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  • High court stays case over New Mexico investments

    New Mexico's highest court has temporarily put on hold a lawsuit by a state agency seeking to recover money for investment deals it contends were influenced by political considerations during former Gov. Bill Richardson's administration.

  • Novo Nordisk Seeks to Boost Sales of Insulin in U.S., Mexico

    Novo Nordisk Chief Executive Lars Rebien Sorensen wants the company to focus its sales of Type 2 diabetes treatments in two markets where the company is underrepresented: the U.S. and Mexico.

  • Mexico opens deep water oilfields to tender

    The energy ministry is combing through a 68-page wishlist of fields that Pemex, the state oil company which has held a 76-year monopoly on the industry, wants to keep

  • Mexico opens deep water oilfields to tender

    The energy ministry is combing through a 68-page wishlist of fields that Pemex, the state oil company which has held a 76-year monopoly on the industry, wants to keep


       CITTÀ DEL MESSICO\ nflash\ - Sono 14 i ristoranti in Messico selezionati dall'Istituto nazionale ricerche turistiche (Isnart), ai quali è stato riconosciuto l'utilizzo del marchio "Ospitalità Italiana - Italian Quality". Questi si vanno ad aggiungere alle 1.100 realtà già selezionate in 43 Paesi. La certificazione è avvenuta nell'ambito dell'omonimo evento, ...

  • Messico, in forte espansione il mercato dell’eolico

    MESSICO Messico City 13/03/2014. Il 26 ed il 27 febbraio scorsi presso il Centro Banamex di Città del Messico si è svolta Mexico WindPower 2014, terza edizione della più importante fiera internazionale del Paese Leggi tutto...

  • Mexico May Allow Slim Bid in TV Network Tender

    Mexico's telecom regulator said the dominance of Carlos Slim in the phone market isn't an obstacle for him to bid in the coming tender of two new TV broadcast networks, as long as his companies comply with measures imposed last week to boost competition in the phone market.

  • New Mexico governor signs business tax change

    Gov. Susana Martinez has signed legislation into law giving businesses more time to potentially reduce their tax liability after experiencing an operating loss.

  • Mass. Gov. to head trade mission to Mexico, Panama

    Gov. Deval Patrick is planning another trade mission, this time to Panama and Mexico.

  • Mexico Soda Tax Dents Coke Bottler's Sales

    Mexico's new tax on sugary drinks, which took effect in January, has reduced the sales volume in the country by more than 5% for Latin America's largest soft-drink bottler, a company official said.

  • Politics to Shadow Obama’s Trade Talks in Mexico

    President Obama will make a brief trip to Mexico to forge closer trade ties with Mexico and Canada, as his party’s leaders in Congress vow to undercut his efforts.    

  • 4 Latin America economic powers sign trade pact

    The presidents of four nations collectively responsible for half of Latin America's economic output have signed an accord to eliminate tariffs on 92 percent of the products they trade.

  • Small-business centers in Virginia and Mexico form trade partnership under Obama initiative

    George Mason University’s business development center last week agreed to partner with a similar organization in Mexico to develop better entrepreneurial training practices and help companies in both regions break into one another’s market. Read full article >>    

  • 07 Feb Nuove frontiere in America Latina

    In America Latina i paesi che ricevono maggiormente investimenti stranieri sono (e saranno) Perù, Messico, Cile e Colombia, in particolare per alcuni fattori ovvero la solidità dei fondamentali, le politiche prudenti e l'aumento delle esportazioni.Questi quattro paesi, che fanno parte dell'Alleanza del Pacifico*, generano il 35% del Pil dell'America Latina ...

  • Mexico buoyed by foreign investment wave

    Pepsi, Nestlé and Cisco are to invest more than $7bn in the country, while state-owned Pemex has signed a co-operation deal with Russia’s Lukoil

  • 15 Gen Missione Messico: ottimi i risultati

    Si è appena conclusa (13 e 14 Gennaio ) la missione in Messico che ha visto oltre a grandi gruppi italiani, anche il premier italiano Letta. L'Italia, quella istituzionale, è stata assente dal paese per ben 25 anni. E' ora di recuperare il tempo perso.Ad oggi il Messico è la quattordicesima economia del mondo ...

  • U.S. to push for more trade with Latin America

    Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker launches Look South initiative to encourage U.S. companies to export products to Mexico and 10 other nations in Central and South America.U.S. Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker unveiled a new initiative aimed at increasing business with trade partners in Latin America, only days after the 20th anniversary ...

  • 09 Gen Italia-Messico: sempre più vicini

    Relazioni sempre più forti tra Italia e Messico e saldo della bilancia commerciale positivo. L'Italia è di fatto il secondo paese esportatore europeo in terra messicana e a livello mondiale si classifica ottavo.Nel 2013 l'Italia ha esportato per ben 2.4 miliardi di euro e anche gli investimenti italiani continuano lungo ...

  • SandRidge Sells Gulf of Mexico Business

    SandRidge sells its Gulf of Mexico business for $750 million in cash to Fieldwood Energy and boosts its expectations for 2014 production growth.

  • Mexico's President Signs Energy Overhaul Into Law

    Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto signs into law a bill that ends the monopoly of state-owned Petróleos Mexicanos in oil and gas.

  • Turkey-Mexico should raise trade to ‘$10 billion’

    The trade volume between Turkey and Mexico should rise from $1.2 billion to $5 billion in the short-term and $10 billion in the medium-term, Turkish Technology Minister Ergün says

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