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— Arabic Proverb
The smarter you are, the less you speak.
— Arabic Proverb
Diego Ulissi heeft de vierde rit van de Ronde van Oman gewonnen. De Italiaan was de sterkste in een sprint voor Axel Zingle en Ide Schelling. Jordi Warlop was de eerste Belg die over de finish reed. Ook Jenthe Biermans en Maxim Van Gils eindigden in de top tien. Jorgenson ...
Exotický Omán je přezdíván perlou Arabského poloostrova, kde vládne pro návštěvníky svobodná a přátelská atmosféra ovoněná kouřem legendárního kadidla. Tento cizokrajný koktejl vyrážím ochutnat v rozmezí deseti let již na své třetí cestě. Nikoliv však s vypůjčeným, ideálně terénním autem, ale opět stopem s lehkým kempovacím vybavením v krosně ...
LS Group said its Chairman Koo Ja-eun discussed business cooperation on Tuesday with the ambassadors of Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates -- five of the six member countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council. The GCC is a r
Türkiye is holding talks with Oman for natural gas trade, Energy and Natural Resources Minister Fatih Dönmez has said. The minister recalled he engaged in diplomatic efforts for energy last month, visiting several countries amid the sharp increase in global energy prices.
Livestock farmers expressed optimism that the Gulf states will offer attractive prices compared to those offered by the Kenya Meat Commission.
On Monday, the first shipment of 11,449 mixed-breed goats and sheep worth Sh226 million left Mombasa for the Port of Salalah in Oman.
A government tender offered Oman crude from the strategic reserves in Shibushi for delivery between March and June.
[Egypt Online] Trade and Industry Minister Nevine Gamea underlined on Thursday the importance of benefiting from the Omani market for Egyptian exports to access the Gulf Cooperation Council countries as well as markets bound with Oman by free trade agreements.
Incident marks escalation of threat to vessels passing through important trade route
[Daily News] TANZANIANS have been invited to invest in Oman including owning properties in ongoing efforts to further strengthen the two countries relations particularly in trade and businesses.
Il Sultanato arabo dell’Oman punta sulla diversificazione della sua economia e guarda con crescente interesse alle energie rinnovabili e - in particolare - agli impianti di generazione elettrica, il cui sviluppo sarà affidato a operatori privati. Una transizione che apre a nuovi investimenti stranieri. Voce:...
Mare, montagne, una natura antica e straordinarie infrastrutture. L’Oman sta avviando una diversificazione economica che lo rende terreno fertile per le aziende italiane in varia altri settori: la logistica, l’agricoltura, la pesca, ma anche Information and Communication Technology, aerospazio, design,...
Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu arrived evening on Feb. 9 in the Omani capital Muscat as part of his official visit to the Gulf country.
The Turkish foreign minister will embark on a three-day Gulf tour on Feb. 9 for official visits to Kuwait, Oman and Qatar.
The Foreign Ministry denies New York Times' report that Oman and Tunisia might be the next states to forge ties with Israel
Tra i Paesi dell’Area del Golfo, l’Oman è forse tra quelli meno conosciuti dagli operatori italiani. Si tratta, però, di una realtà che presenta numerose opportunità. Oltre all’industria petrolifera, principale risorsa del Paese, di rilievo per l’Italia il piano di sviluppo infrastrutturale e il comparto dei macchinari. Altri settori di ...
Nel quadro del dialogo recentemente avviato tra l’Italia e l’Oman in tema spaziale, l’Ambasciata d’Italia a Mascate e l’Agenzia Spaziale Italiana hanno tenuto un seminario online con il Ministero dei Trasporti, delle Comunicazioni e delle Tecnologie dell’Informazione omanita,...
Negli ultimi anni si è discusso molto su come le aziende possano sviluppare strategie per sopravvivere in un mercato internazionale sempre più competitivo. La maggior parte degli studiosi concorda sul fatto che per far fronte alla concorrenza globale, le aziende devono indirizzare prodotti e servizi a segmenti specifici e in ...
Iranian foreign minister immediately praises move, which is part of large-scale reorganization of government ministries, while local media refute speculations that disagreement over Israel might be behind it
Omani foreign ministry statement says that the two countries discussed regional developments and Israel-Palestinian peace, and that Oman also spoke to a senior Fatah official on the Palestinian issue
The coronavirus crisis and oil price warfare have given Saudi Arabia and UAE critical leverage on a struggling Oman. It could be the end of Muscat’s maverick independent foreign policy, with repercussions across the Mideast