Vai alla Scheda Paese »Have patience. All things are difficult before they become easy.
— Saadi
Have patience. All things are difficult before they become easy.
— Saadi
The suspect, an Israeli student, spent a short time in Iran, according to an investigation by police and the Shin Bet
CS Munya said while the deal was good, the county had neither exercised caution nor engaged experts.
Yaakub Abu al-Kiyan allegedly passed information about Defense Minister Benny Gantz to an Iraqi handler who was in contact with Iranian intel agents
Indsutry players and farmers question the legality of the deal, saying the Tea Act requires that all tea be sold through the Tea Board.
Il webinar "L'Iran di Raisi: alla Ricerca di Nuovi Equilibri" si terrà il 24 giugno dalle ore 18:00. Con un’affluenza ai minimi storici, il 18 giugno l’Iran ha eletto alla presidenza Ebrahim Raisi. Qual è l’orientamento ideologico del nuovo presidente? In che modo questo risultato influenzerà i negoziati nucleari? Che impatto ...
Sombre cleric trusted by supreme leader faces challenge of economy battered by sanctions and Covid
Die Parteien verhandeln erneut über die Wiederaufnahme des Atomabkommens mit dem Iran
Foreign Minister Yair Lapid and his ministry's spokesperson blast Ebrahim Raisi for his commitment to the Iran's nuclear ambitions and alleged role in the execution of thousands of political prisoners
Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and Foreign Minister Yair Lapid cannot afford to make the same errors as their predecessor with regard to the United States, Iran or the company they keep
Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and Foreign Minister Yair Lapid cannot afford to make the same errors as their predecessor with regard to the United States, Iran or the company they keep
La Camera di Commercio Italia - Iran sta organizzando una serie di iniziative, che si svolgeranno durante tutto il 2021, al fine di rilanciare i rapporti economici tra i due Paesi e fornire alle imprese italiane strumenti sul piano dell'informazione e della formazione imprenditoriale. Il primo di questi...
After Netanyahu has worked to diminish the influence of the foreign ministry, Israel's incoming Foreign Minister Yair Lapid will face several new challenges in the region, as well as further afield
Likud, headed by Benjamin Netanyahu accuses Bennett and his coalition partner Lapid of 'turning Israel into a dark dictatorship with personal laws aimed at Netanyahu akin to the dictates of North Korea or Iran' over their reported support for term limits
È stata inaugurata oggi, nella Residenza dell’Ambasciatore italiano a Teheran, Giuseppe Perrone, la mostra dedicata alla Capitale iraniana, dal titolo “Life in Tehran. Cafes and Foreign Embassies”, contenente un’esclusiva selezione di 27 disegni in bianco e nero di ambasciate e luoghi storici...
L’Ambasciatore Ettore Francesco Sequi assume oggi l’incarico di Segretario Generale della Farnesina. Entrato in carriera diplomatica nel 1985, ha prestato i suoi primi incarichi all’estero a Teheran, New York e Tirana. Nel 2004 viene nominato Ambasciatore d’Italia a Kabul. Nel 2010 presta servizio...
L’Ambasciatore Ettore Francesco Sequi assume oggi l’incarico di Segretario Generale della Farnesina. Entrato in carriera diplomatica nel 1985, ha prestato i suoi primi incarichi all’estero a Teheran, New York e Tirana. Nel 2004 viene nominato Ambasciatore d’Italia a Kabul. Nel 2010 presta servizio...
The Hamas regime plays a key role in Israel’s separation of the West Bank from Gaza. When the organization launches rockets, Israel sees it as a partner that violated an agreement, not a target for destruction
The Hamas regime plays a key role in Israel’s separation of the West Bank from Gaza. When the organization launches rockets, Israel sees it as a partner that violated an agreement, not a target for destruction
Saudi Arabia is "hopeful" after exploratory talks with its nemesis Iran, its foreign minister told AFP, in a rare comment on delicate discussions whose details have been closely guarded.
Il webinar "Le Sfide dell’Iran Contemporaneo" si terrà il 4 giugno dalle ore 16:00. Il webinar è organizzato da Vision & Global Trends – International Institute for Global Analyses. Interventi di: Prof. Pejman Abdolmohammadi – Università degli Studi di Trento Amb. Alberto Bradanini – già ambasciatore in Iran, saggista Prof. Giampiero Cama – Università di ...
'The fight against this despotic regime is the fight against oppression and the fight against terrorism'