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Man only likes to count his troubles; he doesn't calculate his happiness.
— Fyodor Dostoevsky
  • Vino: Cina sugli "scudi", Russia e Brasile in apnea

    (Teleborsa) - Cresce l'import di vino in Cina, ma soffrono in generale i BRICS (Paesi emergenti), soprattutto Russia e Brasile. E' quanto emerso da una rilettura del rapporto Wine Monitor di...

  • Marketing Internazionale

    How to behave with Russia

    Russia, as the largest country in the world for surface area, largest natural gas reserves, and world’s leading natural gas exporter is an interesting country for doing business. Russian Federation is an extremely important factor in the economic environments of Europe, Central Asia, and the Middle East. Negotiating with Russian businessmen depends ...

  • La Russia depenalizza le violenze domestiche.

    La Russia depenalizza le violenze domestiche. Il presidente russo Vladimir Putin ha firmato una legge che declassa i maltrattamenti in famiglia a “illecito amministrativo”. La legge prevede che le violenze commesse tra le mura domestiche costituiscano reato solo se chi le ha commesse è già stato condannato per lo stesso ...

  • La Russia depenalizza le violenze domestiche.

    La Russia depenalizza le violenze domestiche. Il presidente russo Vladimir Putin ha firmato una legge che declassa i “maltrattamenti in famiglia” a “illecito amministrativo”. La legge prevede che le violenze tra le mura domestiche costituiscano reato solo se chi le ha commesse è già stato condannato per lo stesso motivo o ...

  • Asked about Putin, Trump says US isn't 'so innocent'

    President Donald Trump said he respects Vladimir Putin, and when an interviewer called the Russian leader "a killer," Trump said the United States has many of them."What do you think? Our country's so innocent?" he told Fox's Bill O'Reilly in an excerpt released by the network. The president's interview was ...

  • Food & Beverage

    Le imprese sarde sbarcano in Russia

    Dodici imprese sarde, selezionate da Confartigianato, sono sbarcate in Russia per il progetto StoreSardinia organizzato a Mosca dal 3 al 9 febbraio 2017. Le aziende sarde coinvolte, che in questi giorni si trovano a Mosca, partecipano a questo progetto con l’obiettivo di promuovere i prodotti italiani e dunque l'internazionalizzazione delle imprese ...

  • Russia, Turkey, Iran discuss Syria cease-fire implementation in Astana

    Experts from Russia, Turkey, Iran and the United Nations held a technical meeting in Kazakhstan’s capital, Astana, to discuss in detail the implementation of the Syrian cease-fire agreement, Kazakhstan’s Foreign Ministry said Feb. 6.

  • Continuano gli scontri in Ucraina, le Nazioni Unite chiedono un ritorno immediato al cessate il fuoco.

    Continuano gli scontri in Ucraina, le Nazioni Unite chiedono un ritorno immediato al cessate il fuoco. L’ambasciatore ucraino presso l’Onu Volodymr Yelchenko ha attribuito alla Russia e ai separatisti filorussi la responsabilità degli scontri che dal 29 gennaio hanno provocato almeno 19 morti e lasciato migliaia di civili senza gas, ...

  • Continuano gli scontri in Ucraina, le Nazioni Unite chiedono un ritorno immediato al cessate il fuoco.

    Continuano gli scontri in Ucraina, le Nazioni Unite chiedono un ritorno immediato al cessate il fuoco. L’ambasciatore ucraino presso l’Onu Volodymr Yelchenko ha attribuito alla Russia e ai separatisti filorussi la responsabilità degli scontri che dal 29 gennaio hanno provocato almeno 19 morti e lasciato migliaia di civili senza gas, luce ...

  • Russia ‘ready’ to entirely fund Hungary nuclear plant

    Russia is “ready” to finance in full the expansion of Hungary’s only nuclear plant, Russian president Vladimir Putin said on Feb. 2 in Budapest.

  • Thousands of civilians risk losing access to basic necessities as fighting escalates in Eastern Ukraine

    Source: UN Security Council Country: Ukraine, WorldThe recent dangerous uptick in fighting seen in eastern Ukraine has left hundreds of thousands of civilians at risk of losing all access to water, heat and electricity, the Security Council heard on 2 February.SC/12704 SECURITY COUNCIL 7876TH MEETING (PM) Members hear from political, humanitarian affairs chiefs, head ...

  • U.S. eases Russia FSB electronics exports sanctions, modifies Iran penalties

    The Trump administration on Thursday revised recent U.S. sanctions that prevented American companies from exporting some electronic equipment to Russia. It also modified penalties on Iran, expanding a list of medical equipment that needs federal authorization to be sold to Iranian customers. The Treasury Department says U.S. companies can apply ...

  • Tillerson starts duty after senate approval

    The U.S. Senate confirmed Rex Tillerson as U.S. President Donald Trump’s secretary of state on Feb. 1, filling a key spot on the Republican’s national security team despite concerns about the former Exxon Mobil Corp chief executive officer’s ties to Russia.

  • Rex Tillerson giura come segretario di stato degli Stati Uniti.

    Rex Tillerson giura come segretario di stato degli Stati Uniti. L’ex amministratore delegato di Exxon Mobil è stato confermato come responsabile degli affari esteri del governo Trump dopo l’approvazione del senato con 56 voti a favore e 43 contrari. Quella di Tillerson era una nomina considerata a rischio per i suoi rapporti ...

  • PM lauds 2016 tourism results, hopeful Air Malta will find 'the right' strategic partner

    Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said today he was hopeful that Air Malta would find a strategic partner “in the time to come.”  Dr Muscat was speaking at an event during which the Malta Tourism Association gave a detailed breakdown of tourist arrivals and expenditure during 2016. Around 1.98 million tourists ...

  • EU chief calls on Europe to rally against Donald Trump threat

    European Council President Donald Tusk said that US President Donald Trump has joined Russia, China and radical Islam among threats to Europe and called on Europeans to stick together to avoid domination by three other continental powers. In a letter to national leaders before a summit that he will chair in ...

  • Updated: EU chief Tusk sees Trump announcements as threats

    The leader of the European Union put longtime ally the United States in a "threat" category on Tuesday, insisting that President Donald Trump is contributing to the "highly unpredictable" outlook for the bloc.In a letter to 27 EU leaders before Friday's summit in Malta, EU President Donald Tusk mentioned the ...

  • Deutsche Bank multata per 630 milioni di dollari da Stati Uniti e Regno Unito.

    Deutsche Bank multata per 630 milioni di dollari da Stati Uniti e Regno Unito. Le autorità di controllo bancarie statunitensi e britanniche hanno imposto all’istituto tedesco una multa di 630 milioni di dollari per aver permesso il riciclaggio di denaro tra i suoi uffici di Mosca, Londra e New York. ...

  • Former IEBC bosses to get diplomatic jobs

    The nine former IEBC commissioners ejected from office under a cloud could land lucrative ambassadorial postings. This would be a yet another gift — part of the deal — to Issack Hassan's team who got packages estimated at Sh330 million each for their early exit. There was a national consensus ...

  • How Russia secretly sold its oil jewel

    More than a month after Russia announced one of its biggest privatizations since the 1990s, selling a 19.5 percent stake in its giant oil company Rosneft, it still isn’t possible to determine from public records the full identities of those who bought it. The stake was sold for €10.2 billion ...

  • Russia moves to legalize domestic violence

    A draft law pending in Russia’s parliament would seriously weaken protections against domestic violence, Human Rights Watch said today. Parliament should reject the law as dangerous and incompatible with Russia’s international human rights obligations. “Passage of this law would be a huge step backward for Russia, where victims of domestic ...