Vai alla Scheda Paese »Man only likes to count his troubles; he doesn't calculate his happiness.
— Fyodor Dostoevsky
Man only likes to count his troubles; he doesn't calculate his happiness.
— Fyodor Dostoevsky
The Far East Development Ministry is developing a plan to transform Khabarovsk - a city of half a million people, 30 kilometers from China's northeastern border - into a new Antwerp for the diamond industry.
The European Union is opening a case against Russia before the World Trade Organization to protest a pork import ban which it calls disproportionate and illegal.
HANOVER, Germany - The German engineering sector could be derailed if the European Union imposed strict sanctions against Russia following the latter's annexation of the Crimea region of Ukraine, trade body VDMA said.
RUSSIA Mosca 06/04/2014. L'economia dell'Ucraina sarebbe crollata senza l'aiuto finanziario della Russia. Lo ha detto Christine Lagarde, direttore del Fmi. Leggi tutto...
Europe must not relax in preparing tough economic sanctions against Russia because tensions over Ukraine are still high and Russia has not done enough to reduce them, British Foreign Secretary William Hague said.
With is economy reeling from the geopolitical crisis sparked by its annexation of Crimea, Moscow is seeking to increase ties with Asia.
Russia increased the gas price for Ukraine to $485 per 1,000 cubic metres and urged Kiev on Thursday to pay its $2.2 billion debt
Turkish exporters have diverted to Georgia to transport their goods to Russia after outbreak of Kyiv crisis, but limits on transit permits given by Georgian government is stalling trade
RUSSIA Mosca. 30/03/14. «Al fine di proteggere i clienti delle banche da frodi istituzioni finanziarie estere AB Russia ha deciso di lavorare esclusivamente sul mercato domestico e una sola moneta la moneta nazionale Leggi tutto...
Nearly $1.5 billion worth of trade between the U.S and Russia could be threatened by a quietly made decision to stop U.S. firms from selling goods with potential military applications to Russia.
Concerns are growing among German businesses about exposure to Russia following the imposition of sanctions against Moscow by Europe and the US
LIVEBLOG / Il presidente Usa per la prima volta a Bruxelles e in serata in arrivo a Roma. Sul tavolo del vertice belga la crisi ucraina e le prossime mosse...
Moscow feels deeply uneasy that its traditional allies in the Middle East have crumbled and it is trying to establish new alliances
The World Bank warned Wednesday that Russia's economy could contract this year if the country is hit with more serious sanctions following its annexation of Crimea.
Nel 2014 in scenario peggioramento crisi, -2,1% in 2015
Sanctions will not succeed in pushing foreign firms to leave Russia if those firms are truly interested in doing business with the country, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said.
More than a quarter of a trillion dollars has flowed into the coffers of Russia Inc., part of a broad push by yield-hungry investors into into emerging markets.
With diplomatic efforts having failed to defuse the crisis in Ukraine, political and business leaders are worried that plans to place sanctions on the Kremlin will create an economic meltdown in the economies of the European Union and Ukraine, both of which ...
Che i BRICS abbiano rallentato la loro corsa lo si è detto e visto da più parti. Molte analisi hanno però accentuato questo rallentamento mettendo in discussione addirittura la possibilità di business in tali paesi. Alcuni paesi facenti parte dei BRICS, in particolare Brasile, India, Sudafrica, insieme ad altri paesi ...
As the ruble falls and the Central Bank continues to revoke lenders' licenses, investors are safeguarding their savings in that most tangible of assets: real estate.
Business groups are pushing to ensure that any economic sanctions imposed on Russia by the United States are joined by as much of the rest of the world as possible, warning Congress and the Obama administration that unilateral U.S. action would put tens of billions of dollars of American investment ...