Corea del Sud
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— Korean proverb
Even if you know the way, ask one more time.
— Korean proverb
SEOUL: South Korean tech giant Samsung Electronics flagged a 44.19 percent rise in first quarter operating profit Wednesday, largely driven by robust sales of smartphones and the launch of its flagship Galaxy S21 series.
SEOUL: LG Electronics, South Korea's second-largest appliance firm after Samsung, is closing down its mobile phone business, the company said on Monday, after the division lost billions in recent years.
Seoul punta divenire l’hub asiatico dell’idrogeno, a partire dalla mobilità. Interessanti prospettive per le imprese italiane spiegate dall’Ambasciatore d’Italia in Corea del Sud, Federico Failla. Voce: Federico Failla, Ambasciatore d’Italia in Corea del Sud Vai alla puntata sul nostro...
SEOUL: The de facto chief of South Korea's Samsung business empire was convicted Monday over a huge corruption scandal and jailed for two and a half years, in a ruling that deprives the tech giant of its top decision-maker.
L'OCSE prevede che l'economia della Corea del Sud crescerà del 2,8% nel 2021 – la migliore performance tra i suoi 37 membri - dopo una contrazione dell'1,1% quest'anno. L’ottima salute di cui gode l’economia dello Stato asiatico è confermata dagli anche investitori stranieri, che stanno affollando il mercato azionario “rovente” della ...
Cresce a doppia cifra il Made in Italy in Corea del Sud. Nonostante il Covid sono ottime le performances rispetto ai primi 9 mesi del 2019 di alcuni tra i nostri prodotti di eccellenza. In particolare gioielli, farmaceutica e pelletteria Voce: Lorenzo Angeloni, Direttore Generale della Direzione...
Mentre il resto del mondo combatte contro la seconda ondata della pandemia di Covid-19, dall’oriente arriva un’alleanza in grado, secondo i paesi firmatari, di risollevare le sorti dell’economia globale. Ci sono voluti quasi dieci anni ed oltre trenta cicli di negoziazione prima che, domenica 15 novembre, i leader di 15 paesi ...
SEOUL - The world's second-largest chipmaker, South Korea's SK Hynix, on Tuesday announced a $9 billion deal to buy Intel's flash memory chip operation as it seeks to bolster its position against rival behemoth Samsung Electronics.
L’Ambasciata d’Italia a Seoul e l’Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Seoul, in collaborazione con Uni-Italia, centro di promozione accademica per l’orientamento allo studio in Italia, hanno organizzato per oggi la Giornata virtuale sulla formazione superiore italiana, con l’obiettivo di attrarre...
A sweeping national security law passed by China in June has unsettled news organizations and created uncertainty about the city’s prospects as a hub for journalism in Asia.
SEOUL: A South Korean court on Tuesday declined to issue an arrest warrant for the heir to South Korea's Samsung empire over a controversial merger of two business units seen as a key step to his succession, Yonhap news agency reported.
In collaborazione con Go-on Group, Promos Italia organizza un webinar per fornire alle imprese una panoramica delle opportunità per il settore Oil&Gas in USA, Arabia Saudita e Corea e per sensibilizzare le imprese sull'importanza della presenza diretta nei diversi mercati per identificare i progetti migliori in ottica commerciale. Il webinar si ...
Art galleries remain shuttered around the world but in South Korea, they reopen — with contact tracing and masks. Welcome to the post-Covid-19 world.
Editor’s note: The Economist is making some of its most important coverage of the covid-19 pandemic freely available to readers of The Economist Today, our daily newsletter. To receive it, register here. For our coronavirus tracker and more coverage, see our hub COUPANG, AN E-COMMERCE firm and South Korea’s most valuable ...
IN THE SUMMER of 2019, South Koreans were shocked by the news that a North Korean woman, who had fled her country through China a decade before, had died with her young son in her flat in Seoul. Weeks passed before a building manager found the bodies. Authorities concluded she ...
WHEN PARK HYE-SOO was a young girl, her path to success seemed clearly defined. “My parents said, study hard, get into a good university and everything will be fine, so I was a good daughter and did that,” she says. “But when I finished I didn’t know what to do ...
Japan has filed a petition against South Korea with the World Trade Organization accusing Seoul of providing excessive aid to the domestic shipbuilding industry, informed ...
SEOUL: South Korea's economy expanded at its slowest pace for a decade last year, hampered by prolonged trade tensions between the United States and China and the sluggish semiconductor market, the central bank said Wednesday.
Shin Kyuk-ho, a wartime migrant to Japan who returned home to build a little-known chewing-gum maker into the Lotte Group, South Korea’s biggest retailer, has ...
Tensions between South Korea and Japan are complicating free-trade talks with Beijing
The denial marks the latest tit-for-tat between Tokyo and Seoul following years of bickering and finger-pointing amid sour bilateral relations.