Vai alla Scheda Paese »Man only likes to count his troubles; he doesn't calculate his happiness.
— Fyodor Dostoevsky
Man only likes to count his troubles; he doesn't calculate his happiness.
— Fyodor Dostoevsky
Zelensky annuncio lo stop alla vendita all’estero di gas e carbone ucraini. Il rabbino capo di Mosca è fuggito dalla Russia: non voleva sostenere invasione. Draghi sarà stasera a Parigi da Macron. Intervistata a Berlino torna sulla scena Angela Merkel: «Putin ha fatto un grosso errore, ma isolare a lungo la ...
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The pandemic and the war between Russia and Ukraine are forcing a rearrangement in the global production chain of semiconductors. The item has become a symbol of the difficulties of a globalized economy with most of its manufacturing concentrated in Asia. The chips are essential ...
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – With Intel, Samsung, TSMC, and Qualcomm exiting the Russian market after the United States, the United Kingdom, and the European Union imposed export controls on chips manufactured or designed in the United States or Europe, the Russians are responding accordingly. Until at least December 31 ...
More than 2.4 million foreign tourists visited Antalya in January-May, marking a strong 223 percent increase from a year ago, despite the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine.
Amid growing concerns worldwide about food security because of the serious impact caused by the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war, edible insects and protein sourced from insects are likely to see strong export potential in the world market, according to the Thai Food Processors Association.
The effort could hurt Russia but could also help drive up already high oil prices, hurting the global economy and enriching energy companies.
Il divorzio dell'Ue dal petrolio russo è un affare molto serio per Mosca. L'embargo sarà graduale e l'obiettivo di Bruxelles è bloccare il 90% dell'import Ue a...
L’intesa fra Ue e Regno Unito taglia fuori le navi cargo dalla copertura assicurativa, inasprendo le ritorsioni sull’export energetico di Mosca
Il più grande porto dell’Ucraina rappresenta anche il suo legame più forte con l’economia mondiale, oltre a essere lo snodo principale per le esportazioni di cereali nel mar Nero, bloccato dalle navi russe. Leggi
L’invasione dell’Ucraina ha dominato la prima giornata del Consiglio europeo del 30-31 maggio, terminata con un - sofferto - accordo dei 27 sul sesto pacchetto di sanzioni alla Russia: stop solo a quelle via mare, esentando temporaneamente l’import via oleodotto. Il Consiglio europeo prende atto della richiesta di adesione di Kiev ...
The Thai food industry is enjoying higher overseas purchase orders, attributed to the impact of the Russia-Ukraine war, but the windfall may be short-lived as a severe labour shortage in the food sector remains unsolved.
(Teleborsa) - "Il quadro macroeconomico si è deteriorato bruscamente, a seguito dell'invasione dell'Ucraina da parte della Russia". Lo ha confermato il ministro dell'Economia Daniele Franco,...
The Finance Ministry is considering the private sector's proposal to delay and reduce collection of the land and building tax because businesses are struggling with the double whammy of the impact of the pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine war, says minister Arkhom Termpittayapaisith.
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – The U.S. elites and globalists in Europe want to cut off the old continent from Russia virtually. Especially in terms of energy supply. The escalated Ukraine conflict has provided the broader basis for building up pressure for this and creating some popular support. Read also: Check ...
The chip maker Broadcom continued its acquisitive streak, buying VMware. Gas prices head higher. And a report will show if job growth continues to be strong.
The new law raises the stakes for multinationals trying to exit, and could be in place within weeks.
The Russian central bank is seeking to support an economy hurt by inflation and sanctions.
Although the Russia-Ukraine war has many countries worried about food security, leading to export bans to ensure domestic supply, the government and corporate groups insist that Thailand has no threat of shortages.
È scaduta l'esenzione che in questi mesi aveva permesso a Mosca di proseguire i pagamenti sul proprio debito estero. Ma il Cremlino annuncia battaglia
(Teleborsa) - La Russia onorerà il proprio debito estero in rubli, dopo che gli Stati Uniti hanno deciso di non estendere la deroga che consente al paese guidato da Vladimir Putin di pagare i...
The Biden administration’s escalation of sanctions could lead to Russia’s first default on foreign debt in a century.