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  • Dal Lussemburgo all’Estonia: pochi abitanti, migliaia di società fantasma

    A denunciarlo è uno studio appena dato alla luce dal Parlamento europeo che, a pochi mesi dal precedente rapporto di marzo, mette sotto la lente sempre i soliti Paesi – a cominciare da Lussemburgo, Belgio, Olanda, Irlanda, Malta, Cipro e Ungheria ...

  • Estonia touts e-Residency as tool to expedite Korean business entry in EU

    President of Estonia Kersti Kaljulaid said Wednesday its e-Residency program has the potential to expedite Korean busine

  • Dazi e gasdotto, Putin e Merkel a Trump: «Lotteremo per Nord Stream»

    Il presidente russo e Angela Merkel hanno respinto la richiesta degli Stati Uniti di abbandonare il progetto del secondo gasdotto russo del Baltico in cambio dell’esenzione permanente della Ue dai dazi americani...

  • Focus Paese

    Estonia: un Paese digital dove è facile fare impresa

    Dedicare una particolare attenzione ad un Paese popolato da appena 1,3 milioni di abitanti può sembrare un po' esagerato ma alcune delle caratteristiche e delle opportunità offerte dall’economia estone sono davvero sorprendenti. Scopriamole insieme! Per comprendere quanto l’Estonia rappresenti uno dei Paesi tecnologicamente più avanzati al mondo nel settore dell’e-government è ...

  • Vodafone brings Malta a glimpse of the future by trialling 1 gigabit speeds

    Following the launch of Malta’s first 4G+ mobile network, Vodafone Malta now brings the country its first ever glimpse of the future by showcasing the foundations for 5G technology  and trialling breakthrough ‘gigabit speeds’ of 1,000 Mbps on its mobile network.This landmark speed, which is a whopping eight times the ...

  • First Maltese company putting Malta on Blockchain map

    How would you define Blockchain technology? Using just two words, the most suitable definition is digitized trust. It is also the most relevant definition today since we seem to live in a time when counterparties trust each other less and less and the trust gap needs to be bridged. From ...

  • Future of EU and Corporate Taxation of the Digital Economy discussed at Tallinn ECOFIN Meetings

    "Given the global aspect of digitalisation of our economies, Malta suggests that any EU proposals in the area of Taxation should serve as input into OECD global discussions. It is important not to let unilateral EU measures end up damaging EU companies." This was stated by the Minister for Finance ...

  • EU ministers may push for Google, Facebook tax

    Google and Facebook may face higher tax bills in Europe as the EU rushed Saturday to change rules so that more of Silicon Valley’s mega profits fall into public coffers. Public anger against the billions of euros earned by online behemoths is growing louder in Europe and EU finance ministers ...

  • Minister Scicluna discusses relaunch of Eurozone and EU at EUROFI Conference

    The introduction of the Euro was a major step forward for the evolution of the European Union. This was stated by Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna while addressing the EUROFI Financial Forum held in Tallinn, Estonia, on Thursday 14th September 2017. Minister Scicluna acknowledged, however, that there is still ‘work ...

  • Ryanair to introduce 12 new Malta routes next summer

    Ryanair has announced plans for 12 new routes from Malta next summer and says it intends to base a fifth aircraft on the island. David O’Brien, chief commercial officer, told a press conference that the low-cost airline will operate 54 routes to 18 countries from Malta next summer. The new routes are ...

  • Watch: Turkey's EU bid must be discussed among all member states - Foreign Minister

    Ending Turkey's EU membership talks and locking it out of the 28-member bloc is something that must be discussed among member states, Foreign Minister Carmelo Abela has said.  Dr Abela said that regardless of the outcome of those discussions, Turkey would continue to be a key ally.  "We should have excellent relations ...

  • Call for end to Turkey’s membership bid has to be discussed by the EU – Minister Carmelo Abela

    Foreign Affairs Minister Carmelo Abela has said that calls to bring Turkey's EU membership bid to an end need to be discussed by the EU."As things stand, Turkey is an EU candidate country and the call made by the two leading candidates in Germany's upcoming federal election to end EU ...

  • Working together remains the best course of action – Minister Michael Farrugia

    During the second meeting of the Interior Ministers of central Mediterranean countries in Tunis, Minister for Home Affairs and National Security Michael Farrugia said that the declaration adopted seeks to prevent migrant smuggling and trafficking, thereby also preventing abuse and the risk of loss of life in the desert and at sea.The declaration that was jointly agreed upon during ...

  • Signing of EU Ministerial Declaration to put Europe as the lead market in 5G

    Parliamentary Secretary for Financial Services, Digital Economy and Innovation Silvio Schembri, together with other EU Ministers signed an EU ministerial declaration that confirms the willingness of member states to position Europe as the lead market for 5G. The signing took place during an informal meeting of ministers of competitiveness and ...

  • Southern, Eastern EU neighbourhoods important in ensuring peace, stability in Europe - Abela

    Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade Promotion, Carmelo Abela, noted that although there is a common tendency to divide the European Union's Neighbourhood into two - Southern and Eastern - both sides are equally important in ensuring peace and stability in Europe."Both regions are facing political and economic challenges, and ...

  • EU leaders reaffirm Libya migrant policy despite criticism

    European Union leaders on Thursday reaffirmed the need to help Libya prevent migrants from being smuggled to Europe, despite renewed opposition from human rights groups that such a policy is "reckless" given Libya's lawlessness.Interior ministers meeting in Tallinn, Estonia, also called for aid groups conducting rescue operations in the Mediterranean ...

  • In Europe, Trump may discover if first impressions stick

    President Donald Trump will learn this week whether he gets a second chance to make a first impression as he returns to Europe and has his first encounter with Russia's Vladimir Putin.Trump's first visit to the continent in May stirred anxieties among his European allies when he declined to endorse ...

  • Prime Minister speaks about possible EU regulation banning exportation of dinghies to Libya

    Prime Minister Joseph Muscat has indicated that he is backing a proposed regulation that would no longer allow EU countries to export dinghies and motorboats to Libya, unless they have specific permission. "These are used to send immigrants to EU countries. With such a small measure which I believe would be ...

  • Malta calls for increased EU efforts on migrant return and re-admission

    The European Union needs to urgently increase its efforts in the field of return and re-admission of immigrants who are not entitled to international protection, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade Promotion Carmelo Abela told his EU counterparts at the Foreign Affairs Council (FAC) meeting in Luxembourg.Furthermore, the increasing number ...

  • Helping clients restructure

    This meeting is of Grant Thornton CEOs from all over Europe and the network opportunities it offers are enormous.Grant Thornton in Malta was founded, like other Grant Thornton outfits elsewhere, by a local person but it has experienced huge growth through its connection with Grant Thornton International.It employs 100 people ...

  • Malta’s GDP per capita at 95% of EU average

    When Malta accessed the EU in 2004, its GDP per capita was somewhere around 65% of the EU’s average. Since then, other, and poorer, nations have joined and Malta’s GDP has improved. According to a Eurostat release this week, it is now at 95% of the EU average, beaten by ...

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