• GUTA to resist common external tariffs, other taxes

    The Ghana Union of Traders Association (GUTA) has threatened to hit the streets following the adoption and introduction of the Ecowas Common External Tariffs (CET). According to GUTA, the new law is unfair. GUTA’s threat follows the implementation of the Common External Tariff, which took effect on Monday, February 1, 2016. ...

  • Anger over ‘Nigerian firm’ offering security at Ghana’s Airport

    Some Ghanaian security companies who provide security services at the Kotoka International Airport, are enraged over a decision to award a contract to a Nigerian security firm, Pathfinder International, to provide security services to airlines at the Airport. The local security firms argue  that allowing a foreign company to protect Ghana’s International Airport could pose a ...

  • CPP congress in pictures

    The Convention People’s Party (CPP) held its National Delegates Congress at the Accra International Trade Fair Centre over the weekend, where over two thousand four hundred (2,400) delegates, converged to elect a presidential candidate for the upcoming elections in November. Samia Yaba Nkrumah, daughter of Ghana’s first president, Dr. Kwame ...

  • #CPPDecides: Congress ongoing to elect presidential candidate [Photos]

    Portions of the Accra International Trade Fair Centre have been awash with colours of the Convention People’s Party (CPP), as over two thousand four hundred (2,400) delegates have converged for a National Delegates Congress to elect a new Presidential Candidate for the upcoming elections in November this year. Citi News, ...

  • #CPPDecides: Samia battles 3 others today in flagbearership race

    Over two thousand four hundred (2,400) delegates of the Convention People’s Party (CPP) are expected to converge on the Trade Fair Center in Accra for a National Delegates Congress to elect a new Presidential Candidate for the upcoming General elections in November this year. The presidential aspirants include the former Chairperson  of ...

  • Parliament angry with GRA for stopping witholding tax collection

    The Speaker of Parliament has ruled that it is improper for the management of the Ghana Revenue Authority to issue a public statement, seeking to suspend implementation of a law duly passed by the parliament. Edward Doe Adjaho, said this on Thursday after the minority spokesperson on Finance, Anthony Akoto Osei, sought ...

  • Cut Ghana’s funding by $20M if Gitmo detainees flee – US Senators

    Four United States (US) senators are calling on their Senate Appropriations Committee to cut foreign aid to Ghana if the fails to hold and monitor the two former-detainees from Guantanamo Bay prison. The two former detainees, Mahmud Umar Muhammad Bin Atef and Khalid Muhammad Salih Al-Dhuby had been in detention ...

  • Upper East residents receive free mosquito nets

    The Institute of Social Research and Development (ISRAD) in partnership with the Ghana Health Service have commenced the distribution of 641,000 free long lasting Insecticide Nets (LLIN) to households in the Upper East Region in a bid to help fight malaria. The distribution begun on Monday across the 13 districts ...

  • Syrian refugees heading to Ghana not terrorists – Syrian head [Audio]

    When government announced it had accepted to host the ex-Guantanamo detainees, the Foreign Affairs Ministry also said some Syrian and Rwandan refugees would be allowed into the country. Citi News has managed to track down the head of the Syrian Community in Ghana, Abdul-Ghani Badenjki who says the UN has ...

  • Review procurement process to fight corruption – IMANI to Gov’t

    Policy Think Tank, IMANI Ghana has made proposals for the review of the current public procurement system. According to IMANI, the area of procurement is one which which must be re-evaluated by the government if the fight against corruption is to be successful. “Given the huge role public expenditure plays ...

  • Health Service Transport Officer swerves PAC

    A Chief Transport Officer at the Ghana Health Service, Ebo Hammond today miraculously vanished from the Public Accounts Committee(PAC) sitting today [Thursday] when officials of the Health Ministry struggled to explain why the procurement law was breached in the purchase of some vehicles. Mr. Hammond reportedly developed a stomach upset ...

  • Chinese firms to relocate to Ghana following economic downturn

    Trade and Industry Minister, Ekow Spio Garbrah has disclosed of plans by the government to tap into the opportunities presented by the current economic situation in China. China’s stock market and other markets have dipped to about 2.6 percent; with its economic growth forecast for 2016 reduced from 7 percent ...

  • Barclays bank Ghana slams sale reports as ‘speculation’

    Barclays Bank Ghana has declined to comment on current repots that Barclays Bank intends to cut back on its operations in Africa. There are reports that Barclay’s bank as part of its turnaround strategy initiated by its new chief executive Jes Staley, could consider selling part or the whole of ...

  • Gov’t will struggle to fix economy – IMF

    Whereas Ghana’s Finance Minister Seth Terkper is quite optimistic about Ghana’s economic turnaround, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) which is helping the country out of its current economic mess, is now sounding gloomy about the future. Ghana’s economy took a downturn after 2012 and since government was struggling to deal ...

  • Gov’t gives local drug manufacturers $26 million to expand

    The Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association of Ghana, on Tuesday, called on President John Mahama at the Flagstaff House to express their appreciation and also congratulate him for keeping to his promises and helping enhance the businesses of local drug manufacturing companies. President Mahama has, in furtherance to his Agenda for Transformation ...

  • Gov’t condemns terror attacks on Burkina Faso

    The Government has strongly condemned the terrorist attacks in Burkina Faso over the weekend, which claimed nearly thirty lives. The deadly attacks which started on Friday targeted the Splendid and Yibi Hotels as well as the Cappucino Café, all popular spots for foreigners. A statement signed by the Foreign Affairs ...

  • Election: Police to crush political vigilante groups

    The Ghana Police Service says it will disband all pseudo-security groups who provide security for political parties ahead of the November election. These groups who claim to be protecting party functionaries and safeguarding their political fortunes appear to be competing with the Police over maintenance of law and order. Two ...

  • BOG to sell DKM assets to pay aggrieved depositors

    The Bank of Ghana (BOG) has decided to liquidate the assets of DKM Microfinance to offset their debts and pay back customers who have their investments locked up. This follows President Mahama’s directive to the Bureau of National Investigations to confiscate properties of DKM Microfinance as the government rolled out ...

  • Icb Sénégal devient Fbnbank Sénégal : Les comptes des clients demeurent « valables »

    International commercial bank (Icb/ Sénégal) change de nom et devient First bank of Nigeria Sarl, filiale de la Fbn Holding Plc.  Icb/Sénégal devient FbnBank, indique un document signé Folake Ani-Mumuney, chef du groupe marketing et communication de cette institution financière. Cette dernière rassure son réseau clientèle en soulignant que les ...

  • Gitmo two: Occupy Ghana demand answers

    Pressure Group Occupy Ghana has described government’s reasons for hosting the two former Guantanamo detainees as weak. President John Mahama, on Wednesday explained why government decided to host the two. But pressure group, Occupy Ghana says government’s explanation failed to clarify the issue. The group in a three page letter ...

  • GNAT executives deny ‘pocketing’ $400,000 insurance cash

    The Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT) is denying corruption allegations against it by one of its Deputy General Secretaries. The national executives have been accused of releasing about $400,000 to Unique Insurance Company. One of GNAT’s directors in charge of Administration and Labour, Mr. Kwadwo Awotwe Nkansah, said there ...