Regno Unito
Vai alla Scheda Paese »You’ll never find rainbows if you’re looking down.
— Charlie Chaplin
You’ll never find rainbows if you’re looking down.
— Charlie Chaplin
In an interview marking the release of her new film, the Israeli-American actress told London-based Arabid daily that the law impacts many people's lives and that she does not agree with it
LONDON: A series of very public sackings, suspensions and departures suggests that Britain's finance world is waking up to the toxic implications of sexual harassment and bullying in the workplace.
Hitachi Ltd. is considering freezing its plan to build nuclear reactors in Wales after facing difficulties in finding investors to finance the project’s ballooning costs, ...
A series of very public sackings, suspensions and departures suggests that Britain’s finance world is waking up to the toxic implications of sexual harassment and ...
È finito per ora con un nulla di fatto il tentativo della premier Theresa May di ottenere dai suoi partner una qualche forma vincolante di rassicurazione sul futuro della frontiera irlandese una volta che il Regno Unito sarà uscito dall'Unione... ...
In an interview marking the release of her new film, the Israeli-American actress told London-based Arabid daily that the law impacts many people's lives and that she does not agree with it
Die verhöhnte May bat nach der Verschiebung der Brexit-Abstimmung EU-Partner um Hilfe. In London wird gerätselt, wie es weitergeht
(Teleborsa) - Il Regno Unito è libero di revocare in modo unilaterale la Brexit anche senza l'avallo dei partner europei. È quanto ha stabilito oggi la Corte di giustizia dell'Ue con una sentenza...
Head of hedge fund TCI remains one of the UK’s highest-paid business people
The UK prime minister’s sense of duty enables her to fight on friendless but she faces a crisis
[Premium Times] A UK development finance firm, CDC Group, says it is considering investing over a $1 billion in Nigeria over the next four years.
[] Trade and Industry Deputy Minister Bulelani Magwanishe has welcomed the R502 million investment into the East London Industrial Development Zone (ELIDZ).
Central Organisation of Trade Union (Cotu) has instructed a British law firm to file a case on the tea workers' pay impasse in the UK court.
Per ilgovernatore Mark Carney il Regno Unito rischia la peggiore recessione dal dopoguerra: la sterlina perderebbe il 25%...
In questo articolo segnaliamo alcune delle più interessanti fiere internazionali sul franchising per i format italiani intenzionati ad espandersi all’estero in mercati come Stati Uniti, Brasile, Messico, Spagna, Germania e UK. International Franchise Expo (New York, 30 maggio – 1 giugno 2019)Dati 2018: 22.000 visitatori, 450 espositori. International Frinchise Expo, in programma ...
Il cancelliere dello Scacchiere Hammond: dopo l’addio alla Ue, i livelli di vita nel Regno peggioreranno. Il numero due dei laburisti, John McDonnell, finora contrario, ora è possibilista su un secondo referendum su Brexit...
By Jay Forte, Contributing Reporter RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – This morning, November 27th, Norwegian Airways announced it will offer non-stop flights between London Gatwick and Rio de Janeiro–Galeão International Airport for just US$306.22 each way. The low-cost carrier is betting on long-haul routes, and will offer four weekly trips ...
Donald Trump has suggested Theresa May’s Brexit agreement could threaten a US-UK trade deal. The US President did not specify which aspect of the deal concerned him but told reporters the withdrawal agreement “sounds like a great deal for the EU”. No 10 insisted the deal is “very clear” the ...
US president claims agreement would be ‘great’ for EU at Britain’s expense
The United Kingdom’s decision to quit the European Union will not change her status as a global power and her ambitions in foreign policy, a high-ranking British diplomat has said, stressing that British diplomacy is preparing for the new era by re-focusing on the kingdom’s ties with its traditional allies, ...
The government’s Brexit deal would leave the UK £100bn a year worse off by 2030, analysis by the National Institute of Economic and Social Research (NIESR) has claimed. The study commissioned by the People’s Vote, which wants a second referendum, said GDP would shrink by 3.9% annually. “This is the ...