Vai alla Scheda Paese »Genius is nothing more nor less than childhood recaptured at will.
— Charles Baudelaire
Genius is nothing more nor less than childhood recaptured at will.
— Charles Baudelaire
Olalekan Adetayo, Abuja President Muhammadu Buhari on Thursday directed the Minister of Finance, Mrs. Kemi Adeosun, and the Governor of Central Bank of Nigeria, Godwin Emefiele, to immediately release the second tranche of the London-Paris Club loan refund to states. He said the presidential order should be carried out “appropriately ...
President advises governors to pay salaries, pension STATES got a piece of cheery news yesterday. President Muhammadu Buhari directed Minister of Finance Mrs. Kemi Adeosun and Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) Governor Godwin Emefiele to quickly facilitate the payment of the second tranche of the London-Paris Club refund to – ...
President Muhammadu Buhari has directed the Minister of Finance, Mrs. Kemi Adeosun and the governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), Godwin Emefiele, to act appropriately and with dispatch in releasing the second tranche of the London-Paris Club refunds to the states in order to ease their financial burdens. ...
Olalekan Adetayo, Abuja President Muhammadu Buhari on Thursday directed the Minister of Finance, Mrs. Kemi Adeosun and the Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria, Godwin Emefiele, to immediately release the second tranche of the London-Paris Club refunds to states. He said the presidential order should be carried out “appropriately ...
President Muhammadu Buhari on Thursday directed the Minister of Finance, Mrs. Kemi Adeosun and the Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria, Godwin Emefiele, to act appropriately and with dispatch in releasing the second tranche of the London-Paris Club refunds to the states in order to ease their financial hardships. He gave ...
Selon l’AIE, «le marché a besoin de temps pour ressentir pleinement l’impact des importantes réductions de l’offre prévues dans les accords de baisse de production». L’engagement de l’Organisation des pays exportateurs de pétrole (OPEP) de réduire sa production pour accélérer le rééquilibrage du marché pétrolier a continué d’être bien respecté ...
La contrefaçon est un phénomène qui a pris une grande ampleur en Algérie. Plus de 15 conférences sont au programme des troisièmes journées de la marque et de la contrefaçon, qui se tiendront les 22 et 23 mars à l’hôtel El Aurassi (Alger), à l’initiative de RH International Communication. Un ...
Dear Kenyans, Speakers of Both Houses of Parliament, Honourable Members, Today, we celebrate an extraordinary Kenyan journey: four years of transformation, of growth, and the deepening our democracy. I want to salute and congratulate each and every Kenyan today for staying true to our solemn duty to protect, preserve and ...
With the dislodgement of ISIS from their Iraqi stronghold of western Mosul imminent, the world must be well-prepared to face the upcoming challenges, Home Affairs Minister Carmelo Abela said today."It must also have answers to a number of questions on the impact this development will leave on the terrorist group's ...
- Question en rapport aux résultats annoncés de cette 10e session du Conseil d’association Algérie-UE, consacrée officiellement à l’évaluation commune de la mise en œuvre de l’Accord d’association. L’UE a annoncé une aide de 40 millions d’euros et la signature de 3 conventions d’appui à la réforme des finances, la ...
(Teleborsa) - Inflazione in lieve salita a febbraio in Francia, in perfetta linea con le attese del mercato. Secondo l'Istituto Statistico Nazionale Francese (INSEE), l'inflazione è salita...
Plusieurs opérateurs algériens à la conquête de marchés régionaux se sont tournés vers le continent africain pour y investir. Conscients du potentiel économique du continent africain, les opérateurs économiques algériens commencent à s’activer au Sahel dans la perspective d’y placer leurs produits et d’y trouver des relais de croissance à ...
The Public Procurement Administrative Review Board has made a ruling that could have far-reaching effects on the August 8 elections. The board has ruled that the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission should award a Sh3 billion tender for the supply, delivery, installation, testing, commissioning and support of the Integrated Elections ...
Hanwha Group joined hands with France's Total to acquire Singapore's chemical joint venture Jurong Aromatics Corp. If this attempt to acquire Jurong Aromatics ends up in a success, Hanwha could make bigger forays into Asia and Europe by using Singapore as its base. In addition to Hanwha Group, a string ...
Kébémer, 9 mars (PS) - Le haras de Quesnay (France) va appuyer le haras national du Sénégal dans le domaine de l'amélioration génétique, aux termes d'un protocole signé jeudi par les deux parties et qui porte sur des accords de partenariat, a constaté l'APS. - Elevage
Forte avanzata di Emmanuel Macron nei sondaggi in vista delle presidenziali francesi. In un sondaggio Harris Interactive per France Télévisions pubblicato il 9 marzo, l’ex ministro dell’economia Macron risulta per la prima volta in vantaggio anche al primo turno, raccogliendo il 26 per cento delle intenzioni di voto contro il ...
Leader africain de la fabrication du carton ondulé, General Emballage a vu croître ses volumes dédiés à l’exportation, exception faite des quantités acheminées à destination du marché libyen qui ont baissé en 2016, pour des raisons liées à la situation politique dans laquelle s’est empêtré le pays. Vers la Tunisie, ...
Plusieurs opérateurs algériens à la conquête de marchés régionaux se sont tournés vers le continent africain pour y investir. Conscients du potentiel économique du continent africain, les opérateurs économiques algériens commencent à s’activer au Sahel dans la perspective d’y placer leurs produits et d’y trouver des relais de croissance à ...
Emmanuel Macron in ascesa nei sondaggi in Francia. Secondo un sondaggio di Ifop-Fiducial, il candidato di En marche! è in forte crescita (+3,5 per cento) e avrebbe raggiunto la candidata del Front national Marine Le Pen (+1 per cento), che è la favorita al primo turno delle elezioni presidenziali. Macron ...