Vai alla Scheda Paese »Man only likes to count his troubles; he doesn't calculate his happiness.
— Fyodor Dostoevsky
Man only likes to count his troubles; he doesn't calculate his happiness.
— Fyodor Dostoevsky
The first day of St. Petersburg International Economic Forum kicked off on Thursday, with 10,000 visitors joining political and business leaders at Russia's biggest economic event of the year.
La Russia ostacola i test antidoping, secondo l’agenzia mondiale Wada. La Wada ha dichiarato che ai suoi funzionari in Russia è stato impedito di fare i test. Ci sono state anche minacce da parte delle forze di sicurezza russe. Lo rivela un rapporto pubblicato due giorni fa. A novembre l’agenzia ...
La Russia ostacola i test antidoping, secondo l’agenzia mondiale Wada. La Wada ha dichiarato che ai suoi funzionari in Russia è stato impedito di fare i test. Ci sono state anche minacce da parte delle forze di sicurezza russe. Lo rivela un rapporto pubblicato due giorni fa. A novembre l’agenzia ...
In late May, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev inadvertently caught the mood of the nation.
Seminario organizzato da Assolombarda Confindustria Milano Monza e Brianza e Camera di Commercio Italo Russa per approfondire le normative e certificazione per l'esportazione in Russia, Kazakistan e Unione Doganale nel settore impiantistico (meccanico-elettrico-strumentale).
Nella prima settimana di Ramadan la guerra in Siria ha causato 224 morti. Si tratta in gran parte di vittime dei bombardamenti dell’aviazione del governo di Damasco e della Russia, sua alleata. Il bilancio, reso noto dall’Osservatorio siriano per i diritti umani, include le vittime del raid su un mercato ...
RUSSIA- Mosca. 12/06/16. Il Vice dell'industria e del ministro del Commercio Russo sono stati in visita in Uzbekistan, due giorni, dal 10 all'11 giugno, per stringere accordi commerciali in materia di industrie tessili e rifornimento di Leggi tutto...
Moscow will respond to a U.S. naval ship’s entry into the Black Sea with unspecified measures, Russia’s Foreign Ministry has said, adding that it and other deployments were designed to ratchet up tensions ahead of a NATO summit, RIA news agency reported
The Russian Foreign Ministry warned on June 10 that the country would “respond” to the arrival of the U.S. Navy’s missile guided destroyer USS Porter to the Black Sea “with measures,” but did not give details
Officials from the Japan Business Federation, or Keidanren, held talks with the Russian government in Moscow on Thursday, with the Russian side expressing hopes for stepped-up economic cooperation from Japan. The Keidanren members, including Teruo Asada, head of the Japan-Russia Business Cooperation Committee — the biggest Japanese business lobby — ...
Turkey has increased a subsidy it pays to the operators of charter flights bringing foreign tourists into the country in an attempt to bolster visitor numbers which have fallen sharply due to a series of bomb attacks and tensions with Russia
Russia on June 8 presented a new medium-range passenger plane which state media said was superior to its Western-made counterparts in many respects and would be snapped up by both Russian and foreign carriers
Russia on Wednesday presented a new medium-range passenger plane that state media said was superior to its Western-made counterparts in many respects and would be snapped up by both Russian and foreign carriers. In a glitzy ceremony at a factory in Siberia attended by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, Irkut Corporation ...
Russian President Vladimir Putin said on June 7 that Russia had not “definitively” canceled either the South Stream or Turkish Stream European gas export pipeline projects but needed a clear position on them from Europe
Incontro organizzato dal Cluster C.H.I.Co. in collaborazione con la Rappresentanza Commerciale della Federazione Russa nella Repubblica Italiana, congiuntamente al Ministero dell'Industria e del Commercio della Federazione Russa - Direzione dello State Institute of Drugs and Good Practices.
Russia’s media is run by a group of Armenians, while the German media is not free, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu has claimed
Greece has named Turkey an “honorary country” in 2016, along with three other countries, in a bid to boost bilateral economic and tourism ties
E’ stato l’Istituto di Economia Mondiale e delle Relazioni Internazionali dell’Accademia Russa delle Scienze (Imemo) ad ospitare nei giorni scorsi (il 1 giugno) l’Ambasciatore d’Italia a Mosca Cesare Maria Ragaglini. Ragaglini ha tenuto, infatti, una conferenza dal titolo “La crisi UE-Russia:...
È in corso la più grande esercitazione militare in Europa orientale dai tempi della guerra fredda. Le grandi manovre in Polonia dureranno una decina di giorni e coinvolgeranno 31mila soldati di 24 paesi della Nato e dei paesi partner, tra cui l’Ucraina. L’esercitazione rischia di far salire la tensione tra ...
Turkey should generate “new export markets” following the Bundestag’s approval of a resolution recognizing the events of 1915 as genocide, as well as the jet crisis with Russia, Sabancı University Finance Professor Özgür Demirtaş has urged
Brazil's business partnership with Russian companies in the nuclear industry have yielded business benefits. According to Jair Mengatti, Production Director at the Institute of Energy and Nuclear Research (IPEN), Brazil's main radiopharmaceutical producer, the trade between the two countries has allowed the Brazilian government to halve its costs with materials ...