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— Octavio Paz
Deserve your dream.
— Octavio Paz
The recent United States presidential election left Mexico-U.S. relations a somewhat controversial topic. With NAFTA brought into question and the declaration that walls would soon be built to separate these two nations, the sour sentiment between these countries appears almost beyond help. However, with U.S. exports to Mexico totaling 229,701.7 million ...
Il Messico rappresenta il 26° mercato di destinazione dell’export italiano che, nel 2016, ha raggiunto quota 3,704 miliardi di euro con un aumento del 6.7% rispetto al 2015. Anche la bilancia commerciale sorride al Belpaese grazie ad un surplus positivo di 2,630 miliardi di euro fatto registrare nel 2016 a ...
Durante una inspección en octubre de 2016, se pudo constatar que entre septiembre de 2015 y julio de 2016, la empresa importó y vendió 96 vehículos sin los dos certificados de la norma ambiental mexicana.
Estados Unidos ha publicado una larga lista de objetivos en la renegociación del Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte (TLCAN), que incluyen la reducción de su déficit comercial con México y la solución de problemas de acceso al mercado de Canadá.
Mobile operators have been ordered by the court to conserve all TAP files related to Economy Minister Chris Cardona for the days between 30 and 31 January, the time when blogger Daphne Caruana Galizia said the minister went to a brothel in Germany.TAP3 files include timestamps of calls made and ...
HAMBURGO (ALEMANIA), 8 (de la enviada especial de EUROPA PRESS Laura García Martínez) El presidente del Gobierno, Mariano Rajoy, y el presidente de México, Enrique Peña Nieto, han mantenido este sábado un encuentro bilateral en los márgenes de la cumbre del G20, en la que han coincidido en el interés ...
Il Messico rappresenta un mercato di grande interesse per le produzioni italiane sia per le sue dimensioni (123 milioni di abitanti) ma anche e soprattutto perché nel Paese sta crescendo una classe medio-alta fortemente attratta dall'Italian style. Ne abbiamo parlato con il Direttore di ICE Città del Messico, Giuseppe Manenti, ...
Repsol, en consorcio con la mexicana Sierra Perote, se adjudicó uno de los bloques en la licitación realizada por el Gobierno de México que ponía en juego hasta 15 áreas para la exploración y extracción de hidrocarburos en aguas del Golfo de México.
br /> MADRID, 19 (EUROPA PRESS) Repsol, en consorcio con la mexicana Sierra Perote, se adjudicó uno de los bloques en la licitación realizada por el Gobierno de México que ponía en juego hasta 15 áreas para la exploración y extracción de hidrocarburos en aguas del ...
Nationalist Party leader Simon Busuttil this evening addressed the last meeting of the PN 2017 election campaign, at the Floriana Granaries.Dr Busuttil spoke in front of tens of thousands of supporters, many dressed in blue, with the crowd covering the Fosos and spilling into the side roads. Referencing the Independence Day ...
The court will decide whether to preserve the phone records of Minister Chris Cardona and his aid Joe Gerada regarding the FKK Acapulco case on July 10.The Tap files would be able to shed light on the whereabouts of the Economy Minister as well as his aide on the night ...
Una delle grandi promesse fatte da Trump durante la campagna elettorale che lo ha portato alla Casa Bianca è stata la rinegoziazione del NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement), ovvero l’accordo di libero scambio tra Canada, Messico e Stati Uniti. Il tycoon ha definito questo patto un “disastro” per le aziende ...
Hackett dijo que aunque no estuvo involucrado en esa decisión, Ford canceló la inversión en México "por razones empresariales, no políticas".
Dr Joe Zammit Maempel, representing blogger Daphne Caruana Galizia, stressing the importance of preserving the requested phone records said that someone in the FKK Acapulco libel proceedings will commit perjury. Both parties were delivering their verbal submissions before Magistrate Francesco Depasquale on the request by Daphne Caruana Galizia to preserve ...
Elections are always tense in Malta, and this one is no exception. And the courts of law always play a big part in the run-up, especially when libels start being fired from every corner, as politicians try to gain some kind of mileage and sometimes risk more than in normal ...
Economy Minister Chris Cardona alleged today that the request made by Daphne Caruana Galizia’s legal team, to preserve certain phone records regarding the minister’s phone while on his trip in Germany, was based on a law declared invalid by the European Courts.The Minister was asked by The Malta Independent why ...
The legal team of Economy Minister Chris Cardona have filed an objection, on the last day permissible by law, to the request for his phone records to be preserved for the night he was allegedly at a German brothel called FKK Acapulco.Journalist and blogger Daphne Caruana Galizia had alleged that ...
Dr Busuttil made reference to a Nationalist Party press conference earlier today where it was revealed that the voting documents to be distributed in the homes of people needed to cast your vote, were done so using inferior ink and are easy to tamper with.He was addressing a political activity ...
Se espera que las dos primeras subastas de energía renovable de México atraigan inversiones a largo plazo por $6 mil 600 millones para construir unos 5 mil megavatios de capacidad.