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  • Qatar’s real GDP grows 6% in Q2

    Qatar’s real economy (adjusted for inflation) grew 6% in the second quarter (Q2) of this year...

  • Partnership tra Gcc e India

    USA New York 27/09/2013. Un gruppo di ministri del Consiglio di cooperazione del Golfo (Gcc) e dell'India si sono incontrati per discutere le modalità per rafforzare e sviluppare la cooperazione in vari campi, e Leggi tutto...

  • Trade union pushes FIFA on Qatar labor rights

    The International Trade Union Confederation is pushing FIFA to press for changes in Qatari labor laws because it says the health of migrant workers would be in danger in the extreme heat while building facilities for the 2022 World Cup.

  • Trade union pushes FIFA on Qatar labor rights

    The International Trade Union Confederation is pushing FIFA to press for changes in Qatari labor laws because it says many migrant workers will be in danger in the extreme heat while building stadiums for the 2022 World Cup.

  • Trade union pushes FIFA on Qatar labor rights

    The International Trade Union Confederation is pushing FIFA to press for changes in Qatari labor laws because it says many migrant workers could die in the extreme heat as they build stadiums for the 2022 World Cup.

  • GCC a ‘powerhouse’ in global fertilizer trade

    Last year, the region’s fertilizer products accounted for 30% of global urea and 16% of ammonia supply

  • GCC still reliant on foreign agriculture despite investments

    GCC nations will remain dependent on foreign agriculture for their national food security

  • 05 Lug Incontro Internazionalizzazione 1

    Il 9 luglio p.v. si terrà presso il Tempio di Adriano, Roma, un incontro per le imprese del territorio con i Responsabili dei seguenti 11 Uffici Esteri. Brasile, Cina, Emirati Arabi Uniti, India, Giappone, Marocco, Messico, Qatar, Russia, Turchia ed USA-Chicago. - Quali opportunità possono offrire per l’export delle aziende ...

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