Vai alla Scheda Paese »Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.
— Pele
Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.
— Pele
Em mais um dia de turbulência no mercado financeiro, o dólar subiu pela quarta sessão consecutiva e voltou a aproximar-se de R$ 5,60. A bolsa de valores caiu mais uma vez e continua no menor nível em um ano. O dólar comercial encerrou esta quinta-feira (18) vendido a R$ 5,57, com ...
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Ana María Choquehuanca, president of the Association of Small Business Associations of Peru (Pyme Perú), said this Thursday that micro and small enterprises (MSEs) are still affected by the consequences of COVID-19, and that many of them have gone into informality, for which a reactivation ...
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - After two simultaneous raids in Lambaré, Jimmy Alberto Páez Giret (46), a lawyer by profession, who was disqualified from practicing law, was arrested. The man was now arrested for being implicated in the murder of the German citizen Bernard Von Bredow and his teenage daughter ...
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The United States Meat Importers Council (MICA) announced that members of its organization agree that a free trade agreement should be concluded between the United States and Uruguay to improve access of Uruguayan meat to their country, according to the South American country's National Meat ...
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Opposition groups in Bolivia continue to exert pressure on the government of Luis Arce, who has yielded to the repeal of a controversial law to stop a 9-day strike, and now faces new demands to repeal another, recently enacted. Law 1407, also called 'Plan de ...
Il primo ministro indiano Narendra Modi revoca una contestata riforma del mercato agricolo, la Bielorussia comincia a rimpatriare i migranti in Iraq, aumenta la deforestazione in Brasile. Leggi
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Minister of Economics and Finance, Pedro Francke, highlighted yesterday that the confidence of international markets in Peru is maintained and that there is also a positive change in the mood of local investors. He referred that the country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) continues to ...
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Amid the suspension of Brazilian meat exports to China, the Brazilian Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply, Tereza Cristina, announced that the Russian government will open a quota of 300,000 tons of meat with zero import tariffs for six months, a market that can be ...
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Chile's foreign debt increased by US$ 19.025 billion during the third quarter compared to the previous one, reaching a total of US$ 233.155 billion, which is equivalent to 81.3% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). As explained in this morning's Central Bank report, the increase ...
RIO DE JANEIRO BRAZIL - Pro Santa Cruz Civic Committee chairman and one of the strike's main promoters Rómulo Calvo announced the suspension of the strike but warned that "the struggle must continue." Activities progressively returned to normal in Bolivia after opposition sectors, traders and transport operators lifted a strike ...
O Comitê Executivo de Gestão (Gecex) da Câmara de Comércio Exterior (Camex), do Ministério da Economia, aprovou a redução de impostos cobrados sobre a importação de absorventes e fraldas. Para os dois itens, a alíquota caiu de 12% para 10%. A Camex também aprovou a diminuição do Imposto de Importação sobre um ...
A Caixa paga hoje (18) o Auxílio Brasil para beneficiários com Número de Inscrição Social (NIS) com final 2. O valor médio do benefício é de R$ 217,18. As datas seguirão o modelo do Bolsa Família, que pagava os beneficiários nos dez últimos dias úteis do mês. Ontem (17), os primeiros ...
O governo federal qualificou oito terminais portuários para serem outorgados à iniciativa privada por meio do Programa de Parcerias de Investimentos (PPI). O decreto, assinado pelo presidente em exercício Hamilton Mourão, foi publicado hoje (18) no Diário Oficial da União. Em nota, a Secretaria-Geral da Presidência explicou que, com a medida, ...
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Concern with the supply of grain in Brazil continues dominating business. Frosts and dry weather have compromised the 2022/23 Brazilian crop, which due to the positive biennial should be larger than for 2021/22. Rabobank forecasts a harvest of 63.5 million sacks for the season (42 ...
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - "The problem will not be low growth, the problem will be resilient inflation. Inflation will probably be a little bit higher than you are projecting, but so will growth. I don't make forecasts, I joke about forecasts, about wrong ones," the Minister said while taking ...
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Ecuador puts all its hopes on the "Open for Business 2021" forum, the first of international scope organized by the Government of Guillermo Lasso and in which some 700 businessmen will participate in person and virtually more than 1,500. The event, which will be held ...
Trabalhadores informais e inscritos no Cadastro Único para Programas Sociais do Governo Federal (CadÚnico) nascidos em novembro podem sacar, a partir de hoje (18), a sétima parcela do auxílio emergencial 2021. O dinheiro foi depositado nas contas poupança digitais da Caixa Econômica Federal em 30 de outubro. Os recursos também poderão ...
As incertezas em relação à Proposta de Emenda à Constituição (PEC) dos Precatórios e a aversão ao risco no exterior fizeram o mercado ter um dia tenso. O dólar subiu pela terceira sessão seguida, continuando acima de R$ 5,50. A bolsa de valores caiu para o menor nível em pouco ...
A resiliência da inflação será o grande problema da economia brasileira em 2022, disse hoje (17) o ministro da Economia, Paulo Guedes. Segundo ele, as previsões de baixo crescimento para o próximo ano podem não se confirmar, com os mais pessimistas do mercado se surpreendendo com as previsões de crescimento ...
Para ministro da Economia, as previsões do mercado são pessimistas. "Vamos ver o que vai acontecer", disse em evento do Bradesco
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The director of international affairs and corporate risk management of the Central Bank (BC), Fernanda Guardado, said yesterday that the monetary authority does not work with a stagflation scenario for the Brazilian economy. She said that "many people" predict a recession next year, based on ...