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  • Putin orders Russian military to scale-down presence in Syria as cease-fire begins at midnight

    Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered the Russian military to scale down its presence in Syria, where it has provided crucial support to Syrian President Bashar Assad's forces.Putin spoke Thursday, as a Syrian cease-fire brokered by Russia and Turkey was set to begin at midnight.Putin didn't say how many troops ...

  • Qatar - La Farnesina promuove le eccellenze italiane per la Supercoppa di Lega TIM Juventus-Milan

    Ha fatto tappa in Qatar, a Doha, la grande attività di promozione delle eccellenze italiane organizzata dalla Farnesina sotto lo slogan "Vivere all'Italiana" in occasione della finale della Supercoppa di Lega TIM, che si è disputata ieri sera tra Juventus e Milan. Intorno al grande evento calcistico...

  • Mps, è un flop l'offerta sul mercato: anche il Qatar si sfila. Più vicino il salvataggio dello Stato

    L'ora x è alle 14 di oggi, quando anche per gli investitori istituzionali si chiuderà la finestra temporale per aderire all'aumento di capitale di Banca Monte dei Paschi. Ma a...

  • European clubs call on FIFA not to expand 32-team World Cup

    FIFA has found a difficult opponent to President Gianni Infantino's plan to expand the World Cup to 48 teams.A group of 220 of Europe's top clubs called on Infantino on Thursday not to increase the tournament from its 32-team format.The European Club Association said the number of games played each ...

  • CERF: Donors pledge US$273 million to support urgent aid

    Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Country: WorldIn the past two years, about 70 per cent of CERF’s funding has been allocated (or targeted) to humanitarian operations that support displaced people and the communities hosting them. (New York, 13 December 2016): Today the United Nations Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) ...

  • Il Qatar riforma il sistema di reclutamento dei lavoratori stranieri.

    Il Qatar riforma il sistema di reclutamento dei lavoratori stranieri. Il 13 dicembre entra in vigore nell’emirato una nuova legge sul lavoro che abolisce la discussa kafala, il sistema in base al quale il datore di lavoro faceva da sponsor ai lavoratori immigrati, che poi non avevano il permesso di ...

  • Gouvernement-FCE : l’isolationnisme économique algérien s’est acheté un Tchernobyl à Club des Pins

    Le rendez-vous africain d’Alger de la semaine dernière a tout dit en une seule session, la session inaugurale.  Elle a révélé trois constats. L’Algérie de l’entrepreneuriat a bien compris qu’il fallait se lier à l’Afrique. L’Algérie officielle n’est pas prête à laisser les entreprises redessiner le lien au continent. Les ...

  • UN General Assembly demands immediate end to hostilities in Syria

    Source: UN General Assembly Country: Syrian Arab RepublicIn a resolution adopted today as speakers decried the Security Council’s continued impotence, the GA also demands unconditional humanitarian access and action by all warring parties to protect civilians.GA/11871 GENERAL ASSEMBLY PLENARY SEVENTY-FIRST SESSION, 58TH & 59TH MEETINGS (AM & PM) Exposing deep ...

  • Security Council fails to adopt resolution to end attacks on Aleppo

    Source: UN Security Council Country: Syrian Arab RepublicThe text would have barred “any and all attacks,” while demanding a cessation of hostilities throughout Syria, except where operations were ongoing against groups it deemed terrorists.SC/12609 5 DECEMBER 2016 Negative Votes Block Action after 11 Vote in Favour, 3 against, with 1 Abstention Following ...

  • Uniting for peace in Syria: Global civil society appeal to UN Member States

    Source: Association for Aid and Relief Japan, Concern Worldwide, ActionAid, Human Appeal International, Amnesty International, GOAL, International Court of Justice, War Child UK, Norwegian Church Aid, Norwegian Refugee Council, CARE, Christian Aid, Mercy Corps, Human Rights Watch, People in Need, Solidarités International, Physicians for Human Rights, Oxfam, International Rescue Committee, ...

  • First global fund to finance disaster response before it happens

    Source: Start Network Country: WorldAid agencies will be able to secure financial support in anticipation of flooding, a refugee exodus or other foreseeable emergencies from the Start Fund.Aid agencies will be enabled to tackle looming disasters before they have occurred, under a pioneering project being launched today by a fast-growing humanitarian ...

  • Lord Mayor of London Andrew Parmley to visit Malta

    The Lord Mayor of London, Dr. Andrew Parmley, will be visiting Malta this week to discuss the virtues of a strong economic partnership between Malta and the City of London. The Lord Mayor will be accompanied by a delegation from the British Bankers Association, and the Chairman of Commonwealth Enterprise ...

  • Lamamra reaffirms in Doha Algeria's positions on many Arab issues

    DOHA (Qatar) -Minister of State, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Ramtane Lamamra, affirmed Thursday in Doha that the Arab States of the Gulf represent an essential plank in Algeria’s efforts to building mutually beneficial partnerships. Lamamra said during a press briefing held at the Algerian embassy in ...

  • Lamamra holds discussions with Qatari officials in Doha

    ALGIERS- Minister of State, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Ramtane Lamamra started Tuesday a working visit to Doha, Qatar, where he broached with Qatari officials the ways and means to relaunch bilateral cooperation in several fields, the ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement. Lamamra was ...

  • Digitürk wins giant tender for Turkish football broadcasting rights for five years

    Turkey’s pay-TV operator Digitürk, which is now owned by Qatar’s beIN Group, acquired Turkish league football broadcasting rights for a five-year period in a tender on Nov. 21, making the highest bid at $500 million

  • Barcelona strikes new sponsorship deal with Japan's Rakuten

    Rakuten will replace Qatar Airways, Barcelona's shirt sponsor since 2013.

  • Barcelona sign sponsorship deal with Japan’s retailer

    Japanese online retailer Rakuten will be Barcelona’s main sponsor for the next four years, the Spanish giants said Wednesday, Rakuten will replace Qatar Airways, Barcelona’s shirt sponsor since 2013, who were reported to have paid 35 million euros for the final year of their deal taking them up to the ...

  • Qatar needs Algeria's experience in African continent

    ALGIERS- Qatari Minister of Foreign Affairs Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim Al-Thani said, Saturday in Algiers, that his country "needs Algeria's experience in the African continent," especially as the two countries have joint projects in Africa. In a statement to the press following his discussions with Minister of ...

  • Sellal receives Qatari FM

    ALGIERS-Premier Abdelmalek Sellal received Saturday in Algiers Qatar's Foreign Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim Al-Thani, the Premier's office announced in a communiqué. The meeting allowed both parties broach bilateral relations "whose development remains satisfactory." Both parties "exchanged views on the regional situation, particularly the security situation. They ...

  • Editorial: Malta is the only EU country not in the anti-Isis coalition

    A full, three-hour long debate in the House on Thursday about the Budget vote for the Foreign Ministry did not tackle, except fleetingly, the elephant in the Chamber: Malta is the only EU country not in the anti-Isis coalition.According to the US State Department, the participants in the coalition are ...

  • IFRC launches emergency appeal to assist people affected by Typhoon Haima

    Source: International Federation of Red Cross And Red Crescent Societies Country: PhilippinesIFRC seeks fund to bring immediate and medium-term aid to 20,000 people in North and Central Luzon, as well as to support their recovery and increase their resilience to future shocks. This Emergency Appeal is being issued on preliminary basis and ...

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