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Justice has blindfolded their eyes, unfortunately forgetting to cover their ears too.
— Zarko Petan

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  • World Cup 2018: Germany newcomer scores 3; England, France, Poland also win

    On a busy night across Europe, a player making his debut for Germany notched a hat trick in a 8-0 rout of tiny San Marino as the three biggest teams in action all won their qualifying matches for the 2018 World Cup in Russia.England beat Scotland 3-0 on three headers ...

  • 2018 World Cup Malta-Slovenia: I am confident my players will perform well – Pietro Ghedin

    National coach Pietro Ghedin isconfident that his players would rise to the occasion for today’s match against Slovenia.The match at the national stadium at Ta’ Qali, kicks off at 8.45pm.The Italian mentor, speaking one day ahead of the match, told reporters that all his 20 players in the squad were ...

  • Editorial: Malta is the only EU country not in the anti-Isis coalition

    A full, three-hour long debate in the House on Thursday about the Budget vote for the Foreign Ministry did not tackle, except fleetingly, the elephant in the Chamber: Malta is the only EU country not in the anti-Isis coalition.According to the US State Department, the participants in the coalition are ...

  • National team kick off campaign in Andorra

    The Maltese national team face Andorra in an international match in La Vella this evening (kick-off: 18.00), as they start their commitments in a revamped European Championship. This will be the first outing for Damien Neill’s men in the qualifying phase of the tournament following the introduction of a new format ...

  • Chamber of Commerce ‘far from happy with energy rates’

    The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry is far from happy with the current situation with regard to energy rates.It was reacting to media reports in which the Prime Minister said that it is only the Nationalist Party leader Simon Busuttil who expected a cut in the price of ...

  • Budget 2017 reactions: Commendations and regrets

    Reactions to the presentation of the budget have been made by constituted bodies, unions and other organisations.Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and IndustryThe Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry noted the underlying priorities of the 2017 Budget Speech, namely, fiscal consolidation, strong economic growth and better living standards for ...

  • Norwegian Cruise Line returns to Malta after eight-year absence

    The world's leading cruise company, Norwegian Cruise Line (NCL) will next year be deploying one of its vessels back in Malta, following an absence of eight years. Embellishing the historic Valletta harbour, NCL's newly refurbished Norwegian Spirit shall be starting and ending cruises from the Island. This was announced today ...

  • Exportiamo Incontra

    Slovenia, un'economia export-driven ma non solo

    La Slovenia è un Paese giovane, vivace e dinamico, che offre più di quanto si possa pensare in un primo momento. Non solo per il verde che la pervade ma anche per alcune punte di eccellenza offerte da specifici settori industriali. Resasi indipendente dalla Federazione jugoslava nel 1991, la Slovenia ...

  • Virtu Ferries invests €75m in cutting-edge technology high-speed wave-piercer catamaran

    Virtu Ferries has signed a newbuild contract with Incat Tasmania Pty. Ltd. to build a High Speed Wavepiercer Passenger/Vehicle Catamaran for their Malta – Sicily route. Delivery is scheduled for the fourth quarter of 2018, the company said in a statement today.At 1,000 tons deadweight, the vessel will be the largest ...

  • ‘Unknown’ Ceferin gets UEFA top job, targets reforms

    New UEFA boss Aleksander Ceferin has been a high profile lawyer and likes to take a risk but had no record in football until he took over Slovenia’s his football federation in 2011. The 48-year-old has often appeared on Slovenian television speaking for high-profile defendants represented by his family law ...

  • Breaking: UEFA elects Slovenian Ceferin as new president

    New UEFA boss Aleksander Ceferin has been a high profile lawyer in his native Slovenia but had no record in football until he took over his country’s football federation in 2011. The 48-year-old father of three has often appeared on Slovenian television speaking for high-profile defendants represented by his family ...

  • 20 Ago AGRA - Fiera internazionale agroalimentare

    Fiera internazionale in Slovenia sul settore agroalimentare. Presenti operatori internazionali e buyer per incontri B2B

  • 08 Mar Home Fair 2016

    Fiera in Slovenia che oinvolge il settore Casa, edilizia, infissi, arredamento, riscaldamento e condizionamento d'aria, sorveglianza.

  • 07 Feb Italian Business Forum in Lubiana

    Il prossimo 12 febbraio, si terrà nella città di Lubiana, l'Italian Business Forum, iniziativa organizzata dall'associazione "Italijansko slovenski - Forum italo-sloveno", in collaborazione con l'Ambasciata italiana e la Facoltà di Economia di Lubiana, che ospiterà i lavori."Mercati, debito pubblico e privatizzazioni: esperienze e sfide da condividere", questo il tema del Forum ...

  • 20 Nov Italia-Slovenia: Investment Forum

    L'ICE - Agenzia per la promozione all'estero e l'internazionalizzazione delle imprese italiane organizza il 9 dicembre p.v. Italia-Slovenia: Investment Forum. Un'occasione per presentare al pubblico le opportunità che il paese sloveno offre alle imprese italiane e viceversa.Il Forum vedrà la partecipazione del Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri della Repubblica Italiana ...

  • 05 Nov Doing Business...dove???

    Ci siamo! E' stato pubblicato dalla Banca Mondiale il tanto atteso rapporto "Doing Business 2014", sulla tassazione e la competitività degli Stati UE ed Extra-UE, che analizza in totale 189 paesi. Bene tanti paesi emergenti, anche dell'Est Europa (non bisogna andare e guardare solo otreoceano), male la nostra Italia. Ma procediamo con ordine.Per ...

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