting and ending cruises from the Island. This was announced today ...

  • 20 Ott Nuovo Codice degli Investimenti e delle opportunità di partenariato in Tunisia

    Nel quadro della missione istituzionale in Italia del Ministro Tunisino dello Sviluppo, dell’Investimento e della Cooperazione Internazionale, l’Agenzia FIPA TUNISIA - Milano organizza il Seminario di presentazione del Nuovo Codice degli Investimenti e delle opportunità di partenariato in Tunisia, che si inseriscono all’interno di una serie di tappe di Roadshow ...

  • Motherwell Bridge Industries acquires Morocco-based engineering company Techniplus

    Motherwell Bridge Industries, the engineering division of Hili Ventures, has acquired Techniplus, amulti-disciplined engineering firm in Morocco, from its long-standing partner Konecranes of Finland.Techniplus is engaged in the maintenance and servicing of port cargo handling equipment. Its major customers include the operators of Morocco’s largest ports at Casablanca, Tangier, Agadir ...

  • 29 Nov Conferenza Internazionale Tunisia 2020

    La Conferenza Internazionale Tunisia 2020, che avrà luogo a Tunisi dal 29 novembre al 2 dicembre rappresenta un'importante occasione per incontrare potenziali controparti dei Paesi mediterranei in vista di azioni di partenariato tecnologico e collaborazione industriale con la Tunisia.

  • 05 Ott Texmed Tunisia 2016

    Texmed Tunisia è la fiera dei prodotti tessili e dell'abbigliamento, che comprende diversi offerta supplementare europea. Texmed Tunisia comprende tutto il settore tessile, dalla progettazione e realizzazione di prodotti finiti alla connessa al processo di produzione. La fiera vedrà la partecipazione di grandi marchi che dimostrano la loro competenza e ...

  • 17 Dic Mobilia Decor Artisanat 2016

  • In Tunisia il turismo fatica a ripartire a un anno dagli attentati

    L’attentato al museo del Bardo di Tunisi e quello sulla spiaggia di un albergo a Sousse sono stati fatali per l’economia del paese. Nella città costiera tra il 2011 e il 2015 hanno chiuso 32 alberghi su 96. Ora i turisti provengono soprattutto dall’Europa dell’est. Leggi

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