Vai alla Scheda Paese »Have patience. All things are difficult before they become easy.
— Saadi
Have patience. All things are difficult before they become easy.
— Saadi
Il ripristino delle sanzioni statunitensi ha costituito un durissimo colpo per l’economia di Teheran che è entrata in una fase recessiva dagli aspetti inquietanti e per la quale si fatica ad intravedere una via d’uscita. Nonostante tutto però l’export italiano, fino ad oggi, ha “tenuto”. Vediamo perché. L’otto maggio 2018 sull’economia ...
Svensk export till Iran har tvärnitat. Det är tomt i storföretagens iranska orderböcker. Verksamheten begränsas till teknisk support av utrustning och fordon som redan har levererats.
Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said on May 25 that the U.S. decision to deploy more troops to the Middle East in response to the perceived threat from Iran was "extremely dangerous" for peace.
It’s being fought quietly and on Tehran’s terms, which isn’t good news for the oil market or world economy
Across Iran’s capital, the talk always seems to come back to how things may get worse.Battered by U.S. sanctions and its depreciating rial currency, Iran’s ...
Se scoppierà una guerra sarà un disastro. Per tutta la regione. Ma anche se non dovesse esserci un confronto militare tra Stati Uniti e Iran, come ripetutamente si augurano i due rispettivi capi di Stato, l’economia iraniana si appresta comunque a ...
Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said on May 18 he did not believe a war would break out in the region as Tehran did not want a conflict and no country had the "illusion it could confront Iran", the state news agency IRNA reported.
Iran is showing "maximum restraint" despite the U.S. withdrawal from a nuclear deal, the country's foreign minister said on May 16, accusing Washington of an "unacceptable" escalation in tensions.
Iran and the United States could trigger a conflict by accident in an already unstable Gulf region, Britain's foreign minister said on May 13, as U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo held talks in Brussels with the main European powers on the crisis.
«Non possiamo lasciare che la Cina si approfitti ancora degli Stati Uniti». Si è espresso in questi termini il presidente americano Donald Trump, a seguito della rappresaglia sui dazi decisa da Pechino che sta causando una giornata nera a Wall Street. ...
Without new US sanctions, the country’s steel export revenues will increase significantly
U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will cancel the Moscow leg of his Russia trip, but will meet President Vladimir Putin and Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in the Black Sea resort of Sochi as planned on May 14, a State Department official said.
Deterioration of Iran economy helps explain decision to break parts of nuclear deal
LEADERSHIP : Trade between Germany and Iran declined steeply in the first months of this year, data from the Association of German Chambers of Commerce and Industry revealed on Friday. According to the figures, reported by the German Funke media group, exports from Europe’s largest economy to the populous Middle ...
US turns up heat on Iran with sanctions on its mining industry.
L’Iran ha annunciato con una lettera che potrebbe recedere da alcuni degli impegni previsti dall’accordo sul nucleare nel 2015. Complessivamente, il comparto dei metalli è il più importante del Paese dopo il settore legato al petrolio, e rappresenta il 10% ...
Ein Jahr nach dem US-Ausstieg aus dem Atomabkommen will der Iran einige seiner Verpflichtungen aussetzen
Donald Trump’s tightening squeeze on Tehran helps push inflation towards 40 per cent
'They have all shown an interest in dragging the United States into a conflict,' said Iran's foreign minister of Israel, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates
Political consultations between the Turkish and Iranian Foreign Ministries will be held in Ankara, Turkey's capital, on April 30.
Turkey is trying to convince the United States to allow refiner Tüpraş, its biggest oil importer, to continue buying crude oil from Iran free of sanctions, Foreign Ministry spokesman Hami Aksoy said on April 26.