Vai alla Scheda Paese »Let us keep the lofty name of our Fatherland in glorious splendor conserved.
— National Anthem
Let us keep the lofty name of our Fatherland in glorious splendor conserved.
— National Anthem
Source: UN News Service Country: WorldPopulation growth means demand for food and water is set to double by 2050 but crop yields are projected to fall precipitously on drought affected, degraded land. More than 1.3 billion people are in this situation.17 June 2017 – With hundreds of millions of people around ...
L’Algérie occupe le 7e rang des pays importateurs de sucre dans le monde, avec des importations de l’ordre de 1,53 million de tonnes par an, a fait savoir l’Association internationale du sucre (ISO) dans son dernier rapport trimestriel. La Chine, l’Indonésie et les Etats-Unis sont les plus importantes nations importatrices ...
Las comisiones de trabajo debatirán temas como los principios y derechos fundamentales en el trabajo, empleo y trabajo decente para la transición a la paz y la resiliencia; migración laboral y la aplicación de normas.
O avião da companhia aérea boliviana LaMia, que caiu em 29 de novembro do ano passado quando seguia para Medellín, na Colômbia, com a equipe de futebol da Chapecoense, profissionais de imprensa e convidados a bordo, tinha seguro, mas este não pôde ser aplicado porque o piloto não informou que ...
Le secteur du commerce extérieur comptait 43 418 opérateurs en 2016 composés de 41 788 importateurs et de 1630 exportateurs, dont le nombre a augmenté de plus de 31% par rapport à 2015, relèvent des statistiques obtenues par l’APS auprès du Centre national du registre du commerce (Cnrc). Sur les ...
Rogelio Cruz, presidente de la UNPAP, considera que al estabilizarse la producción nacional reduce las importaciones se incrementa la generación de riqueza en el interior del país, se reduce la migración de campesinos a la ciudad y se estabiliza la paz social que ya no hay.
Source: Human Rights Watch Country: Brazil, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)Medicine, basic medical supplies, and even food are in such short supply that many Venezuelans cannot feed their families or get adequate medical care and are fleeing to Brazil.Regional Response Urgently Needed (Washington, DC) – Venezuela’s humanitarian crisis is spilling across its borders, ...
Evo Morales e le sue radicali riforme di stampo socialista hanno portato a risultati economici sorprendenti migliorando le condizioni della Bolivia ed incrementando il potere d'acquisto della popolazione latinoamericana. Attraversata dalla Cordigliera delle Ande e chiusa ai confini dall’abbraccio di Brasile, Perù, Cile, Argentina e Paraguay, la Bolivia è una repubblica ...
Source: UN Security Council Country: Democratic Republic of the CongoDespite progress in implementing the 2013 Peace, Security and Cooperation Framework, the persistent activities of illegal armed groups remain a major challenge to security in the region.SECURITY COUNCIL 7923RD MEETING (PM) SC/12792 12 APRIL 2017 Democratic Republic of Congo Representative Recounts Extradition of Ex-Fighters Africa’s ...
Source: UN Security Council Country: Cameroon, Chad, Niger, NigeriaThe Security Council adopted its first resolution addressing Boko Haram’s presence in the region, expressing concern about the protection needs of civilians affected by terrorism.SC/12773 SECURITY COUNCIL 7911TH MEETING (PM) Egypt Calls for Full Participation in Negotiations as Russian Federation Says Text ...
Dozens of German companies including Siemens attended meetings in Bolivia this week to discuss building a coast-to-coast railway through Brazil, Bolivia and Peru that could speed up the export of corn and soybeans to Asia, German and Bolivian officials said on March 22.
«C’est officiel, le processus de réouverture de l’usine de production des levures de Bouchegouf (wilaya de Guelma) est lancé. Des mesures sont en train d’être mises en œuvre pour faire aboutir des négociations au stade très avancé d’un partenariat avec la société Pakmaya du groupe turc Garipoglu, leader de production ...
La réunion interministérielle finale devant fixer les montants des produits soumis aux licences d’importation au titre de l’exercice 2017 se tiendra «en fin de cette semaine ou en début de la semaine prochaine». C’est ce qu’a annoncé, hier à Alger, le ministre de l’Habitat, de l’urbanisme et de la ville ...
Cevital agro-industrie filiale du groupe Cevital participera au Salon Gulfood 2017 de Dubaï, du 26 février au 2 mars, avec un stand à son enseigne valorisant l’ensemble de ses gammes : sucre, corps gras solides et liquides, ainsi que sa gamme MDD (marque de distributeur). Par cette participation, Cevital «veut ...
A l’ère des difficultés économiques, comment renforcer les échanges inter-africains et drainer les IDE. Quelle option privilégier ? L’enjeu de la participation aux élections a toujours été le principal souci des pouvoirs publics, qui nous ont habitués à multiplier les annonces. Pensez-vous que cela est possible pour la prochaine élection législative avec ...
Former Manchester United striker Dwight Yorke was "made to feel like a criminal" as he was denied entry to the United States. Yorke said he was prevented from entering the USA due to an Iranian stamp on his passport having represented the 'World Stars' in a charity match against 'Iranian Stars' in Tehran ...
Source: UN Security Council Country: Ukraine, WorldThe recent dangerous uptick in fighting seen in eastern Ukraine has left hundreds of thousands of civilians at risk of losing all access to water, heat and electricity, the Security Council heard on 2 February.SC/12704 SECURITY COUNCIL 7876TH MEETING (PM) Members hear from political, humanitarian affairs chiefs, head ...
Source: UN Security Council Country: Syrian Arab RepublicAfter describing Syria's grim humanitarian situation in a briefing today, they also urged sustained action by the Security Council to maintain the ceasefire and end the conflict.SECURITY COUNCIL 7870TH MEETING (AM) SC/12694 26 JANUARY 2017 Describing reports of severe suffering, starvation and ...
(Teleborsa) - Saipem si è aggiudicata nuovi contratti e l'estensione di accordi esistenti nell'ambito della perforazione onshore in Arabia Saudita, Marocco, Bolivia e Argentina per un...
Aún se mantienen otros recursos judiciales, pero Erkoreka destaca que es un primer paso clave