Vai alla Scheda Paese »Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.
— Pele
Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.
— Pele
The Brazilian government has fined Facebook for sharing data on more than 400,000 users of the platform with a political marketing firm hired by former U.S. President Donald Trump. Facebook shared information on 443,000 Brazilians with Cambridge Analytica when that political marketing firm was working for the former U.S. president, ...
From September 4th to 9th, the Israelis will get to know a little more about Brazil. Casa Brasil Israel, an initiative of ApexBrasil, promotes the country's image abroad to boost exports and attract investments. In partnership with the Brazilian Embassy in Tel Aviv, they will bring together Brazilian companies that ...
The Argentine government will impose restrictions to discourage imports in the coming days and protect its reserves, according to people with direct knowledge of the matter. The authority aims to avoid losing more dollars after the national statistics agency reported, on . . . To read the full NEWS and ...
A estratégia da Fed e do BCE para a inflação e o impacto da falta de gás natural na economia europeia são os temas em análise esta semana. André Cabrita-Mendes, subdiretor do JE, e Marco Silva, consultor de estratégia e investimento, juntam-se a Mário Martins, administrador da ActivTrades Brasil.
O juiz Fernando Viana, da 7ª Vara Empresarial do Rio, homologou, em leilão realizado nessa segunda-feira (22), a compra de 8 mil torres de telefonia fixa da operadora Oi. A vencedora foi a empresa NK 108 Empreendimentos e Participações S.A., afiliada da Highline Brasil. O valor da compra, R$ 1,697 bilhão, havia ...
Brazil will set another record in its agricultural economy this year with the largest grain harvest in history. It was helped considerably by the so-called "safrinha" of corn. The "safrinha," which used to be considered a secondary crop to cover the ground, gained importance as production became more demanding and ...
Former Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (2003-2011) said the trade agreement between the European Union (EU) and Mercosur is "not valid" and must be renegotiated because it does not take into account his country's interests. Lula da Silva reiterated that there is no need to rush to negotiate ...
Apesar da turbulência no mercado internacional, o dólar fechou praticamente estável, após encostar em R$ 5,20 no fim da manhã. O destaque foi o euro, que passou a valer menos que a moeda norte-americana pela primeira vez em 20 anos. A bolsa de valores também caiu, puxada pela instabilidade nos ...
Uma proposta em discussão pela B3, operadora da bolsa de valores do Brasil, quer estabelecer regras para aumentar a diversidade de gênero e de representatividade em cargos de alta liderança nas empresas brasileiras. A proposta foi colocada em audiência pública na semana passada e pretende fazer com que as companhias listadas ...
Los datos provienen del Boletín Focus, que consulta semanalmente a un centenar de economistas de bancos e instituciones financieras.
Of the three regions with the highest percentage of GVA (gross production value), a type of agricultural GDP, President Jair Bolsonaro (PL) is numerically ahead in two: center-west (1st) and south (3rd). However, the difference is within the margin of error for each region. In the Southeast (2nd), former President ...
(Opinion) Brazilian federal police have asked the Supreme Court for approval to indict President Jair Bolsonaro for spreading false information and discouraging wearing a mask. The charges against Bolsonaro came a few days ago, just before the official opening of Brazil’s presidential campaign. Like Donald Trump, Bolsonaro, one of the ...
Latin America is quickly establishing itself as the global reference for how cryptocurrencies will affect people's daily lives in the coming years. All eyes are on El Salvador to see how it will affect the country's economy and people's standard of living, as in any country that adopts cryptocurrencies as ...
A Caixa Econômica Federal conclui o pagamento da parcela de agosto do Auxílio Brasil. Recebem hoje (22) os beneficiários com Número de Inscrição Social (NIS) de final 0. Essa é a primeira parcela com o valor mínimo de R$ 600. Conforme emenda constitucional promulgada em julho pelo Congresso Nacional, o novo valor valor vigorará até dezembro. A emenda ...
Brazil has increased exports to Arab countries and Israel under Jair Bolsonaro's government. Three years ago, when he took office, there were fears about the government's rapprochement with Israel due to the proposal to move the embassy from Tel Aviv, the international capital, to Jerusalem, which is still disputed with ...
Quase dois anos após o lançamento, a plataforma PagTesouro está cada vez mais disseminada no governo federal. Atualmente, 44 órgãos públicos aderiram ao sistema, que permite o pagamento de serviços públicos via Pix e cartão de crédito. Entre os serviços que podem ser pagos por meio eletrônico estão inscrições em concursos ...
As laranjas da espécie Citrus sinensis das variedades seleta, natal folha murcha e natal comum, produzidas nos limites dos municípios de Itaboraí, Tanguá, Rio Bonito e Araruama, em área total de cerca de 8.525 quilômetros quadrados (km²), no estado do Rio de Janeiro, são a centésima Indicação Geográfica (IG) reconhecida pelo Instituto Nacional ...
President Michel Temer signed into law on June 26, 2018, an agreement that allows Brazilian workers residing in the United States (U.S.) and U.S. workers working in Brazil to aggregate periods of Social Security contributions from the two countries to reach the minimum period required for retirement, in addition to ...
Argentina's Secretary (Deputy Minister) of Industry and Productive Development, José Ignacio de Mendiguren, today, Friday, highlighted the growth of industrial activity recorded last July, which was 3.5% year-on-year, despite the situation of financial instability. "July was a month of financial and exchange turbulence. Even so, the industry grew 3.5% in ...
Assembleia Geral de Acionistas da Petrobras, realizada nesta sexta-feira (19) no formato digital, elegeu, por maioria, oito novos nomes para compor o Conselho de Administração da empresa. Do total de membros aprovados, Caio Mario Paes de Andrade é o atual presidente da companhia desde junho passado. Foram aprovados também os nomes ...
De janeiro a julho, a participação dos aparelhos aptos a operar a nova tecnologia passou de 6,7% para 17,5% do volume total de vendas de smartphones