Paesi Bassi

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Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together.
— Vincent Van Gogh
Paesi Bassi

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

  • After Berlin attack, Europe weighs freedom against security

    Europe's open borders may symbolize liberty and forward thinking for some — but they increasingly look like the continent's Achilles' heel.Europe's No. 1 terrorism suspect crossed at least two borders this week despite an international manhunt, and was felled only by chance, in a random ID check. The bungled chase ...

  • Air Malta denies airline axed Frankfurt route to appease Alitalia

    Air Malta’s Board of Directors today strongly and categorically denied a report on the Times of Malta that the airline has axed its Frankfurt route to appease Alitalia.The article quotes sources stating that through this decision Air Malta is diverting interconnecting traffic that used to go to Frankfurt to its ...

  • Air Malta to operate double daily flights to Munich, Rome and Catania next summer

    Air Malta is planning to operate 150 weekly flights to 29 destinations next summer. With this schedule, running from the 26th March till 28 October 2017, the Maltese airline is planning to carry 1.2 million passengers while continue operating with a fleet of eight aircraft similar to this year.Air Malta’s ...

  • I Paesi Bassi approvano alla camera il divieto parziale del burqa in pubblico.

    I Paesi Bassi approvano alla camera il divieto parziale del burqa in pubblico. I deputati olandesi hanno votato a favore del divieto di indossare il velo integrale in luoghi pubblici come scuole e ospedali, ma anche sui mezzi pubblici. La mozione è stata approvata con 132 voti favorevoli sui 150. ...

  • Olanda - Nautica, successo per il cluster dell’Umbria al salone “Mets”

    Il cluster nautico dell’Umbria è stato anche quest’anno protagonista del Mets (Marine Equipment Trade Show), il più importante appuntamento internazionale riservato agli operatori nel settore della nautica, la cui ventinovesima edizione si è chiusa nei giorni scorsi ad Amsterdam, in Olanda. Il...

  • Tauranga's remote-control boat loader receives international acclaim

    Balex Marine's Automatic Boat Loader has received a Special Mention in leading international marine design awards DAME, announced at the METS (Marine Equipment Trade Show) in Amsterdam.The Special Mention recognises runners-up which...

  • Il mondo è diventato un posto più pericoloso stamattina

    Il mondo è diventato un posto più pericoloso stamattina. Abbiamo già Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Viktor Orbán e diversi altri leader autoritari e senza scrupoli. Il “programma” di politica estera di Trump lascia intuire come si comporterà. Costruirà un muro con in Messico e lo ...

  • Design ad Amsterdam - In mostra disegni mobili di Buzzi e Ponti

    Esattamente 90 anni fa, con quei disegni vinsero il concorso bandito dalla rivista illustrata del Popolo d'Italia dedicato al mobilio per un'ambasciata italiana all'estero. Oggi, l'Istituto italiano di cultura di Amsterdam celebra quelle immagini nel ricordo dei due autori, Tomaso Buzzi e Gio' Ponti,...

  • Autogrill cede le attività di ristorazione e alberghiere in Olanda

    (Teleborsa) - Autogrill ha perfezionata l'operazione di cessione in favore di Gr8 Investments dell'intera partecipazione in Autogrill Nederland, società che gestisce le attività...

  • Air Malta launches €35 one-way sale

    Air Malta has launched a limited period promotional sale on all flights starting from as low as €35 one-way, inclusive of taxes and charges. Twenty destinations are being discounted for travel between November 7 and June 30, 2017. The sale is open for just 96 hours starting at noon today until ...

  • The tease without the sleaze

    The sultry, sensual world of burlesque is set to take over the theatre space at Saint James Cavalier, Valletta, as a fully-fledged burlesque show starring Malta's leading burlesque dancer Undine Le Verve and a number of foreign artists will be held in November as part of this season's Spazju Kreattiv ...

  • UK government wants to expand Heathrow airport, razing homes

    Britain's government gave the go-ahead Tuesday to build a new runway at London's Heathrow airport despite concerns about air pollution, noise and the destruction of homes in the capital's densely populated western neighborhoods.The decision comes after years of discussion, study and outrage over the building of the first full runway ...

  • LIVE: Watch - Plane crashes in Luqa, five Frenchmen dead; French government reaction

    Five people died this morning when a light aircraft crashed soon after take-off at Malta International Airport.MIA confirmed that five people have died in the accident which took place at 7.20am. All five have been confirmed as being French nationals by the Department of Information.plane crashes from The Malta Independent ...

  • Nederlandse rechtspraak blijft in wereldtop

    De Nederlandse rechtspraak behoort nog steeds tot de wereldtop. Dat blijkt uit de Rule of Law Index, die de kwaliteit van de rechtspraak in 113 landen vergelijkt. In die lijst staat Nederland op plaats vijf, dezelfde positie als vorig jaar.

  • ‘Red alert’ voor mogelijk dodelijke xtc-pil

    Het Trimbos-instituut slaat groot alarm omdat deze week het Amsterdam Dance Event wordt gehouden.

  • Champions League: Guardiola is no match for Messi - Barcelona beat Manchester City 4-0

    After all the hype about Pep Guardiola returning to face his former club, Lionel Messi made sure it was no contest.Messi scored a hat trick to deal a humbling defeat to his former mentor on Wednesday, leading Barcelona to an emphatic 4-0 victory over Manchester City in the Champions League.Messi sped through City's defense ...

  • Ending contract with KLM could have saved KQ Sh26bn

    Kenya Airways management could have ended the KLM partnership earlier to save the airline from last year’s Sh26 billion losses, the National Assembly Transport Committee was told yesterday. The International Air Transport Association told legislators KQ management failed to evaluate financial benefit from the KLM partnership so it could not ...

  • Bank of Valletta renews its support for opera Carmen at the Aurora

    Bank of Valletta will be supporting Bizet’s grand opera Carmen at the Teatru Aurora. This wasannounced during a press conference which was addressed by the Mr Mario Mallia, the Bank’s Chief Executive Officer, Dr Michael Caruana, the President of SocjetaFilarmonika Leone and the PR & Events Officer at Teatru Aurora ...

  • Nothing to see here

    OTHERWISE law-abiding citizens confiscating drivers’ keys, kettles that reek of crabmeat, and twenty-somethings unable to afford apartments; these phenomena seem unconnected. Yet locals see a common culprit: tourists. Troublesome tourists are nothing new. “Though there are some disagreeable things in Venice, there is nothing so disagreeable as the visitors,” quipped ...

  • Nothing to see here

    OTHERWISE law-abiding citizens confiscating drivers’ keys, kettles that reek of crabmeat, and twenty-somethings unable to afford apartments; these phenomena seem unconnected. Yet locals see a common culprit: tourists. Troublesome tourists are nothing new. “Though there are some disagreeable things in Venice, there is nothing so disagreeable as the visitors,” quipped ...

  • Brexit. Bye bye London… bonjour Amsterdam, Francfort et Vienne !

    Après le Brexit, il faut désormais trouver une nouvelle capitale financière. D’ailleurs, des milliers de postes dans le secteur de la finance devraient être relocalisés. Mais quelle ville européenne pourrait relever le défi ?

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