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Vai alla Scheda Paese »You’ll never find rainbows if you’re looking down.
— Charlie Chaplin
You’ll never find rainbows if you’re looking down.
— Charlie Chaplin
40-year-old businessman Abdulhadi Mana Al-Hajri is new owner, according to UK filings
Americans move more swiftly with reductions in response to coronavirus in ‘eat what you kill’ culture
Pioggia di Gilt sul mercato: servono 350 miliardi. Rischio overhang
Tetraplegic man and partner "stuck in limbo" in New Zealand want UK government to help them get home.
Nella II puntata di Expert in Export il focus è stato il Regno Unito e scenari post Brexit e Corona Virus. Il mercato inglese è da sempre meta prediletta di lavoratori, imprenditori e professionisti italiani che soprattutto a Londra hanno cercato fortuna e stimoli per la propria vita. Due commercialisti ...
(Teleborsa) - Effetto devastante dell'emergenza coronavirus sul mercato dell'auto europeo. In marzo in Europa Occidentale (UE+Efta+UK) le immatricolazioni sono state 853.077 contro 1.771.030 del...
Right now, Israel looks a lot safer than in New York, London or Paris. Does Israel have a moral duty to serve as a haven for Jews against the COVID-19 plague, and to welcome their bodies for burial here?
Η UK Finance δήλωσε ότι ο συνολικός δανεισμός είχε αυξηθεί τόσο από 453 εκατομμύρια λίρες την τελευταία εβδομάδα, αύξηση 150%
Julian Assange har fått två söner under åren han satt instängd på Ecuadors ambassad i London. Det uppger hans partner, advokaten Stella Morris, i en video som publicerats av Wikileaks. – Jag hade varit på ambassaden nästan varje dag och lärt känna Julia
Expert in Export Live è la trasmissione che dà voce agli operatori del commercio internazionale: export manager, professionisti, consulenti ed imprenditori che vivono e lavorano nel mondo rappresentando il meglio dell’eccellenza italiana! Ogni venerdì un appuntamento in diretta sui canali social di (Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter e YouTube) e nei giorni successivi ...
WHEN PARK HYE-SOO was a young girl, her path to success seemed clearly defined. “My parents said, study hard, get into a good university and everything will be fine, so I was a good daughter and did that,” she says. “But when I finished I didn’t know what to do ...
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson was fighting worsening coronavirus symptoms in an intensive care unit on April 7, leaving his foreign minister to lead the government's response to the accelerating outbreak.
Allies had spent day insisting Boris Johnson was ‘still in charge’ of UK’s coronavirus response
US President Donald Trump warned of a “very horrendous” phase in the coronavirus pandemic. Singapore ordered almost 20,000 people living in two housing facilities for foreign workers to stay in their rooms for 14 days after the city-state had its biggest one-day increase in Covid-19 cases. The UK health minister said ...
Expert in Export Live è la trasmissione che da voce agli operatori del commercio internazionale: export manager, professionisti, consulenti ed imprenditori che vivono e lavorano nel mondo rappresentando il meglio dell’eccellenza italiana! Ogni venerdì un appuntamento in diretta sui canali social Facebook e Linkedin ed in remoto anche sul canale Youtube ...
“WHAT’S NIGERIA’S second city?” asks Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, an irrepressible economist and former finance minister of Nigeria, before chuckling: “London!” She is exaggerating (about 200,000 people who were born in Nigeria live in Britain) but she has a point: one of the most powerful trends shaping Africa, and the wider world, ...
Recalling the second world war, the UK government is defining ‘rules of the road’ for businesses and citizens
[Balancing Act] London -There's a 'missing middle' in investment terms for African ISP businesses that have got beyond launch but can't afford expensive local capital. Connectivity Capital's solution to the problem is to offer loans to help them scale up. Russell Southwood spoke to Jim Forster, General Partner and Ben ...
LONDON: "I think the patient is stabilised," then US president Barack Obama declared after G20 powers prescribed unprecedented remedies to steady the crisis-wracked world economy just over a decade ago.
EU text demands access to British coastal waters even if annual talks break down