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Genius is nothing more nor less than childhood recaptured at will.
— Charles Baudelaire
  • La Chine premier fournisseur de l’Algérie

    Les principaux fournisseurs de l’Algérie, au cours des sept premiers mois de 2017, ont été la Chine avec 5,21 milliards de dollars (19,40% des importations globales algériennes), suivie de la France avec 2,35 milliards (8,77%), de l’Italie avec 1,98 milliards (7,37%), de l’Allemagne avec 1,84 milliards (6,85%) et de l’Espagne ...

  • Gaz naturel liquéfié : L’Algérie approvisionnera le Pakista

    Le gouvernement pakistanais envisage de conclure des accords d’approvisionnement de gaz naturel liquéfié (GNL) à coups de plusieurs milliards de dollars avec deux grands producteurs africains, à savoir l’Algérie et le Nigeria, a rapporté vendredi dernier The Express Tribune, un des quotidiens de référence au Pakistan. Un projet d’accord sera ...

  • Jerry Lewis, comedian, rubber-faced showman dies at 91

    Jerry Lewis, the manic, rubber-faced showman who jumped and hollered to fame in a lucrative partnership with Dean Martin, settled down to become a self-conscious screen auteur and found an even greater following as the tireless, teary host of the annual muscular dystrophy telethons, has died. He was 91.Publicist Candi ...

  • Oeufs contaminés: l'Afsca applique les mesures habituelles

    L'Agence fédérale pour la Sécurité de la Chaîne alimentaire (Afsca) a rappelé samedi que des mesures sont prévues et appliquées en Belgique afin de retirer du marché les produits transformés à base d'oeufs non conformes qui dépassent la norme réglementaire (0,005mg/kg), même s'ils ne constituent pas de risque pour la ...

  • Valletta does not have the luxury of cities like Paris and Rome - Konrad Buhagiar

    The Phoenicia Hotel and its surrounding grounds was the latest large scale project AP finished. Could you tell us more about it?We always sold the project on the basis of the fact that we were recreating the lines of the fortifications in a contemporary and suggestive way. In fact, the ...

  • Ecolo demande le retrait des produits dérivés contenant du fipronil

    Les écologistes francophones ont réclamé samedi le retrait du commerce des produits dérivés contenant du fipronil, comme les biscuits à la frangipane découverts en France, par la voix de leur chef de groupe à la Chambre, le député Jean-Marc Nollet.

  • Dubai magnate tied to Trump brand seeks new ventures abroad, including Malta

    During recent trips to Croatia and Malta, a Dubai-based billionaire and business partner of the Trump Organization looked more like a head of state himself — mingling with government dignitaries, receiving a presidential reception and visiting the glittering Mediterranean Sea.Hussain Sajwani met with leaders in the two European nations and ...

  • New deadline: New EU anti money laundering directive, law to be passed after summer recess

    The Finance Ministry has committed itself to passing the fourth EU anti money laundering (AML) directive through Parliament after the summer recess.The EU Commission some weeks ago penned a letter to the government asking why it failed to transpose the fourth anti-money laundering directive - aimed at making it harder ...

  • Government mum on implementation of EU anti money laundering rules

    The Minister of Finance failed to answer The Malta Independent’s questions on why it has not, as stated by the Finance Minister himself, transposed the latest EU anti money laundering directive into law. The EU Commission some weeks ago penned a letter to the government asking why it failed to ...

  • Opinion: Neymar’s transfer is a bold game-changing move

    The football world is still buzzing over the transfer of Neymar from Barcelona to Paris Saint-Germain for a fee of €222 million euro, more than double the previous world record. With this transfer, PSG have entered another stratosphere – and French football is hoping to profit from the move.Neymar has ...

  • Emirates to sponsor PSG until 2019

    Dubai’s Emirates airline confirmed Thursday it would sponsor the shirts of Qatar-owned Paris Saint-Germain until 2019, despite a regional crisis which has seen the UAE cut ties with Doha. Emirates’ announcement comes less than a week after Brazilian football phenomenon Neymar joined the French club from Barcelona for a world ...

  • «Face à la concurrence, Sonatrach a la carte de l’Union de l’énergie de l’UE»

    Si certains avis alertent sur les risques de fragilité qu’encourt l’Algérie sur un marché européen du gaz de plus en plus concurrentiel, le spécialiste des questions énergétiques, Francis Perrin, y voit au contraire une aubaine pour Sonatrach. L’arrivée du gaz de schiste américain en Europe, dit-il, est surtout une menace ...

  • «La maximisation des recettes ne doit pas se limiter à l’ajustement des taux»

    Spécialiste des questions fiscales et ancien cadre du département des Finances, Mustapha Bensahli apporte à travers cet entretien un éclairage averti sur les mesures de révisions fiscales que prévoit de mettre en œuvre le gouvernement dès l’année prochaine, notamment celle relative au réajustement de l’impôt sur le patrimoine. Selon lui, ...

  • Watch: PSG open their Ligue 1 campaign with a win

    Neymar stole the show without even playing as Paris St Germain began their Ligue 1 campaign with a 2-0 victory over Amiens. The world-record signing was not registered in time to take part in the game but received a hero's welcome on a tour of the Parc des Princes pitch before ...

  • French zoo works to keep panda cub alive after its twin died

    Chinese giant panda experts and French zookeepers are working to ensure a panda cub's survival after its twin died during the first-ever birth of the rare animal in France.Images released Saturday by the Beauval Zoo south of Paris show mother Huan Huan enveloping the cub and zoo handlers feeding it ...

  • Brussels writes to Malta asking about missed deadline for anti-money laundering directive

    The European Commission has sent a letter to the Maltese government asking why it failed to transpose the fourth anti-money laundering directive into law, which is aimed at making it harder for terrorist organisations and criminal gangs to hide their money, by the 26 June deadline.A typical move by organisations ...

  • How 'Game of Thrones' became TV's first global blockbuster

    Viewers around the world are eagerly tuning in to watch the seventh season of “Game of Thrones.”That phrase – “viewers around the world” – hasn’t applied to television premieres before. For most of its history, television has been a profoundly national medium. While shows like “Dallas,” “Baywatch” and “The Simpsons” ...

  • Mediaset, AgCom e Vivendi ai ferri corti

    (Teleborsa) - Non finiscono le beghe tra Italia e Francia. Dopo l'affaire Fincantieri-STX ora è l'Autorità per le comunicazioni a lanciare un ultimatum...

  • Fincantieri - STX, Italia e Francia ancora troppo distanti

    (Teleborsa) - "Abbiamo una opinione diversa su STX, ma troveremo una soluzione". E' questa la posizione che il Ministro dell'Economia francese, Bruno Le Maire, ha espresso al termine...

  • Quand l’algérien «Cirta» se fait écraser par l’américain «Massey-Ferguson»

    Ces mesures à caractère d’urgence visent à assurer l’écoulement d’une partie des stocks de matériels agricoles des entreprises publiques économiques», est-il écrit dans le relevé des conclusions du Conseil interministériel du 6 août 2006 portant «Soutien à l’écoulement des matériels agricoles de fabrication locale». L’urgence sur laquelle insistait Abdelaziz Belkhadem, ...

  • Botswana: Double Taxation Avoidance Deal to Boost Investment

    [Botswana Daily News] Gaborone -The Minister of Finance and Economic Development, Mr Kenneth Matambo says the double taxation avoidance agreement between Botswana and France could boost foreign direct investment between the two countries.