• Fox warns UK cannot be ‘blackmailed’ on Brexit bill

    Trade minister hits out after Barnier accuses London of reneging on ‘obligations’

  • Ahead of takeover, luxury shoemaker Jimmy Choo’s profit almost triples

    Luxury shoemaker Jimmy Choo Plc, which is being bought by US retailer Michael Kors, said its pretax profit for the half year almost tripled, helped by its retail and licensing businesses. Pretax profit for the six month to June 30 was £18.1 million, compared to £6.6 million last year. Revenue for ...

  • EU cannot blackmail us over Brexit, says UK

    British trade minister Liam Fox has said Britain would not be blackmailed into agreeing on the cost of leaving the European Union, and urged Brussels to move negotiations on to discuss Britain's future relationship with the bloc. The third round of Brexit negotiations, focussed on settling the terms of Britain's exit ...

  • NDIC boosts capacity building initiative

    The Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation says 46 members of staff have graduated from the Chartered Banker/Master in Business Administration Programme at Bangor University, Scotland The graduates have also earned themselves triple qualifications of MBA, Bangor University; Associate, Chartered Institute of Bankers, Scotland the oldest professional banking institute in the world ...

  • UK defends £200m aid budget for Nigeria

    Rasheed Bisiriyu and Ifeanyi Onuba The United Kingdom’s Department for International Development has defended its £200m ($258m) aid budget for Nigeria, even as the Federal Government pledged to work with the British government to stimulate and attract more direct private sector investments into the country. The UK Foreign Secretary, Boris ...

  • Prime Minister appoints Malta-UK business promotion taskforce

    Joseph Zammit Tabona has been appointed by the Prime Minister to chair the newly set up Malta-UK Business Promotion Taskforce which will be responsible for business promotion of Malta within the UK. This task force is being set up to implement a plan of action between now and end 2019 to ...

  • Prime Minister appoints Malta-UK Business Promotion task force

    The Prime Minister appointed his Special Envoy for Investment Promotion Joseph Zammit Tabona (photo) to chair the newly set up Malta-UK Business Promotion Taskforce which will be responsible for business promotion of Malta within the UK.This task force is being set up to implement a plan of action between now ...

  • EU/UK citizens' rights fall inside Tusk's political activities - Alfred Sant

    Former Prime Minister and Maltese MEP Alfred Sant said that even if the European Commission is the negotiator in the Brexit negotiations - the European Council is fully involved in the process and, therefore, the EU/UK citizens rights fall well inside the scope of Donald Tusk’s political activities. Sant reacted when ...

  • Man accused of cannabis cultivation 'not guilty' after statements 'discarded or inadmissible'

    A man today walked away from charges of cultivation and possession of cannabis after a court found that his statement was inadmissible, while also discarding a witness’ statement after she failed to give her disposition during proceedings.On 17 June 2008, police from the Drug Squad executed a search warrant issued against ...

  • Updated: Delia says no vote was taken by PN administrative committee; Karol Aquilina says otherwise

    Nationalist Party leadership contender Adrian Delia gave the lie to PN administrative committee president Karol Aquilina, saying that no vote was taken by the committee on the statement that was issued requesting him (Delia) to reconsider his position.Karol Aquilina this morning said that the vote taken by the administrative committee ...

  • Britain pledges £200m to help Nigeria fight Boko Haram

    UK Foreign Minister Boris Johnson visits Maiduguri.

  • The world’s longest flight is a hop away

    DALLAS, Texas, US -- Pretty much everyone prefers a nonstop flight -- business people, especially. And they are more likely than most to be in a position to afford the premium. But right now, all the money in the world won’t get you from Sydney to the Big Apple or ...

  • DBRS upgrades Malta from stable to positive, notes improvement in government efficiency

    DBRS credit ratings agency has upgraded Malta’s outlook from stable to positive thanks to sound economic growth and a surplus in the public finances. It also noted marked improvement in shortcomings such as government inefficiency.The ratings agency wrote:“Malta is now among the few EU countries in full compliance with the ...

  • UK plans boost for life sciences as Brexit looms

    The British government has rekindled its industrial strategy, unveiled earlier this year to prepare the economy for Brexit, with plans to boost the country’s pharmaceuticals sector via fresh investments and public-private collaborations.

  • Today's front pages

    Drivers using their mobile phones need to watch out as the Times of Malta reports that the Malta Insurance Association is urging the police to consider applying the harshest of penalties for infringements. It also notes that all the four candidates contesting the PN leadership election will be subjected to ...

  • In-form Farrugia ready for England test

    Jean Paul Farrugia is looking to carry his rich goalscoring form into Malta's upcoming World Cup qualifiers against England and Scotland. Farrugia, who is making a return to the national team fold after missing the Slovenia trip through suspension, has enjoyed an impressive start to the season with his new club ...

  • Pálení v krku, slzení očí a kusy igelitu ve vzduchu. Obří požár skládky trápil obyvatele Mostu

    Ústečtí hasiči stále likvidují požár skládky Celio v Růžodolu u Mostu, který propukl v pondělí večer. Obyvatelé okolních měst během dne trápil štiplavý kouř a zápach šířící se vzduchem, nesměli mimo jiné větrat. Podle místních se ale situace již zlepšila. Opakované měření hasičů ukázalo, že do ovzduší žádné škodliviny neunikly.Další ...

  • Not a single Brexit document is satisfactory, says EU's Juncker

    European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker has delivered a fresh rebuke to Theresa May over her government's handling of the Brexit process. Mr Juncker said official papers setting out the Government's positions were not satisfactory and it was "crystal clear" that an "enormous amount" of issues needed to be settled before talks ...

  • Traffic arrangements at Ta’ Qali for Friday’s Malta-England match

    The Police Force, in collaboration with the Malta Football Association, has made special arrangements on the occasion of next Friday’s World Cup qualifier between England and Malta.Addressing a news conference yesterday, Angelo Chetcuti, MFA general secretary, said that this was a massive match to organise, but the association was convinced ...

  • iSON chief: Africa’s $32b ICT market skewed

    The Founder/Chairman, iSON Group, Ramesh Awtaney, has said the $32billion market value ascribed to Africa’s information communications technology (ICT) market is skewed. In a presentation on: Bringing Intellectual Property to Work: Create Onshore Model, Target Offshore Opportunities, at the 2017 London Business School’s Africa Business Summit, he said in a ...

  • UK hopes dashed for swift Japan trade talks

    Theresa May is keen to tout the benefits of a possible deal during Tokyo visit