Nuova Zelanda

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People do not decide to become extraordinary. They decide to accomplish extraordinary things.
— Edmund Hillary
Nuova Zelanda

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  • ‘Pokemon Go’ blitzes Europe but Auschwitz museum says no

    The “Pokemon Go” mobile gaming craze reached European fans on Wednesday, with players in Germany the first to get their hands on the augmented reality sensation. The game has until now only been available in the United States, Australia and New Zealand — although some particularly avid Europeans fans downloaded ...

  • Ministro do Planejamento se reúne com presidente do BC

    Em dia de provável anúncio da meta fiscal, o ministro do Planejamento, Dyogo Henrique de Oliveira, está reunido com o presidente do Banco do Central (BC), Ilan Goldfajn, na autarquia, em Brasília. A assessoria de imprensa do BC não informou o tema da reunião. Ontem, o senador Wellington Fagundes (PR-MT), ...

  • UN disengagement force mandate extended by six months in the Golan

    Source: UN Security Council Country: Syrian Arab RepublicUN Security Council called on all parties to the Syrian domestic conflict to cease military operations in the UNDOF area of operations and to respect international humanitarian law.SC/12425 7726th Meeting (AM) Security Council Meetings Coverage The Security Council today decided to extend the mandate of the United Nations ...

  • UNHCR report sees 2017 resettlement needs at 1.19 million

    Source: UN High Commissioner for Refugees Country: Afghanistan, Australia, Bhutan, Burundi, Canada, Colombia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ecuador, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Finland, France, Germany, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Iraq, Italy, Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, Somalia, Sudan, Sweden, Syrian Arab Republic, Thailand, Turkey, Uganda, United ...

  • UG student groups sign agreement to aid persons with disability

    Two University of Ghana student groups have signed a partnership agreement with the Samuel Wellington- Botwey (SWEB) Foundation to support persons with disabilities. The AIESEC branch of the University, signed a deal worth about GH₵19,000 to cover engagement of international interns and promoting initiatives, such as SWEB brand ambassadors, campus ...

  • India's bad loans could be more than New Zealand's $170 bn economy

    Banks' loan growth at 10.7% in last fiscal year ended March 31, was slowest in nearly two decades

  • Food & Beverage

    La Granarolo sfida i mercati e vola in Nuova Zelanda

    Da una recente indagine condotta da Assolatte - Associazione Italiana Lattiero Casearia - le barriere tarrifarie e in special modo quelle non tarifarrie quali le norme igienico-sanitarie impediscono in misura rilevante l'export delle aziende casearie italiane. Ed anche a causa di queste restrizioni, ad esempio, la produzione casearia statunitense continua ...

  • New Zealand prime place to hide money: Panama Papers

    New Zealand is at the heart of a tangled web of shelf companies and trusts that are being used by wealthy Latin Americans to channel funds around the world, according to a report on Monday based on the so-called Panama Papers data leak. Local media analyzed more than 61,000 documents ...

  • Marketing Internazionale

    “When in Rome do as the Romans do”: le regole di etichetta per il business – II^ Parte

    Continua il nostro viaggio in giro per il mondo, alla scoperta delle regole di etichetta nei diversi mercati, un tema di vitale importanza per chi fa business. Anche questa volta come già nella prima parte, si va da occidente a oriente sempre grazie alle infografiche realizzate da GetVoiP per GetVoiP - ...

  • Posible futuro presidente de Brasil es conocido negociador

    El hombre que podrí­a convertirse en el próximo presidente de Brasil goza de tan poca popularidad como la mandataria que enfrenta un proceso de juicio polí­tico, y está manchado por escándalos propios.El vicepresidente Michel Temer, quien no ha ganado una elección propia en una década, es un conocido negociador tras ...

  • Press Release from Business Wire : Diaverum

    MUNICH & AUCKLAND, (BSW) -Diaverum, one of the leading renal care providers worldwide, inaugurated its first dialysis clinic in New Zealand.

  • Crise deve baixar inflação só a partir de junho, dizem economistas

    A queda da conta de luz e do dólar são os principais fatores que têm puxado para baixo a inflação. O agravamento da recessão econômica, no entanto, só deve produzir efeitos sobre os índices de preços a partir do segundo semestre, de acordo com economistas ouvidos pela Agência Brasil. Os ...

  • 07 Set Yellow Auckland Home Show 2016

    Fiera internazionale in Nuova Zelanda che coinvolge il settore dell'arredo e delle costruzioni edili. Presenti buyer internazionali e operatori del settore con possibilità di networking e B2B

  • 28 Ott Big boys toys 2016

    Fiera internazionale in Nuova Zelanda sul settore motori e automotive.  Previsti show ed eventi a tema.

  • Banks warned over NZ exposure

    A worsening of New Zealand’s economy is likely to have a “material impact” on Australia’s Big Four, says Moody’s.

  • Australia tax breaks prompt Oscars glory

    Incentives, natural diversity and falling currency pull film industry out of New Zealand’s shadow

  • Australia tax breaks prompt Oscars glory

    Incentives, natural diversity and falling currency pull film industry out of New Zealand’s shadow

  • Marketing Internazionale

    Trans Pacific Partnership: ecco la firma

    Ci sono voluti 8 anni e 19 round di negoziati tra le parti per arrivare alla conclusione della Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) e ieri ad Auckand, in Nuova Zelanda, si è arrivati al dunque. I rappresentanti dei 12 Paesi che condividono l'ambizioso patto multilaterale di libero scambio che interessa quasi il ...

  • Chidoka At Chatham House, Says Jonathan Is Committed To Democracy

    Aviation minister, Osita Chidoka, has said that President Goodluck Jonathan is committed to democracy, peace and security in Nigeria, even as he emphasised the Peoples Democratic Party’s strong history of upholding democratic principles.He stated this when he was hosted on Tuesday by the Chatham House’s Africa Programme, led by the ...

  • Drama at Chatham House

    Chatham House or the Royal Institute of International Affairs, as it is also known, is an independent policy institute based in London. Founded in 1920, it operates from an imposing 18th-century house located at No. 10, St. James’s Square in the heart of London. St. James’s Square is the only ...

  • Buhari at Chatham House: APC slams PDP, Presidency

    The All Progressives Congress (APC) yesterday  condemned what it called   the needless resort to sheer hysteria by the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP)  and the Jonathan administration over the  appearance of the APC’s presidential candidate, General  Muhammadu Buhari, at the Chatham House in London on Thursday. National Publicity Secretary of the APC, ...

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