Regno Unito
Vai alla Scheda Paese »You’ll never find rainbows if you’re looking down.
— Charlie Chaplin
You’ll never find rainbows if you’re looking down.
— Charlie Chaplin
Prosegue il lavoro della Farnesina per consentire il ritorno in sicurezza in Italia dei connazionali bloccati all’estero. Negli ultimi 3 giorni sono rimpatriate circa 1.000 persone, con voli da Regno Unito, Belgio, Bangladesh, Colombia, Repubblica Dominicana, Spagna e Portogallo. Dall’inizio...
Foreign Minister Ashkenazi says 'no place for violence in Israeli society' after Ismail Khalidi, who has advocated for Israel in San Francisco and London, files complaint against guards in Jerusalem's central bus station
Největší roli při rozhodování, kdo z rodičů zůstane na rodičovské a jak dlouho na ní bude, hrají peníze. Lidé nejvíc zohledňují finanční důvody. Ukázal to průzkum platformy Byznys pro společnost (BPS). Odpovídalo 314 rodičů a 78 zaměstnavatelů. Více než dvě pětiny rodičů uvedly, že na rodičovské zůstali přes tři roky.
Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hami Aksoy on June 12 criticized the U.K. for not consulting the Turkish Cypriot administration and Ankara regarding a regulation of the use of properties on British bases by their owners, which the official said means a “change of the status” in the region of the bases.
LONDON: Asia-focused banking giant HSBC's vocal support for China's controversial Hong Kong security law has not been well received in Britain, the former ruler of the city.
At least 69 companies have issued equity valued at £5m or more since middle of March
Joint venture of UK chip designer refuses to change management
Tokyo is looking to scrap auto tariffs while London has said it wants benefits for its financial services and textile industries.
A statue to a 17th century British slave trader was torn down on June 7 during an anti-racism protest in Bristol in southwest England amid calls for other historic reminders of the slave trade to be removed.
Sulla piazza di Londra c'è nervosismo tra gli investitori: senza un accordo sarà un addio al buio, con il rischio di una proliferazione di tariffe e dazi
UK politicians and investors concerned by banks’ stance on national security legislation
But economists question why UK would want to inflict further pain on businesses
Britain's foreign minister said he has spoken to "Five Eyes" allies about potentially opening their doors to Hong Kongers if Beijing's plans to impose a national security law on the city sparks an exodus.
The pandemic has exposed tensions over food security that are now playing out in the UK- EU trade talks
(Teleborsa) - Continua a frenare il mercato immobiliare del Regno Unito, Secondo l'ultimo rapporto di Nationwide, a maggio, registrato un forte calo dei prezzi delle case dell'1,7% rispetto al mese...
LONDON: Behind the colourful shopfronts in England's Lane, a picture-postcard street near north London's Primrose Hill, business owners are experiencing mixed fortunes as a result of the pandemic lockdown.
BRUSSELS - Trade negotiators from Britain and the EU embark on a fourth round of post-Brexit negotiations Tuesday but no-one in London or Brussels expects a breakthrough.
Cash-strapped Maduro regime tries to seize $1bn in bullion from Bank of England
Neste sentido, a associação sublinhou a importância de ser assegurada a possibilidade de o cliente reagendar a sua estadia ou de ser emitido um ‘voucher’ pelo hotel.
Da Londra e Bruxelles sono arrivati alcuni comunicati critici nei confronti della legge cinese sulla sicurezza imposta nel territorio, ma nessuna azione concreta. Come affrontare una potenza che diventa sempre più straripante? Leggi
With new cancer drugs and a vaccines partnership with Oxford university, AZ’s turnround has boosted the industry in Britain