Vai alla Scheda Paese »Perfect people don't fight, they don't lie, they don't make mistakes and they don't exist.
— Aristotele
Perfect people don't fight, they don't lie, they don't make mistakes and they don't exist.
— Aristotele
The Turkish Cyprus Foreign Ministry has described the EastMed Pipeline Project agreement signed by the Greek Cyprus, Israel and Greece as the latest hostile and provocative attempt to exclude the Turkish Cypriot people and Turkey from the energy equation in the region.
The ambitious project to export Israeli and Cypriot gas to Europe has recently been challenged by the signing of a Turkey-Libya maritime deal
Ankara ready to discuss maritime delimitation issues in Eastern Mediterranean with Athens, says Turkish foreign minister
GNA considers contacts between Greece, East Libya-based commander illegal, says country's foreign minister
The Turkish foreign minister on Dec. 6 said that Turkey condemns Greece’s decision to expel the Libyan ambassador over a deal Turkey and Libya signed on Nov. 27, saying such a move is “unacceptable.”
Numerosi gli eventi organizzati per onorare e valorizzare la cultura alimentare del nostro Paese e delle sue tradizioni regionali, esaltando i benefici della dieta mediterranea. La Calabria sarà protagonista di una serata organizzata dall’Ambasciata in collaborazione con la Camera di Commercio Italo-ellenica...
In 10 anni il nostro paese, assieme a Lussemburgo e Ungheria, ha registrato l’incremento maggiore della cosiddetta “working poverty”. Impatto sul reddito familiare: all’estero è tornato a superare i livelli pre-crisi, tranne che in otto paesi, tra cui il nostro, la Grecia, la Spagna
Atene è pronta ad offrire generosi incentivi fiscali per riportare nel Paese gli investitori stranieri: una flat tax da 100mila euro sui redditi globali per chi si trasferisce (e investe) in Grecia, taglio alla corporate tax e alla tassa sui dividendi
Turkey has never forgotten the atrocities committed by Greece against Turks, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hami Aksoy said
Mitsotakis noted the government’s determination to open up the massive Chinese market to Greek goods, in a bid to boost growth through exports.
A total of 25,404 irregular migrants were pushed back to Turkey by Greece in the first ten months of 2019, up from 11,867 migrants in 2018, Turkish Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Oct. 27.
The 1959–60 London and Zurich Agreements, accepted by the representatives of the two equal co-founder communities (Greek and Turkish), together with the three guarantor powers (the United Kingdom, Turkey and Greece), granted Cyprus independence from the U.K. as a bicommunal partnership republic. As signatories to these international agreements, the Greek ...
A group of demonstrators enters the Turkish Consulate in Thessaloniki, Greece as visitors. Turkish Foreign Ministry condemns the attack at the birthplace of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, founder of modern Turkey.
Un giorno il filosofo greco Socrate passeggiava in un mercato di Atene guardando le cose belle e costose che erano esposte. “Quante cose ci sono al mondo che non voglio avere”, esclamò soddisfatto. Ti consiglio di assumere lo stesso atteggiamento.... Leggi
Via al gasdotto tra Grecia e Bulgaria. Edison, tramite la joint venture con la società greca Depa Sa Igi-Poseidon, ha firmato gli accordi per l'avvio delle attività...
Greece must compete not with other EU countries but rather transcend itself and offer women equal treatment and opportunities..
E’ cominciata oggi ufficialmente nelle Cancellerie Consolari di Atene, Nizza e Vienna la fase sperimentale per il rilascio della Carta di identità elettronica di cittadini italiani residenti all’estero. Il documento, che ha una tecnologia innovativa per evitare contraffazioni e frodi, si...
The Turkish Foreign Ministry on Oct. 9 slammed a joint declaration issued following a trilateral summit between Egypt, Greece and the Greek Cypriot Administration on the Cyprus issue, saying it contains "baseless claims" against Turkey.
Il presidente Usa Donald Trump ha più volte criticato gli alleati europei perché, a suo avviso, sono gli Stati Uniti, e in particolare i contribuenti americani, a sobbarcarsi la maggior parte della spesa per la sicurezza europea e il finanziamento dell’Alleanza atlantica. Ad oggi, solo quattro paesi superano la soglia ...
Christos Staikouras confident that overhaul will help accelerate growth
The economic woes afflicting the region’s biggest economy will drag down the region, despite growth in countries like Greece, Portugal and Spain, analysts say.