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— Confucius
Wherever you go, go with all your heart.
— Confucius
A ex-presidente da República Dilma Rousseff foi eleita nesta sexta-feira (24) presidente do Novo Banco de Desenvolvimento (NDB na sigla em inglês), também conhecido como Banco do Brics. Ela substitui ...
The visit of a Honduran delegation to China to discuss the establishment of diplomatic relations has caused the Taiwanese government to recall its ambassador Vivía Chun-fei Chang in the Central American country, as a sign of "its strong dissatisfaction", reported Thursday the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) of Taiwan. Last ...
De reunión participaron, Erya Villarreal, secretaria General, Anaris Cedeño, jefa de la Oficina de Política Comercial y Xu Jiaping, por China.
O Índice de Preços ao Consumidor Amplo 15 (IPCA-15), que mede a prévia da inflação oficial, registrou variação de 0,69% em março deste ano. A taxa é inferior ao 0,76% ...
China’s foreign ministry rebuffed claims made by U.S. lawmakers at a hearing on Thursday that TikTok could be a tool of surveillance for the Chinese government.
Five Chinese nationals were taken away last Monday, and the company, which does corporate investigations, and its law firm have been unable to contact them.
Four more countries followed China's example and resumed the import of Brazilian beef, informed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Thursday (March 23). Itamaraty did not report which countries. It only informed, in a note, that six nations continue to block the product: Bahrain, Kazakhstan, Qatar, Iran, Russia, and Thailand. ...
Samsung Electronics Executive Chairman Lee Jae-yong on Thursday arrived in Beijing to attend a high-profile corporate summit this weekend, according to industry sources Friday. It is the first time in three years for the de facto leader of Samsung Gr
L’aumento del costo del lavoro cinese e un rischio geopolitico più elevato a causa della guerra in Ucraina spingono gli industriali a preferire l’India, il Messico o il Vietnam come sedi dei loro impianti. La globalizzazione sta cambiando volto. Leggi
By João Pinheiro Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva leaves March 26 for his official visit to China, where he will stay for almost a week, until March 31. This will be the third foreign trip in his third term, following the trip to Argentina and Uruguay in January ...
Per contrastare l’influenza statunitense nel mondo, la Cina deve continuare a sostenere la Russia. Ma se vuole rilanciare la sua economia non può rischiare di rompere con l’Europa Leggi
SET-listed WHA Corporation, the country's largest developer of built-to-suit logistics facilities, is calling for the next government to take advantage of more foreign investment, especially from China, to boost technology transfers and local employment.
O Ministério da Agricultura e Pecuária informou que o governo chinês decidiu nesta quinta-feira (23) suspender o embargo à carne bovina brasileira. A decisão, segundo a pasta, foi tomada após ...
SINGAPORE: Investors hoping to cash in on a boom in Chinese travel after nearly three years of coronavirus pandemic lockdowns are shifting into airports, hotels and duty-free operators and away from airlines subject to fluctuating fuel prices and more intense competition.
By Alexandre Garcia Brazilian Minister of Agriculture Carlos Fávaro is already leading the agribusiness business people in China in preparation for Lula's visit. At this moment, the members of the Brazilian agribusiness delegation, who arrived this Tuesday in China, are already working in Beijing. I was there during a mission ...
The cost of business travel to Bangkok has risen moderately by 4%, making it the 24th most expensive destination in Asia, while Singapore ranks second after Hong Kong this year, says ECA International (ECA).
A nova regra fiscal terá um regime de transição para repor perdas da educação e da saúde após a entrada em vigor do teto de gastos, disse na noite desta ...
As despesas com saúde e educação não deverão ficar de fora da nova regra fiscal que substituirá o teto de gastos, disse nesta terça-feira (21) o líder do governo no Congresso ...
On the second day of the Chinese leader’s state visit in Moscow, Xi Jinping and Vladimir V. Putin declared an enduring economic partnership, in an effort to insulate their countries from punitive Western measures.
Tutte le informazioni a disposizione dell’amministrazione saranno rese pubbliche, compresi i legami con il laboratorio di Wuhan
Flights between Thailand and China on Spring Airlines have recovered to 50% of pre-pandemic levels and are expected to resume normal frequencies this year, aided by high demand and a forecast of 5% Chinese GDP growth.