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Man only likes to count his troubles; he doesn't calculate his happiness.
— Fyodor Dostoevsky
  • Tillerson, Russia’s Lavrov meet on Syria

    U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson met his Russian counterpart Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in New York on Sept. 17 ahead of the UN General Assembly, officials said.

  • Putin looks to keep both Israel and Iran happy with Syrian solution

    Sources say Moscow is planning to propose formula whereby no foreign country will be allowed to turn Syria into platform for attacking neighboring states | Analysis

  • UN approves watered-down new sanctions against North Korea

    The U.N. Security Council on Monday unanimously approved new sanctions on North Korea but not the toughest-ever measures sought by the Trump administration to ban all oil imports and freeze international assets of the government and its leader, Kim Jong Un.The resolution, responding to Pyongyang's sixth and strongest nuclear test ...

  • Logistica, Dogane e Supply Chain

    Esportare in Russia: fra Sanzioni e Certificazioni

    La Russia è un mercato che offre meravigliose opportunità alle imprese italiane ma fra le problematiche più frequenti spicca quella relative alle procedure doganali. Come è noto, per le imprese comunitarie, esportare beni all’interno della Federazione Russa non è affatto semplice non solo a causa delle complicate procedure che devono essere ...

  • 12 Ott Task force Italo-Russa sui distretti industriali e le PMI

    La XXVIª Sessione della Task Force italo-russa sui distretti industriali e le PMI si terrà dal 12 al 13 ottobre a Ekaterinburg (Regione di Sverdlovsk). La Task Force è un foro economico-istituzionale, cui sono chiamate a partecipare le principali realtà italiane e russe preposte allo sviluppo ed all’internazionalizzazione delle PMI, quali ...

  • China invests $9.1 bln in Rosneft as Glencore, Qatar cut stakes

    Chinese conglomerate CEFC will buy a 14.16 percent stake in Russian oil major Rosneft for $9.1 billion from a consortium of Glencore and the Qatar Investment Authority, strengthening the energy partnership between Moscow and Beijing.

  • Economic outlook

    In the new Deloitte Global Economic Outlook Q3 2017 issue, Deloitte’s team of global economists have examined the issues and economic trends in the United States, China, Eurozone, India, Japan, United Kingdom, Russia, and Turkey, along with a special article on the rising sentiment against globalisation. At a time when the ...

  • Venezuela invites investors to discuss foreign debt

    Talks set with Russia over restructuring, Moscow says

  • Ditch foreign software or lose out, Putin tells Russian tech firms

    Russian technology companies will lose out on state orders unless they switch to using home-grown software, Russian President Vladimir Putin was quoted as saying today.  Putin said that, in some spheres, state institutions could not work with companies running foreign software because that represented a risk for national cyber-security. "In terms of ...

  • UN mulls oil embargo on N.Korea, textile export ban

    The United States wants the United Nations Security Council to impose an oil embargo on North Korea, ban the country's exports of textiles and the hiring of North Korean laborers abroad and subject leader Kim Jong Un to an asset freeze and travel ban, according to a draft resolution seen ...

  • 21 Set Il mercato russo: opportunità per le aziende italiane del settore delle infrastrutture aeroportuali

    L'evento "Il mercato russo: opportunità per le aziende italiane del settore delle infrastrutture aeroportuali" si terrà il 21 settembre presso la camera di commercio Italo-Russo a Milano. La Federazione russa, nell’ambito del Civil Aviation Programme ed in previsione dei campionati del mondo di calcio FIFA 2018, sta sviluppando un ambizioso piano ...

  • Contrattualistica Internazionale

    How to do business in Russia: some tips for Italian companies

    With a potential increase in Italian exports of 2 bn euros by the year 2020, Russia appears to offer a desirable environment for Italian business expansion. In addition to this, Russia is also currently cited as the 13th market for Italian exports. Several sectors within Russia offer opportunities for various Italian ...

  • I DO Magazine: This moment forever

    The Couple: Katya & Shaun8 July 2016Katya Grech, 25, Sales and Revenue Executive at be.HOTEL and Shaun Grech, 27, Director at Incredible Web held their ceremony at Parish Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, Mellieħa followed by a reception held at Palazzo Nobile, NaxxarKatya came to Malta for a ...

  • North Korea claims 'perfect success' of powerful nuke test

    North Korea on Sunday claimed a "perfect success" for its most powerful nuclear test so far, a further step in the development of weapons capable of striking anywhere in the United States. President Donald Trump said the latest provocation reinforces the danger facing America and that "talk of appeasement" is ...

  • Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Trump probe likely to reach Malta

    As the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) delves deeper in its investigation of US President Donald Trump's ties to Russia, it is becoming increasingly likely that the investigation will eventually reach Malta thanks to a web of over a dozen Georgian offshore companies set up in Malta.The US Department ...

  • Russian economic growth upgraded, inflation seen slowing

    Russia’s economy is seen growing slightly faster this year than previously and inflation is seen slowing, a Reuters monthly poll of economists showed on Thursday.

  • Russia hoping to boost arms sales after Syrian usage

    Russia is hopeful that the new weapons it tested for the first time in Syria will lead to a spike in arms sales abroad, officials have said.

  • Qatar and Russia to ‘bolster’ economic ties

    Two of the world’s largest energy producers, Qatar and Russia, on Aug. 30 vowed to increase trade ties at a time when the emirate is facing an economic boycott from neighboring states.

  • Syria talks should address missing persons - HRW

    Source: Human Rights Watch Country: Syrian Arab RepublicInternational backers of negotiations to end the conflict should ensure that any transitional process includes a robust independent body to investigate thousands of “disappeared.”Create Independent Body to Investigate Missing Persons Show More Services (Beirut, August 30, 2017) – International backers of negotiations to end the ...

  • Brazil’s Temer Goes to China Seeking Investors

    By Lise Alves, Senior Contributing Reporter SÃO PAULO, BRAZIL –Brazil’s President Michel Temer, is travelling to China on Tuesday to attend the 9th BRICS Summit along with his counterparts from China, India, Russia and South Africa. With Brazil’s economy still struggling to recover, Temer and his cabinet members will also ...

  • Lawyer: Proposal to build Trump Tower in Russia during GOP primary was dropped for ‘business reasons’

    President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer is acknowledging that the president’s company considered building a Trump Tower in Moscow during the Republican primary, but the plan ...