Vai alla Scheda Paese »Man only likes to count his troubles; he doesn't calculate his happiness.
— Fyodor Dostoevsky
Man only likes to count his troubles; he doesn't calculate his happiness.
— Fyodor Dostoevsky
Moscow relies on the money it makes by selling oil and gas, but that energy fuels Europe’s economy and heats its homes.
Putin: “Ai nostri partner non conviene sanzionarci” Attacco Ucraina, il Presidente Turco Erdogan: “L’operazione di Mosca è inaccettabile” ...
All’alba del 24 febbraio l’attacco: la Russia invade l’Ucraina scatenando una raffica di attacchi aerei e missilistici sulle strutture militari e strategiche in tutto il paese. Kiev annuncia: ci attaccano dalla Bielorussia e dalla Crimea. Centinaia di vittime, scrive la Cnn. Sirene suonano anche a Leopoli. Combattimenti a Chernobyl, ma ...
La decisione politica è stata presa la sera del 24 febbraio, in un vertice dei capi di stato e di governo dei Ventisette. La rabbia di Biden: Putin la pagherà cara
The moves are aimed at cutting off Russia from critical technology needed to power its military and economy.
One by one, embassies and international offices in Kyiv closed. Flight after flight was canceled when insurance companies balked at covering planes arriving in Ukraine. Hundreds of millions of dollars in investment dried up within weeks.
La guerra tra Russia e Ucraina non è più uno spettro che alleggia all’orizzonte ma è diventata triste realtà, delineando uno degli scenari più drammatici mai visti dalla fine della Seconda Guerra Mondiale. Con il pretesto di voler difendere i separatisti delle province orientali filorusse del Donbass dall’esercito ucraino, ma in ...
(Teleborsa) - La Banca di Russia ha ordinato ai broker di sospendere le vendite allo scoperto in borsa e sui mercati over-the-counter. La decisione è stata presa "in connessione con l'attuale...
Biden administration officials have warned Russia that it could face further restrictions on technology that is critical to its economy and military.
A Russian invasion of Ukraine could push up oil and food prices globally at a time of already-high inflation. In the U.S., it will drive up uncertainty.
Greece is a member of NATO, of the EU and the eurozone. Russia’s initiative is a flagrant violation of international law and poses additional dangers for our country.
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The increase in the price of gasoline, which reached a record level in 2021 and continues this year, has become an almost permanent pressure factor for consumers. And the outlook is not bright given the conflict between Russia, Ukraine, and the United States, which has ...
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - A day after Russia recognized the Donetsk and Lugansk republics in eastern Ukraine as sovereign states, the Brazilian Foreign Ministry called on the parties involved to avoid an "escalation of violence" in Ukraine. In a statement, the Brazilian Foreign Ministry appealed "to all parties involved ...
Oil and gas prices are up, and Western energy giants with operations and investments in Russia could find it harder to keep doing business there.
The U.S. and Britain are aiming to throttle Russia’s access to foreign capital. But things could get complicated for the entire global financial system.
Foreign Affairs Minister Nanaia Mahuta instructed officials to call in Russia's ambassador Georgii Viktorovich Zuev over the military incursion into Ukraine.
Business leaders are increasingly worried about the escalating Russia-Ukraine conflict, with rising oil prices threatening to drive up living costs.
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Bolivia confirmed that it is negotiating with Russia an agreement to execute oil and natural gas projects in this South American country. They . . . To read the full NEWS and much more, Subscribe to our Premium Membership Plan. Already Subscribed? Login Here Subscribe ...
(Teleborsa) - I venti di guerra che soffiano dall'Est europeo preoccupano il settore agricolo italiano per l'impatto che la crisi Russia-Ucraina avrà sull'interscambio agroalimentare....
O agravamento das tensões entre Rússia e Ucrânia não impediu o dólar de voltar a cair e atingir o menor valor desde o fim de julho do ano passado. A bolsa não teve o mesmo otimismo e recuou pela terceira vez seguida, pressionada pelo mercado externo. O dólar comercial encerrou esta ...
Countries that depend on the region’s rich supply of energy, wheat, nickel and other staples could feel the pain of price spikes.