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  • Marketing Internazionale

    La Trans-Pacific Partnership tra commercio e nuovi equilibri geopolitici

    La portata dell'accordo raggiunto il 5 ottobre ad Atlanta negli Stati Uniti dopo un’estenuante, decisivo e risolutivo round negoziale sulla Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) è rivoluzionaria, uno spartiacque le cui conseguenze interessano ed interesseranno non solo il commercio, ma gli stessi equilibri geopolitici presenti e futuri nella regione del Pacifico, con ...

  • 12 Giu Italian Wine And Food Festival

    Fiera in Australia che coinvolge il settore dell'agroalimentare italiano.Affianco a 200 tra i più noti vini italiani ci sarà anche la possibilità di assaggiare salumi, formaggi, pane, olio d’oliva e molto altro all’"Italian Food Market". Parteciperanno da Perth ristoratori italiani premiati dal governo italiano con il sigillo di qualità "Ospitalità Italiana".Lo ...

  • Korea, Australia team up to tackle business regulations

    The Korean and Australian governments met Friday in Seoul to discuss repealing business regulations to boost their econo

  • Australia business confidence gets no lift from rate cut: NAB

    [SYDNEY] A measure of Australian business confidence fell to its lowest since late 2013 in February as a cut in interest rates seemingly failed to dispel uncertainty over the economy and government policy.

  • Australia to step up probes in to illegal foreign home buyers

    [SYDNEY] Australia will be beefing up investigations into foreigners illegally buying residential properties, Treasurer Joe Hockey said on Wednesday, in a move seen as an attempt to cool one of the world's hottest property markets.

  • Australia economy finds spark of life in consumer spending

    [SYDNEY] Australia's economy grew moderately last quarter as a strong trade performance and the largest rise in consumer spending in almost three years helped offset softness elsewhere.

  • Australia clamps down on illegal foreign housing investment

    CANBERRA, Australia (AP) — Australian authorities are clamping down on wealthy foreigners illegally buying real estate, ordering a Chinese billionaire to sell a Sydney mansion he recently bought for $30 million. The billionaire, Hui Ka Yan, is chairman of Hong Kong-listed real estate developer Evergrande Real Estate Group, which is based ...

  • Australia GDP data set stage for rate cut

    Annual economic growth slows to 2.5% as confidence fades

  • Record Sydney home sales fuel bubble fears

    SYDNEYSIDERS wanting to sell their homes have never had it easier. The proportion of successful house auctions in Australia's largest city was above 80 per cent at the weekend for the fourth week in a row. That is the longest stretch on record and highlights the potential consequences of ...


    I “Magnifici Quattro” rappresentano il sogno di molte persone quando si parla del futuro formativo e lavorativo. C’è chi cerca il lavoro nella Silicon Valley nel settore IT oppure vuole frequentare un’università rinomata della East Coast; chi invece punta su Vancouver e un lavoro stagionale; chi vuole professionalizzarsi con lo ...

  • Australia business investment at 3yr low, outlook tough

    [SYDNEY] Australian business investment fell to a three-year low last quarter as miners retrenched in the face of sliding commodity prices, a black mark for the economy that adds to the case for further cuts in interest rates.

  • Australia plans fees for foreign buyers

    SYDNEY — Australia plans to charge fees to foreign nationals buying residential property and fine those who break foreign investment laws in an attempt to cool one of the world's hottest property markets, but experts doubt it will make housing more affordable.

  • Foreign buyers no longer have free run in Australia

    Plans afoot to impose stiff fees on overseas buyers of residential properties

  • Western Australia's mining boom ebbs along with China's economy

    Joe Norton, a large man with a sun-burnt face, digs into a plate full of beef, potatoes, carrots and Brussels sprouts at Searipple, a mobile-home camp in Australia's western frontier.

  • Crystal Palace captain Mile Jedinak injured on Australia duty

    Crystal Palace captain Mile Jedinak faces a race to be fit for Australia after sustaining an ankle injury in their opening Asian Cup game. Jedinak, 30, scored a penalty in the Socceroos’ 4-1 win against Kuwait in Melbourne on Friday but twisted his left ankle during the first half. Television pictures in ...

  • Netflix Australia open for business on March 31: report

    US streaming service likely to reveal a three-tiered pricing system with entry-level service set to cost $9.99.

  • Dexus buys Sydney business park

    THE wealthy Mitchell family has sold the Lakes Business Park in South Sydney to Dexus Property Group for $153.5 million.

  • Marketing Internazionale

    Australia: opportunità agli antipodi per chi sa guardare lontano

    L'Australia é abitata da circa 40.000 anni, ma gli europei ne ignorarono l’esistenza fino al XVII secolo, quando nel 1606 il navigatore olandese Willem Janszoon, scoprì il "nuovissimo continente".   Con l'arrivo - nel 1770 - dell'allora tenente di marina del Regno Unito, James Cook, i due terzi orientali del paese vennero reclamati dal Regno Unito ...

  • Australia’s economy slows as private investment weakens

    Economy expanded by 0.3 per cent in the three months to September, down from 0.5 per cent in the previous quarter

  • Australia's economy slows as private investment weakens

    Australia's economy slowed more than expected in the third quarter, dragged down by falling private investment, data showed Wednesday, in another sign of the nation's rocky transition away from mining-led growth.

  • Australia mulls tighter foreign property investment rules

    Chinese investment is a sensitive issue in Australia where rural politicians have argued against selling valuable farm and mineral land to foreigners

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