Vai alla Scheda Paese »It's easy to know what you want to say, but not to say it.
— Mario Vargas Llosa
It's easy to know what you want to say, but not to say it.
— Mario Vargas Llosa
Um veículo do Uber foi alvo de assalto na madrugada deste sábado que terminou com perseguição policial e deixou dois inocentes e um criminoso mortos. A ocorrência teve início por volta da 0h40, quando o parceiro da empresa de transporte Matheus Pereira Gatti deixou um passageiro em uma casa de ...
A business man and tech guru fighting extradition charges from Chile over fraud charges, Alberto Chang-Rajii, has claimed that he is guilty until proven innocent back home, and that a Chilean prosecution campaign against individuals with a high net worth is the motive behind extradition charges.Mr Chang-Rajii is charged with ...
Il Fmi lima le stime di crescita per l'Italia per il 2017 e il 2018. Il pil crescerà quest'anno dello 0,7%, 0,2 punti percentuali in meno rispetto alle stime di ottobre. Nel 2018 la...
O antigo ministro da Economia António Pires de Lima passou a integrar a administração da Parfois, anunciou hoje a marca de vestuário e acessórios de moda para mulher.
Quello dei mercati esteri si configura come un orizzonte sempre più appetito dalle piccole e medie aziende italiane che, con il passare degli anni, stanno prendendo una certa confidenza con il commercio internazionale. Internazionalizzare, tuttavia, è un processo complesso che porta con sé una serie di scelte delicate prima fra tutte ...
Perù moda è la fiera internazionale del tessile, abbigliamento, scarpe e gioielli più importante dell'industria peruviana ed uno dei più importanti in America Latina.
Según cifras de la Contraloría General de la República de Panamá, la tasa de desempleo en el país a agosto de este año, se ubica en un 5.5%, mientras que la informalidad alcanza un 40.2%.
Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Country: HaitiHurricane Matthew struck in October during Haiti's second main harvest time, causing losses to agriculture of $580 million and striking a major blow to the country's food security.Hurricane Matthew struck blow to agriculture, 1.4 million people in need of food assistance 6 ...
L’America Latina è un continente magnifico traboccante di storia, fascino e dotato di bellezze naturali incredibili ma nonostante ciò lo sviluppo dei Paesi appartenenti a quest’area, per una serie di ragioni, ha sempre proceduto a singhiozzi faticando a spiccare il volo. Quando si parla di Paesi latini non ci si riferisce ...
The China-led Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific is fast emerging as a new trade framework replacing the U.S.-led Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement. At the APEC summit meeting closed in Lima, Peru, on November 20, the leaders of the 21 APEC member countries reached a consensus to launch a joint study ...
«Nel 2016 si prevede un aumento del Prodotto interno lordo italiano pari allo 0,8% in termini reali, cui seguirebbe una crescita dello 0,9% nel 2017». È la stima dell'Istat nel...
The leaders of Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation member economies strongly voiced against the U.S. President-elect Donald Trump's protectionism at the APEC summit meeting held in Peru's capital Lima. Some leaders warned that if the United States withdraws from the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement as Trump pledged during the presidential campaign, they would ...
Pacific Rim leaders pledged Sunday to advance free trade and regional economic integration in the face of rising protectionism with U.S. President-elect Donald Trump opposed to a major regional free trade deal. The leaders of the 21-member Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum vowed to “resist all forms of protectionism” and reaffirmed ...
LIMA, PERU - The leaders of the 12 member states of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreed Saturday to step up efforts to implement the free trade agreement in a veiled counter to US president-elect Donald Trump over his protectionist stance.
Trying to tie up loose ends of his foreign policy agenda, President Barack Obama on Saturday instead found world leaders more focused on someone else: President-elect Donald Trump.Global hand-wringing over America's next president has taken much of the wind out of Obama's final overseas trip. Adopting an altruistic tone, Obama ...
LIMA - Chinese President Xi Jinping pushed Beijing's free trade plans Saturday at a summit of Asia-Pacific leaders, stepping up to fill the void left by US president-elect Donald Trump's protectionism.
The leaders of the 12 member states of the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreed Saturday to step up efforts to implement the free trade agreement in a veiled counter to U.S. President-elect Donald Trump over his protectionist stance. In a meeting in Lima, the leaders affirmed their intention to advance domestic procedures ...
The United States has not given up hope of ratifying the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the 12-nation trade deal President-elect Donald Trump has pledged to scrap once he takes office in January, Secretary of State John Kerry told Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida on Thursday. During a meeting in Lima, Kerry cited high ...
Ibsen Flores Lima entra no lugar de Oswaldo Pedrosa, cujo mandato terminou; PPSA representa os interesses da União nos contratos de partilha
Projeção leva em conta não apenas obras de engenharia, como a refinaria de Abreu e Lima e o Comperj, mas também contratos de fornecimento de equipamen...
El exministro de Economía y Finanzas, Frank De Lima, reconoció que al pasado gobierno y al actual le falta capacitar a los jóvenes, a través del Inadeh, en las áreas rurales.