Vai alla Scheda Paese »You can follow goals as small as those of your ego, or as big as those of your ideas.
— Shimon Peres
You can follow goals as small as those of your ego, or as big as those of your ideas.
— Shimon Peres
(Teleborsa) - Snam entra nel mercato israeliano con l'avvio di nuove collaborazioni nella transizione energetica, in particolare nella mobilità sostenibile a gas naturale, biometano e idrogeno e...
A evolução do comércio eletrônico brasileiro é o tema da Live do Valor com o presidente da Amazon Brasil, Alex Szapiro, nesta segunda-feira, 19 de outubro, às 11h. Durante a entrevista, o executivo também fará um balanço sobre a primeira edição brasileira da data promocional Prime ...
A trip down Tel Aviv’s Ibn Gvirol finds that most stores are closed or do business quietly ■ But small businesses are Israel's lifeblood - and they haven't seen much help from the top
Israeli officials have estimated bilateral trade could reach $4 billion a year after normalization deal – and nearly all goods will have to travel by sea
Second quarter residential real estate deal numbers were down 41% in the Tel Aviv area, and the foreign influx turns out to be a myth.
País continua observando uma alta acentuada nas infecções diárias, que chegaram a quase 7 mil nas últimas 24 horas Sebastian Scheiner/AP Photo O governo de Israel decidiu nesta quinta-feira endurecer ainda mais um “lockdown” nacional decretado na semana passada para tentar frear um novo surto de covid-19 no ...
ISRAELE – Bando industriale italo-israeliano Nell’ambito dell’Accordo di Cooperazione Industriale, Scientifico e Tecnologico tra Italia e Israele la Direzione Generale per la Promozione del Sistema Paese del Ministero degli...
Via libera alla camera dei comuni al progetto di legge britannico che modifica l’accordo per la Brexit, un colono condannato all’ergastolo in Israele, le prime parole di Aleksej Navalnyj dopo il coma. Leggi
The limited partnership founded earlier this year sees the coronavirus crisis as "pushing technology companies to center stage."
This week at the Tel Aviv airport: An Israeli trying to instill Jewish values at a Chabad summer camp in Florida, and an opera stage manager coping with the coronavirus shutdown
L’accordo tra Israele ed Emirati Arabi Uniti non incide più di tanto sugli equilibri nella regione. Che nei prossimi anni saranno determinati dal crollo del mercato petrolifero e dalle difficoltà economiche di alcuni paesi. Leggi
L'Ambasciata d'Italia in Israele e l'Agenzia ICE - in collaborazione con il Ministro per l'Innovazione Tecnologica e la Digitalizzazione, la Camera di Commercio e Industria Israele-Italia e alcuni partner privati - organizza il webinar Accelerate in Israel, che si terrà martedì 1 settembre dalle...
This week at the Tel Aviv airport: One couple that was forced together by the Coronavirus, and another that was forced apart
This week at the Tel Aviv airport: One couple that was forced together by the Coronavirus, and another that was forced apart
Yisrael Katz had ordered the funding suspended following an outcry from activists opposed to the presence of foreign migrants in south Tel Aviv, but government aid to NGOs expected to go ahead
Tel Aviv municipality issued more fines to business owners than the seven other cities with the highest number of coronavirus cases combined
Tel Aviv judge 'endorsed the Defense Ministry’s talking points,' human rights activist charges, as petitioners claim the court ignored evidence that NSO's phone hacking software was used to spy on journalists and dissidents
Almost half of the men who have paid for sexual services in the past five years say the new law imposing a ban on frequenting prostitutes won't influence them, according to a poll conducted by Tel Aviv University
The new Chinese-operated port is meant to be a game changer for the Israeli economy. Why is no-one here talking about it?
Even if Osama were to get an entry permit into Israel, how realistic would it be for us to move to Tel Aviv based on something temporary that doesn’t even allow him to get health insurance or drive a car? | Post #14
Proteste a Hong Kong contro il progetto di legge sulla sicurezza nazionale, comincia il processo al premier Netanyahu in Israele, liberazione di duemila prigionieri taliban in Afghanistan. Leggi