Vai alla Scheda Paese »There comes a time when the nation is more important than an individual.
— George Saitoti
There comes a time when the nation is more important than an individual.
— George Saitoti
Source: Food and Agriculture Organization Country: Afghanistan, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Guinea, Haiti, Iraq, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, Papua New Guinea, Sierra Leone, Somalia, ...
[Citizen] The decision by Uganda and Rwanda to ditch Kenya's proposed oil pipeline in favour of Tanzania's should ring alarm bells in terms of what this means, not just for the economy but for the viability of the standard gauge railway that is being touted by the government as a ...
[Kenya Presidency] President Uhuru Kenyatta has invited more Korean companies to set up business in Kenya.
[East African] Kenya has invited public comments on a planned law seeking to transform Nairobi into a financial hub.
Oil & Gas Exhibition and Conference, in programma dal 10 al 12 giugno 2016, è l'appuntamento per gli attori mondiali del settore petrolifero. L'esposizione offrirà partecipanti la possibilità di presentare le ultime realizzazioni del settore e le tecnologie del settore.
KENYA PLAST giunta alla sua 4^ edizione è l'esposizione che fornisce tutto ciò che serve alle industrie produttrici di plastica, da macchinari a nuovi materiali caratterizzati dalle innovazioni tecnologiche che ne contraddistinguono il valore. Opportunità di business, seminari e sviluppo di nuovi progetti rappresentano alcuni dei tanti punti forti di KENYA ...
El Ministerio Público de Panamá (MP) anunció ayer el inicio "inmediato" de una investigación al poderoso grupo empresarial Waked por supuesto blanqueo de capitales y tráfico de drogas. La investigación anunciada definirá la responsabilidad penal del grupo Waked en la supuesta comisión de estos delitos, tras un pronunciamiento oficial por parte ...
Dalle proteste in Francia contro la riforma della legge sul lavoro ai migranti bloccati a Idomeni, al confine tra la Grecia e la Macedonia: ventiquattr’ore in immagini. Leggi
Rejection of Kenya route is Victory for Total which had security concerns about Somali border
Cuando Blake Mycoskie tenía 30 años, decidió fundar una empresa que fuera sustentable, pero que al mismo tiempo le permitiera donar zapatos a niños de escasos recursos económicos en el mundo.“Decidí hacer una empresa porque era una manera sustentable de poder donar calzado a los chicos (pobres). Si hubiésemos sido una ONG dependeríamos de donaciones, ...
LIFE HAS NOT always been easy for Ashish Thakkar, founder of the Mara Group, a conglomerate that invests across Africa. He was born in 1981 in Leicester, about a decade after his family settled in Britain after being kicked out of Uganda (where his forebears had moved from India in ...
Heading for a Russian wedding AROUND THE EDGES of Lake Naivasha, under the shadow of a dormant volcano, Mt Longonot, one of Kenya’s most successful export businesses of recent years has become established. All around the lake, and off dirt roads that lead from it, are acres and acres of plastic ...
SUDAFRICA Pretoria 31/03/2016. Gli acquirenti di prodotti dell'industria della difesa del Sud Africa nel 2015, sono stati principalmente l'Azerbaigian, il Burundi, il Kenya e la Nigeria secondo la relazione 2015 del Comitato Nazionale per Leggi tutto...
COFFEE was once Kenya’s biggest foreign-exchange earner, but these days the industry looks less perky. The country’s record, 127,000-tonne crop was all the way back in the 1987-88 season. Output plunged by 40% the following year, after the global coffee cartel axed its quotas, exposing the industry to competition. It ...
UNICEF and Unilever today [Tuesday], March 22, announced a partnership to improve access to safe water in countries across sub-Saharan Africa. The partnership will focus first on four countries namely Kenya, Nigeria, Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire. The new agreement includes financial investment as well as strategic engagement with government and ...
La femme est au cœur de la structuration et la gouvernance en Afrique. Elle joue un rôle sans cesse plus important au niveau national, dans le processus de décision politique et pour le développement économique du continent. A l’occasion du Forum Crans Montana sur la Coopération Sud-Sud, qui se tient ...
Country is lagging behind its peers
President of Kenya, Uhuru Kenyatta has urged for stronger trade collaboration between Ghana and Kenya. According to him, Kenya possesses the requisite opportunities for business growth to enhance investments into both countries. Uhuru Kenyatta also believes harmonizing resources for business growth will reflect in the overall vision of the ECOWAS ...
A local fixture THE chairman of Barclays, a big British bank, was asked in a conference call last year whether the firm might draw back its investment in its listed African subsidiary. Actually, he replied, “we would probably be biased to own more than less.” Yet on March 1st Jes Staley, ...
Points: Le forum africain de la finance islamique tient ...
The Economic Survey on Friday recommended a complete change in India’s stance at the WTO — including on issues that it fought for at the recent meet in Nairobi — besides saying that the rupee should not be allowed to strengthen at a time when China is in grip of ...