Vai alla Scheda Paese »Have patience. All things are difficult before they become easy.
— Saadi
Have patience. All things are difficult before they become easy.
— Saadi
A haven for Syrian refugees FEW COUNTRIES OCCUPY a geopolitical space of such sensitivity as Turkey, or have played such a range of critical and overlapping international roles. It has been a gateway and a bridge to Europe, most dramatically in recent months for hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees, as ...
Conservatives fear country’s resources are at risk of being exploited by western companies
Essar Group, controlled by the billionaire Ruia brothers, has held preliminary discussions with the national oil companies of Saudi Arabia and Iran about selling a stake in its refinery business, people with knowledge of the matter said.
Turkey aims to boost trade with Latin America more than two-fold by 2023, in a bid to diversify away from its traditional export markets in the troubled economies of Europe and the Middle East, Economy Minister Mustafa Elitaş said on Feb. 1
L’annuncio lo scorso 16 gennaio a Vienna durante la conferenza stampa congiunta del ministro iraniano degli esteri Javad Zarif e della “nostra” Federica Mogherini - capo della diplomazia europea che proprio sul negoziato con l’Iran ha dimostrato al mondo di avere gli attributi necessari per stare al suo posto - ...
Ever since economic sanctions against Iran were officially lifted in mid-January, you could see this mood of overriding joy among the business community
The battle is threatening to complicate government efforts to attract desperately needed foreign investment, two weeks after the lifting of sanctions.
Turkish companies who have deeply-rooted relations in Iran have great potential because it is not so easy to do business with the traditional structure there but Europeans will be a strong rival in this market as they are advantegous financially, according the head of the Turkish-Iranian business council
Iran agreed to buy 118 Airbus jets worth $27 billion at list prices, including a dozen A380 superjumbos, after international sanctions were lifted against Tehran this month. The order for 73 wide-body and 45 narrow-body jets allows Airbus to steal a march on US rival Boeing.
The republic is returning at a time of economic and political volatility and low oil prices
Japan and Iran are expected to sign a bilateral investment treaty next week, sources said Thursday. Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida and Iranian Economic Affairs and Finance Minister Ali Tayyebnia will sign the pact during a ceremony in Japan, the sources said. Tayyebnia, expected to visit Japan for three days from ...
French carmaker Peugeot will return to Iran in a partnership deal with a local manufacturer worth 400 million euros ($436 million), according to an agreement signed on Jan. 28 during Iranian President Hassan Rouhani’s visit to France
Lifting of sanctions against Tehran allows new joint venture
Il primo viaggio in Europa del presidente iraniano Hassan Rohani dopo l’accordo sul nucleare segna il ritorno dell’Iran nell’economia globale. Eppure a Teheran è in corso uno scontro politico interno tra il governo che tenta di imporre riforme e la parte più conservatrice del sistema. Leggi
Si può accettare di coprire pezzi unici che rappresentano la bellezza italiana per ragioni economiche e nello specifico per favorire il consolidarsi di rapporti commerciali fra due Paesi? La risposta a questo interrogativo sembra essere affermativa se si guarda a quanto accaduto in occasione della visita romana del presidente iraniano ...
Il ministro per lo Sviluppo: "Il Paese esce da una cortina fumogena di 10 anni. Occasioni di business dal petrolio alla moda"
Italy and Iran signed billions of dollars in business deals on Monday at the start of a visit to Europe by Iranian President Hassan Rouhani aimed to rebuild his nation’s ties with the West after years of economic sanctions. Heading a 120-strong delegation of business leaders and ministers, Rouhani planned ...
Al via a Roma il Business Forum Italia-Iran, organizzato da Ice e Confindustria, alla presenze del presidente iraniano Rohani , che ha parlato di «collaborazione vincente» con le aziende italiane...
Prima delle sanzioni l'interscambio tra Italia e Iran era di 7 miliardi di euro nel 2015 è stato poco più di 1,5 miliardi...
E ancora, sul giornale cartaceo: banche, il punto sulla trattativa tra il ministro Padoan e la commissione Ue; Italia-Iran: i settori con maggiori possibilità di business...
The orders, likely to be partly financed with loans from European export-credit agencies, could be announced as early as this week, an official said.