Regno Unito
Vai alla Scheda Paese »You’ll never find rainbows if you’re looking down.
— Charlie Chaplin
You’ll never find rainbows if you’re looking down.
— Charlie Chaplin
The European Union has warned London not to overdo its campaign to independently negotiate trade deals around the world while still being a member of ...
SoftBank vehicle to invest ‘a few hundred million’ dollars more in UK finance group
Mercoledì nero per le borse europee. La Borsa di Milano chiude in forte calo, in linea con gli altri listini europei con i timori per i dazi, una Brexit senza accordo ed il taglio delle...
LONDON: The Lloyd's of London Ltd insurance market is planning to launch two electronic exchanges next year as part of a three-year overhaul, as it seeks to fend off competition from low-cost rivals.
Presentato il rapporto 2019 dell’Osservatorio di Intercultura: sempre più scuole mandano i ragazzi a studiare oltreconfine. Anche al Mezzogiorno. Primo paese di destinazione gli Usa, poi Spagna e Regno Unito
Companies assured they can tender for for Copernicus programme after Brexit
[Tunis Afrique Presse] Tunis/Tunisia -The 2nd Tunisian-British Trade and Investment Forum will be held on October 22 in London , at the initiative of the Tunisian-British Chamber of Commerce (TBCC) and the Tunisian Embassy in London.
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Orange producers in Brazil lodged an international lawsuit against the three largest juice industries, claiming the establishment of a cartel for the purchase price of fruit. Currently, the national export industry is made up of three large companies: Cutrale, Citrosuco, and Louis Dreyfus. Brazil is ...
(Teleborsa) - Confermata la stima preliminare per il PIL del Regno Unito nel 2° trimestre del 2019, che indica una contrazione dell'economia anche a causa delle incertezze per la Brexit.La seconda...
UK’s Johnson makes five-year promise and France’s Macron links trade talks to climate pledge
The President of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) on Sept. 22 said that his Greek Cypriot counterpart’s speech in London was far from an understanding of partnership in political equality.
Under the EU, Kenya accessed UK markets on duty-free quota-free arrangements.
Boom in traders seeking to hedge against or speculate on moves in UK bond market
The UK's International Trade Secretary Liz Truss has arrived in New Zealand in an effort to ensure "rapid" trade talks after Brexit.
The fund focuses on early-stage investments in entertainment companies in Israel and the UK.
Lo sostiene il Wall Street Journal. Dall’altra parte dell’Oceano non è di sicuro vista di buon occhio la puntata cinese verso uno dei mercati finanziari più importanti al mondo, partner preferenziale degli Stati Uniti
Turkey’s trade ties with the U.K. will grow stronger after Brexit, said the head of the Turkish Presidency’s Investment Office on Sept. 10.
Altra sonora sconfitta per il premier Boris Johnson: sì alla legge che blocca il «no deal». Il premier UK sconfitto anche sul voto anticipato. I prossimi passi
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson's government abandoned attempts in the upper house of parliament to block a law aimed at stopping the country from leaving the European Union without a deal.
Uncertainty and fall in sterling hit UK’s largest source of goods imports
The Labour leader’s proposals represent a fundamental redistribution of income and power in the UK