Vai alla Scheda Paese »No medicine cures what happiness cannot.
— Gabriel Garcìa Màrquez
No medicine cures what happiness cannot.
— Gabriel Garcìa Màrquez
Brasil, México, Argentina, Colombia y Chile, las economías más grandes de la región, concentran más del 40% de todas las URL. En Panamá la participación del ‘e-commerce’ es pequeña.
Venezuela y Colombia acordaron la apertura total de la frontera para el transporte internacional de mercancías y de pasajeros, bien sea en servicio público o en vehículos particulares, según una declaración conjunta.
La vicepresidenta colombiana, Francia Márquez, aseguró este miércoles que el origen de la violencia que afecta al país está en la injusticia, la desigualdad y la inequidad, durante la sanción presidencial de la ley que crea el Ministerio de la Igualdad, del cual será titular.
Colombian exports are having a good 2022. Cut to November they increased by 42.7% and reached US$52.578 billion, while a year ago they were US$36.845 billion. In fact, according to the information provided by the National Administrative Department of Statistics (Dane), exports during November alone had a growth of 8.8% ...
The increase of the so-called "ancestral tourism", which leads foreign visitors to visit communities where they consume ayahuasca, worries the Colombian authorities, after the death in Cartagena of a couple of Dutch tourists who had ingested the hallucinogenic concoction during their stay in the country. The investigation came to involve ...
La OMC confirmó, aunque con ciertos cambios con respecto a un dictamen anterior, que las medidas antidumping colombianas contra la importación de patatas fritas de tres países de la Unión Europea son inconsistentes con las leyes comerciales internacionales.
Nacional Contenido Premium: 1Cuando se habla de servicios de mensajería, Panamá se encuentra un tanto estancado ...
The Colombian government plans to finance the construction of the second frigate of the Surface Strategic Platform (PES) program and a second logistics support ship (BAL 6012) over the next four years, coinciding with the presidential term of the current president, Gustavo Petro. The Colombian intentions derive from the efforts ...
Colombia felt the blow from the loss of its investment grade and investor fears about the direction of the economy in the first sale of international bonds by the government of President Gustavo Petro. The nation sold a dollar-denominated bond due 2033 for a yield of 8.1%, compared with 3.4% ...
Ma preoccupano il debito dei consumatori e restano i dubbi sul futuro, evidenziati da cali nella fiducia delle famiglie a novembre
By Paul Smith Colombia has just processed a tax reform that will reach US$20 billion, however, it is still seen as a risky place for investments, especially after the change of government. A recent report by S&P Global Ratings says that the firm expects
La víctima, Agustina Soledad Serenari, de 22 años, quiso evitar que se llevaran su moto cuando salía de hacer compras en una despensa del barrio Quintas de Argüello
Una persecución en alta mar de una embarcación procedente de Colombia dio como resultado el decomiso de 120 kilos de droga que tenían como destino el mercado norteamericano y Europa.
Both business and industrial confidence have deteriorated in Colombia, according to the October Fedesarrollo survey. In the first case, the indicator fell to 17% compared to September, the lowest figure since August 2020, while industrial confidence fell to -0.4%, a result not seen since May 2021. According to the think ...
Sergio Daza, director de la empresa en Panamá y Colombia, sostuvo que en el mercado panameño facturan más de $20 millones y están incrementando las operaciones logísticas.
Young Colombians can choose voluntarily between military service and social service for peace, included in the Total Peace Law, called historic by the left. Speaking to Sputnik, sociologist Luis Celis explains the changes in Colombian society “about things that were previously considered immovable”. The Colombian Senate and Chamber of Deputies ...