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Let us keep the lofty name of our Fatherland in glorious splendor conserved.
— National Anthem

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  • Bolivia: Exports rise 22.4% in February 2022

    RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Bolivian exports reached US$1.8 billion in February 2022, a figure higher by US$338 million (22.4%) than that recorded in the similar period of 2021, when they totaled US$1.5 billion, Bolivia's National Institute of Statistics (INE) reported. This behavior, they explain, is given by the favorable ...

  • Bolivian government launches economic reconstruction policy

    RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - On March 31, the Bolivian government announced the launching of an economic reconstruction program to maintain the sustained growth rates of 2021 in several sectors after hard years of economic contraction. The Minister of Economy, Marcelo Montenegro, said that after the Covid-19 pandemic, domestic investment ...

  • Unemployment decreased by 5.4% in Bolivia

    RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - On March 29, Bolivia's Economy and Public Finance Minister, Marcelo Montenegro, informed that unemployment in Bolivia was reduced to 5.4% in 2021. During the pandemic, this indicator reached 11.6%. "The unemployment rate as of December 2021 is at 5.4%. The rate of activity and participation ...

  • Hoy por hoy

    Los diputados siguen creando el escenario para que los alcaldes puedan, a su discreción, echar mano del dinero de los presupuestos municipales. Primero fue la propuesta del diputado Javier Sucre (PRD) de modificar la Ley 37 de 2009, de descentralización, a fin de que los municipios no solo reciban los ...

  • Bolivia: Central Bank projects economic growth of more than 5% in 2022

    RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Central Bank of Bolivia (BCB) presented on Tuesday, March 8, the Monetary Policy Report (MPR) corresponding to January 2022. This document highlights the recovery and stability of the Bolivian economy during last year. The presentation of the MPI was in charge of the president ...

  • Bolivia bases its defense against Chile over the Silala River on scientific studies

    RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Bolivian government assured on Wednesday, March 9, that its defense in the dispute with Chile at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague over the waters of the Silala is based on independent scientific studies. This position was made known by the ...

  • Bolivia: international cartels gain ground and produce drugs

    RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - International drug cartels are advancing in their incursion into Bolivia. They are gaining ground and now buy inputs in the country and produce and refine their own cocaine 'for export'. Every time the former Minister of Government, Carlos Romero, referred to the issue during the ...

  • Bolivian President inaugurates nuclear medicine center

    RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The president of Bolivia, Luis Arce, inaugurated on Sunday, March 6, the first nuclear medicine and radiotherapy center so that Bolivians can treat diseases such as cancer in the country and do not have to go to neighboring countries for treatment. The center is located ...

  • Veto to cryptocurrencies leaves Bolivia behind in economic digitalization

    RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Crypto-assets are banned in Bolivia to prevent "potential losses" among operators and holders; however, some sectors consider that this measure leaves the country "lagging behind" in the digitalization of its economy. The Central Bank of Bolivia (BCB) ratified the prohibition of the "use, commercialization, and ...

  • Bonds: Bolivia offers 7.5% interest rate until 2030 but does not finalize issuance

    RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Bolivian Government offered to pay an interest rate of 7.5% in a term of up to eight years to private investors interested in the repurchase and exchange of sovereign bonds for US$2 billion. A specialist assured that this interest rate is high and could ...

  • Bolivia and Russia negotiate energy agreement

    RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Bolivia confirmed that it is negotiating with Russia an agreement to execute oil and natural gas projects in this South American country. They . . . To read the full NEWS and much more, Subscribe to our Premium Membership Plan. Already Subscribed? Login Here Subscribe ...

  • Bolivia achieves record figure in sesame exports

    RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Bolivian Institute of Foreign Trade (IBCE) reported that, between 2020 and 2021, Bolivia exported 22,127 tons of sesame for a value of US$41 million, a record figure compared to previous years. According to a report of that entity, in 2020, the country sold to ...

  • Bolivia triples its electricity generation

    RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Bolivia tripled its electricity generation to strengthen its economy and consolidate the industrialization of natural resources such as lithium and iron, said the president of National Electricity Company (ENDE) Corporación, Marco Escobar. ENDE's president informed that the increase . . . To read the full ...

  • Bolivia will send 7.5 cubic meters of gas daily to Argentina for two months

    RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The state-owned oil company Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales Bolivianos (YPFB) will send 7.5 million cubic meters per day (MMmcd) of natural gas to Argentina for the next two months and is also working to reach a volume of 12 million cubic meters per day in winter. ...

  • Bolivia foresees increase in investments in energy sector

    RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Bolivian Minister of Hydrocarbons and Energy, Franklin Molina Ortiz, announced some of the actions and increases in investments to be carried out on Thursday 2022 to continue with the plan to revive the sector. The high official affirmed that he would increase the investment ...

  • Bolivia posted Latin America’s lowest inflation rate in 2021

    RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The government used figures to support the economic advances that place Bolivia third in economic growth in the region, the creation of around 1 million jobs, inflation of 0.9% - the lowest in the region-, the creation of new companies, trade surplus, poverty reduction and ...

  • Hoy por hoy

    Sendas iniciativas de la sociedad civil y de diputados independientes, para eliminar las licencias con sueldo de alcaldes y representantes de corregimiento tras ser electos, han sido presentadas ante la Asamblea Nacional, pero ninguna ha sido prohijada por la comisión legislativa de Asuntos Municipales, que preside el perredista Javier Sucre. ...

  • Bolivia’s international reserves plummet

    RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Bolivia closed last year with a 9.9% drop (US$524 million) in Net International Reserves (NIR). Financial assets fell from US$5.3 billion as of December 2020 to US$4.8 billion as of December 2021. This drop, of 9.9%, is the least abrupt recorded in the last four ...

  • Bolivian Vice Minister of Commerce says they are working hard with Peru to make Ilo a port alternative

    RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – The Vice Minister of Foreign Trade and Integration of the Bolivian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Benjamín Blanco, informed that his country’s government is working hard with its Peruvian counterpart to make Ilo an alternative port given the recurring problems that occur in the port of ...

  • Opposition threat hangs over one of the most important museums in Bolivia

    RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The city of Cochabamba is growing year after year, so concrete constructions are advancing in what used to be rural areas. Finding a free square meter in the urban center is increasingly difficult. For this reason, the mayor's office of Manfred Reyes Villa has set ...

  • Petrobras bate recorde de importação de gás natural liquefeito em 2021

    Com a compra de 23 milhões de metros cúbicos de gás natural liquefeito (GNL) por dia, a Petrobras atingiu, no ano passado, o recorde histórico de importação do insumo, superando o recorde anterior de 20 milhões de metros cúbicos por dia (m³/dia), registrado em 2014. O recorde diário ocorreu no dia ...

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