Hong Kong
Vai alla Scheda Paese »Do not let circumstances control you. You change your circumstances.
— Jackie Chan
Do not let circumstances control you. You change your circumstances.
— Jackie Chan
Amount equals 1.25% of city’s GDP but is modest in context of overall financial system
Leading conveyer-belt sushi restaurant chain Sushiro Global Holdings Ltd.’s third overseas outlet in Hong Kong is posting robust sales despite continuing unrest.Opened in August, its ...
THE FOUR Asian tigers—Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan—once fascinated the economic world. From the early 1960s until the 1990s, they regularly achieved double-digit growth. A generation that had toiled as farmers and labourers watched their grandchildren become some of the most educated people on the planet. The tigers ...
(Teleborsa) - USA e Cina vicini a un accordo sui dazi, a dispetto delle tensioni tra i due Paesi per le vicende di Hong Kong e lo Xinjiang. A dirlo è Bloomberg che cita una fonte vicina ai...
Claims that market has been oversold come as IMF is latest to warn on city’s economy
La provincia cinese più popolosa ed economicamente più rilevante non è ancora al primo posto nell’attenzione delle imprese italiane, in quanto soffre il ruolo storico di hub commerciale della vicina Hong Kong e la più immediata attrattività di Shanghai. Ma qualcosa si sta muovendo, mentre crescono le potenzialità ...
Hundreds of office workers in Hong Kong's business district gathered on Dec. 2 for the first in a week of lunchtime protests backing the pro-democracy movement after its resounding victory in district polls held last week in the Chinese-ruled city.
HONG KONG: Hong Kong is set to record its first budget deficit in 15 years, the city's finance chief warned Monday, as the business hub reels from the twin shocks of the trade war and seething democracy protests.
The sudden drops raise fresh questions about corporate governance and regulatory oversight in a crossroads for global finance.
Thailand plans to sign a free-trade agreement (FTA) with Hong Kong, which will cover the service sector, including green finance and cyber security.
Le proprietà residenziali potrebbero arrivare a perdere il 20% del loro valore di mercato entro la fine del 2020. Boom di richieste di trasferimento tra i dipendenti dei gruppi finanziari
Legislation signed by Trump poses a direct challenge to Beijing’s rule, but trade and the softening Chinese economy present bigger problems.
He had seemed reluctant to sign the bill.
Il presidente americano ha firmato due provvedimenti a sostegno dei manifestanti di Hong Kong. Dura reazione del governo cinese che ha convocato (due volte in una settimana) l'ambasciatore Usa per chiedere di non interferire. Più difficile il cammino dell’accordo commerciale tra i due paesi
(Teleborsa) - Le proteste di Hong Kong entrano a gamba tesa sui rapporti tra Stati Uniti e Cina, rischiando di compromettere l'intesa commerciale in via di definizione tra le due superpotenze, il cui...
Trump decision to pass human rights law reminds China there will be no reset with US
‘Business as usual’ mantra questioned as groups try to protect staff and Singapore and Tokyo circle
Hong Kong chief executive Carrie Lam is scheduled to arrive in Thailand on Thursday to reinforce cooperation with Thailand on economic matters, as well as innovation, creativity, finance, human resources development and startups.
Hong Kong chief executive Carrie Lam is scheduled to arrive in Thailand on Thursday to reinforce cooperation with Thailand on economic matters as well as innovation, creativity, finance, human resources development and startups.
Analysts forecast no end to squeeze as tourists stay away and retail spending slides
President Donald Trump offered lukewarm support to Hong Kong pro-democracy protesters Tuesday, saying he trusts President Xi Jinping to resolve the crisis, as U.S.-Chinese trade ...