Hong Kong
Vai alla Scheda Paese »Do not let circumstances control you. You change your circumstances.
— Jackie Chan
Do not let circumstances control you. You change your circumstances.
— Jackie Chan
Accused rode motorcycle bearing flag with banned slogan into police line
More than a year after the crackdown began, signs of an investor exodus are hard to find.
Business fears being caught in crossfire of law that targets posting personal information online
Business groups say Biden warning on risks of operating in the territory is counter-productive
(Teleborsa) - Si allarga il crackdown sulle attività di Binance, la piattaforma di trading di criptovalute, dopo il warning pubblicato sul sito ieri della Consob. L'organo di vigilanza sul mercato...
Biden administration issues advisory and fresh sanctions in latest effort to push back on China
Washington says Beijing’s push to exert more control over the financial hub threatens the rule of law and endangers employees and data.
State department will flag concerns over data and risks posed by new law
One year on, long-cherished norms such as the right to bail and trial by jury are under attack
A trade group representing Google, Facebook, Amazon, Apple and others said changes to a Hong Kong privacy law could stop firms from providing services in the city.
Hong Kong’s national security law has created a "human rights emergency", Amnesty International said on June 30, a year after China imposed it on the city to crush a pro-democracy movement.
Lapse means lender cannot sponsor listings in city as it tries to relaunch equities business
HSBC rassicura i clienti sui conti gestiti dall’estero. Le tensioni nell’ex colonia britannica avevano fatto temere una stretta all’accesso ai servizi
Chiude a Hong Kong il quotidiano democratico Apple Daily, offensiva dei ribelli taliban nel nordest dell’Afghanistan, quattordici paesi europei contro una legge discriminatoria in Ungheria. Leggi
La policía de Hong Kong allanó este jueves las oficinas del diario prodemocracia Apple Daily y detuvo a cinco ejecutivos, incluido su jefe de redacción Ryan Law, bajo una nueva ley de seguridad, informaron la policía y la publicación.
Insurance group has expanded aggressively across Asia
Businesses and bankers decry restrictions on international travel
Arrestata a Hong Kong l’attivista Chow Hang-tung, il parlamento danese approva una legge per trasferire i richiedenti asilo in paesi terzi, la Francia sospende le operazioni militari congiunte con il Mali. Leggi
Una legge in cantiere nell’ex colonia britannica prevede la concessione al trading imboccando una strada opposta a quella ben più severa di Pechino
Hong Kong's largest pro-democracy media group announced it was halting share trading Monday, two days after authorities froze the assets of its jailed owner Jimmy Lai under a new national security law.
AGENCY REPORT The rule of law is never to be played with, and those who go against the laws shall never escape punishment. The District Court of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) recently sentenced Joshua Wong Chi-fung, an instigator of the Hong Kong riots, as well as other ...